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Official NSM Theme Song Contest (THERE IS A RULE CHANGE!)

Started by Sirus, March 17, 2008, 08:40:25 AM

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Can i enter the contest? i'll start working on one!


if you can finish it by April 19th great
but im sorry but the deadline is April 19

IF you finish by April 19 it will be part of the contest but if you give it to me after the deadline it will not be part of the contest
sorry  :-\


Oh yeah
rule changes
i decided you can add a little game music
as a last minute 25 second (no more than 25) filler for those of you who are fumbling to finish the song up


damn commies.


ill be taking one day late songs
but send them to me by April 20th 5PM Central Daylights Savings Time
this will give you last minute corrections and wrapping the song up
THank you and please send them to me plz!


What Happened to my post?

Anyways, since we can add a little game music, I made an awsome Zelda II Remix.



3 things
1) is that the theme song b/c if it is it has too much game music (MAXIMUM 25 seconds) even if it is a remix
2) did you make a piano MUS
3) you should have PM'ed it too me

im giving you guys a extra day
please send it to me by tomorrow 5 PM CENTRAL daylights savings time

Beethoven II


wow i didnt get thatmuch


is that all the submissions?
if it is ill start the poll
tell me now b4 i start the polls!


Quote from: Beethoven II on April 20, 2008, 05:54:00 PMWhen are the results coming in?
the poll hasnt started yet b/c i got more submissions....


i mean i got 4 submissions

and ill start the poll b/c no one is responding if there are any more
4 submissions
gonna be a tough one!


We don't have that many arrangers anyway, so 4 sounds like it's enough.
(And do we really have to say, "you're twenty minutes over the deadline. You cannot submit."?)

Awesome remix, PianoMasta.
Even when everyone else has gone,
I will punch the punching bag until a game comes on. XD

10 years later. Still Brawling!


Pianomasta do you have a higher quality version? Just what did you do to it!? :D This is the most lossless mp3 I have ever heard. It seems lifeless. It's 10x worse than youtube's audio quality. Agh my ears.


Quote from: Brawler4Ever on April 21, 2008, 05:12:21 PMWe don't have that many arrangers anyway, so 4 sounds like it's enough.
(And do we really have to say, "you're twenty minutes over the deadline. You cannot submit."?)

Awesome remix, PianoMasta.

what do you mean?
and i miscounted i counted PianoMasta (it cant be counted b.c it has too much video game music in there, limit up to 25 sec)
so there are 3 submssions