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Nintendo 3DS

Started by pumpy_heart, April 27, 2010, 03:16:05 PM

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The DSi XL was $189.99

And Black and White will be about $34.99
Quote from: Tobbeh99 on April 21, 2016, 02:56:11 PM
Fuck logic, that shit is boring, lame and does not always support my opinions.


It's clearly too expensive, and the lowest the US price would be is $250, which is still too expensive.

Just wait for the sales 2011 holiday season or for the next model + price drop.

me irl


No way I'm waiting an extra nine months to play Legend of Zelda 3D, Animal Crossing 3D, or Mario Kart 3D.

I'll get ripped off, thank you very much. :P

Wow, I'm an idiot. :(
Quote from: Tobbeh99 on April 21, 2016, 02:56:11 PM
Fuck logic, that shit is boring, lame and does not always support my opinions.

The Deku Trombonist

$250 too expensive? $35 for a DS Game? Man you're lucky. Here, pretty much all DS games are like AU$70 on release. And when you take into account the exchange rate, we're being taken for a massive ride.

I'm hoping the 3DS doesn't cost more than the Wii as you said, seeing as the Wii was $400 on release and still sells for around just under $300. People are going to go broke buying the 3DS. But oh, they're already in the ditch from the last lot of consoles :P

I think I'll just end up leeching off someone else's when they're bored with it.

Quote from: SlowPokemon on September 29, 2010, 04:32:08 PMNo way I'm waiting an extra nine months to play Legend of Zelda 3D, Animal Crossing 3D, or Mario Kart 3D.
We have to wait like nine months after you anyway because Australians are just that far backward lol


I'm just going to start saving now. The amount of functionality and software coming out is really above and beyond any other release of late. I will agree that $250 is a lot, but I'm positive that it will be more than worth it down the road. I can't wait for my Paper Mario and Mario Kart and Ocarina of Time (which I still haven't finished on the 64).

Deku, it sucks about Australia's game policy. I've heard stories all across the internet of overpriced, censored, or just plain banned games down there. Maybe you can just import, but that might cost too much as well. Hopefully they can get things fixed eventually. Anyway, good luck.
Guitar and video games.


Deku: well it just sucks to be Australian then with your monopoly money and conservative asshats blocking games.

me irl


HEY! Aussie money is COOL... its plastic and colorful. We probably have the blandest money in the world...

And it isn't the "conservative asshats" blocking the games... its the dumb NOJ/NOA people who are extremely lazy to convert the NTSC NA games into the PAL Oceania games... Europe is the same way.

EDIT: For all you Aussies out there... KIWIS FUCKING SUCK!



You have no idea what I'm talking about.  You are silly.  I'm assuming this is because you're a fanboy and have never heard of or played any non-Nintendo games?

me irl

The Deku Trombonist

I'm not 100% sure about what Kefka meant by monopoly money, but he's certainly correct about the "conservative asshats" who are behind games being refused classification.


I like Australian Money!! (although i don't get why the $2 coin is smaller than the 1$ coin)
Australian Game policy is pretty bad though, i have to admit. Most of the time for limited editions of games we don't get all the stuff the Americans do!
if 3DS is around $300 U.S. - That's probably around $450 Australian Money!!!!!!!!!!! I'm probably not getting it.


I was being sarcastic as the value of the Australian dollar is rather low.

me irl


Quote from: KefkaticFanatic on September 29, 2010, 10:22:23 PMI'm assuming this is because you're a fanboy and have never heard of or played any non-Nintendo games?

What's wrong with Nintendo? They have the best games ever, far better than any Sony or Microsoft game I've ever played. Just because you hate Super Mario Galaxy and the rest doesn't mean the remainder of us do.
Quote from: Tobbeh99 on April 21, 2016, 02:56:11 PM
Fuck logic, that shit is boring, lame and does not always support my opinions.


I've played non-nintendo games

Crash Bandicoot, Gran Turismo, Spyro, MediEvil, Resident Evil and a bunch of other PS1/PS2 games I didn't bring with me... Oh, I've played some non-nintendo James Bond games.

I side with Nintendo from a business standpoint

You see, Sony and Microsoft (and now Apple in a way) have their feet in other doors: the computer, the home entertainment, the portable music player and the server industries (just to name a few)... Nintendo only produces video games and vg systems... that's where ALL their profit comes from... then you see their profit being cannibalized by Apple and their LOUSY GAME CENTER APP... (Apple is just a company that just wants to make money... and the SEC still hasn't really uncovered anything, but they sell their products for over 10% PROFIT (not revenue), unlike what the SEC calls "not ripping off the consumers" with 5-9% profit... Amazon sells things for less, because they make a .5-3% profit because they buy in bulk (therefore cheaper)...

Anyways, Nintendo has much more to lose than Sony or Microsoft if Apple begins to steal away customers from the Big Three, though Microsoft caters to teens and young adults, as well as Sony (who launched a marketing campaign to market to Nintendo's audience, the family)... anyways that was my two cents

Also there was an article in this morning's WSJ about Nintendo and their prices of systems over the years... it was pretty cool (and they touched on the cannibalization problem, too)... Oh, and the Canadian Dollar is almost 1:1 with the US dollar... uh oh!


Actually, Nintendo is more about making money as well. xD

But I think its games are more fun.
Quote from: Tobbeh99 on April 21, 2016, 02:56:11 PM
Fuck logic, that shit is boring, lame and does not always support my opinions.


Yeah, I've stuck with Nintendo all my life. I wouldn't mind having a 360, but honestly, you can't get another experience anything like what Nintendo puts out. There's a reason they have so many beloved franchises, and it's not just because they've been around the longest, just look at SEGA. The fact that a game like Smash Bros can exist also shows Nintendo's depth. No other company can claim to have that kind of versatility to draw on.

The fact that they continue to release great first-party titles year after year is a testament to how great they are at their job. The reason they can make so much money is because they make products worth buying.

But if you're looking for third-party software, you should probably look elsewhere. But, it looks like the 3DS could change that trend. It's got some of the best launch support I've ever seen. That WSJ article did show a reduced profits forecast, so hopefully the strong support behind the 3DS will bring them back up out of their slump. I'll also do my part by buying Kirby and Donkey Kong this fall.
Guitar and video games.