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Nintendo 3DS

Started by pumpy_heart, April 27, 2010, 03:16:05 PM

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Quote from: SlowPokemon on September 30, 2010, 08:53:58 AMWhat's wrong with Nintendo? They have the best games ever, far better than any Sony or Microsoft game I've ever played. Just because you hate Super Mario Galaxy and the rest doesn't mean the remainder of us do.
inb4 someone says something about you being a stupid little fanboy who has nothing else better to do than to praise Nintendo for the shit games they make 60% of the time.

Oh wait. I just did.


Quote from: SlowPokemon on September 30, 2010, 10:34:00 AMActually, Nintendo is more about making money as well. xD

But I think its games are more fun.

Every huge corporation is about making money... but what do you do to explain to shareholders and consumers when your profit margins are over 15%... making profit is a good thing, and they make money because they sell a lot, and that does add up to larger profit, but Nintendo is still producing more. Nintendo was actually losing money on the Wii when it first came out and Demand was at an all time high for the system. I remember when the original DS came out and there wasn't as much hype as there was with the Wii. Anyways, Nintendo makes about 82% of their profits from the games themselves, and the rest comes from royalties and some profitable game systems (like the original DSi). Nintendo is reducing their profit margins because of the cannibalization issues, and hopefully all this built up hype won't lead to a failed product (kinda like the iPad in some instances... Apple had so much room to make it better... which leads me to my next "rant")

Apple released frivolous items (like the iPod Touch for the Elderly... AKA iPad) that really was made to 1)Direct media attention to them 2) make a product that people don't necessarily need... you would be better off buying a mac or you could get a decent BRAND NEW Dell Laptop/Desktop for what you shell out for one. Apple does make a lump-sum from the iPad, yet the majority of their profit comes from AT&T contracts attached to iPhones as well as Mac computers (which make 9-14% profit, depending on what type of mac it is)....

Anyways, heading back to the 3DS, Nintendo fell into a small slump between major game system releases... Luckily for Nintendo, with the record Pokémon release and some great titles to come before the Holiday Season (and some even after), they will be able to hold out nicely until the 3DS comes out in the Spring!

I think that's it.


There are horrendous amounts of stupid in this thread that make me want to take a brick to my monitor.

I'm saying that you're so terribly uninformed that you don't know about the deal with Australia having a hard time getting 18+ games in the country as the highest rating they have is 15+ or so.

Fucking morons.

me irl


Give us a break, KF, we can't all be as intelligent as you.
Quote from: Tobbeh99 on April 21, 2016, 02:56:11 PM
Fuck logic, that shit is boring, lame and does not always support my opinions.


An ad in the newspaper this morning said the 3DS will be $300 released in February.


Can you please just attempt to read other posts?

It will be released in Japan in February for a price equal to around $300.  This doesn't necessarily mean that it will be released in the US for that price, as they have priced things lower in the US before.  Also, the US release is in March.

Slow: It's not that fucking hard.  If you actually read things and pay attention, you would know exactly what is going on and not ramble about bullshit.

me irl


Sorry Kefka, I read everything, though I just wanted to inform you that THIS morning the newspaper said exactly that, about the US, so no offense an any way whatsoever but I figured I would just express my observations.


Yes, but the problem here is that whatever paper you are reading is quite misinformed, unless Nintendo decided to be wrong in their press event and not tell anyone except some obscure newspaper and for that news to not reach any major game news blogs or outlets.

me irl


You're probably right, I live in a small town. Every bit of input can help though, just trying to help.


If you wanted to try and give new info, at least link to the source instead of being all "hey this paper says its gonna be here now at this price"

me irl


I just support business practices!!! That's why I ramble on (great zeppelin song!)

They could be the same release date (unless that's been disproven)


ok Kefka, Ill go to Starbucks tomorrow pick up the same paper, either scan in the page itself, or link you to the source of the paper's site and the article.

Happy yet???

KefkaticFanatic doesn't have an online version?

Wow, it must suck to live where you do.

drp: Nintendo specifically said it was going to be released in March on a currently unannounced date for an unspecified price for the US and Europe.

me irl


You're kidding right? I just said in that post i could give you the site, although there was a slew of newspaper at the shop, so I'd have to go check. (forgot which one)

And no, I love this place, I have 6 mountains to snowboard at within 10 miles of my house. I love it!


k.  Well why didn't you just link it right then and there >.>

I blame this terribly boring text I have to read.

me irl