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The Introduction Thread

Started by Concerto No.20 in D minor, March 18, 2008, 08:51:25 PM

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Quote from: Vallu on August 22, 2013, 02:58:45 PMHi, I'm Vallu. I'm a 16 year old Nintendofanboy from Finland. I love music, especially music from Nintendo games. That's why this site is so awesome. I also like to watch anime. My favourite anime is One Piece.

This site is about piano notes, right? Well, I don't even have a piano and I can't even read piano notes. I do have a keyboard and I play it sometimes. I can only play melodies of some nintendo songs and I can learn them by myself. That's why I haven't had the need for notes. But I'd like to learn to play with the left hand too and I'd love to learn to read piano notes. I just don't have enough money to take piano lessons and I usually spend my money on games anyway. I don't know if it's possible for me to learn to read piano notes for free by myself. If there is a good tutorial, please link it. I'm more than interested. :)

My friend (also a Nintendo fan) haves a piano (I sometimes play his piano too) and he takes piano lessons. He found this site when he was looking for ACNL notes and that's how I got here. I should spend more of my time on learning to play piano but I spend all my free time on playing games instead. I think I have a good sense of rhythm since I like rhythm and music games a lot and I'm pretty good in them too. Knowing how to play piano well and knowing how to read piano notes is one of my dreams. This site gave me a lot of motivation to start practising, so thanks. Even if I can't play piano, I can still get along, right?

Oh, I like to play drums and other instruments too but I'm mostly interested in piano. Sorry for the long introduction. It may have some typos since I'm still not very good in English.
You should learn to read music, it's one of the most basic and fundamental thing needed to start to understand music (not to mention get a huge access to crazy amount of pieces). Reading sheet music: and

As for learning piano, here's the best book on the subject (ofc, you need to follow things and practice, not just read ;)):

And finally, welcome!


Name's John, as you can tell. Been playing piano ever since I was 7, and was something of a child prodigy (now that I'm 17, I'm just a dang good pianist  :P). My earliest memories are of me playing Diddy Kong Racing and Starfox on the N64, and I've been partial to Nintendo. Being classically trained, I never paid much attention to arranging and playing by ear. In the classical world, the sheet music is God, no matter how dry. Improvisation and interpretation and fun are big no-no's. Why? I have no idea. Some scholarly bullcrap, I guess. Doesn't stop me, anyway  8) My favorite game soundtrack is probably Banjo Kazooie or Starfox or SM64. Good memories, good games, and good music all around.

I'm mainly a pianist, but I diddle around on the organ/keyboard, uke, xylo, and drums every now and then. I also used to play cello, but that was back in 4th grade and I don't remember any of it.


Welcome John! Hope you enjoy your time here and hopefully you'll stick around for a while!
"Today's goal strongly involves not dying. Because nobody likes to wake up dead."

My Arrangements
Finale Version(s): Finale Notepad 2012, Finale 2012, Finale v26


Hey guys! I'm greenflower999, Blue's little sister. You guys can call me Green if you want. I love music (classical, even though everyone in my grade thinks I'm nuts), and the Zero Escape games. I've watched Doctor Who, MLP, and Haruhi Suzumiya, so I guess I'll fit right in. I'm a swimmer and a nerd. I play cello and piano (but I'm way better at cello), and I've heard a lot about you guys from my brother. So...yeah that me.  ;D

Blueflower's little sister :)


And the moral of the story: Quit while you're a head.

Fakemon Dex
NSM Sprite Thread
Story Thread
The Dread Somber


Hi Blue's sister! Nice avatar ;)
I like food.


^This, though I dont exactly agree with the pictures caption...*cough*


I have to agree with Bubbles. While 9 was fantastic, I greatly prefer 11.
I like food.


I totally didn't tell her to put that as the caption.
Bulbear! Blueflower999



Not sure if Blue has told you about me, but you can thank me for liking Zero Escape ;) /only slightly exaggerating

They're great games.

Also A+ on Haruhi
Quote from: Tobbeh99 on April 21, 2016, 02:56:11 PM
Fuck logic, that shit is boring, lame and does not always support my opinions.


Quote from: SlowPokemon on September 16, 2013, 03:51:55 PMNot sure if Blue has told you about me, but you can thank me for liking Zero Escape ;) /only slightly exaggerating

They're great games.

Also A+ on Haruhi

Oh gosh yes! He talks about you all the time! But you should become a whovian too...

Blueflower's little sister :)


greenflower999 is my new second favourite member.

I bet she's a Magical Girl.


You know, it's strange when family members come to the forums because its as if they already know us and we already know them.

But don't out step your bounderies, young miss. You still must earn your frivolity.
Try to do everything; you're bound to succeed with at least one.