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Nintendo 3DS

Started by pumpy_heart, April 27, 2010, 03:16:05 PM

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me irl


Stop flaming?

I find this new innovation better than the newest innovations from Sony and Microsoft. It has nothing to do with being a fanboy. I like the hardware.


Yeah.  Totally not at all sounding like a fanboy.

me irl


Just lay off it for a while, Kefka.


Seriously.  He could at least acknowledge one of the obvious flaws.

me irl


Alot of things have obvious flaws, All I hope is that if i buy it, my R-L buttons will not break :)


Have you tried blowing them?

Seriously.  It works.  Cause the triggers build up dust and you blow it out.  But don't do it where anyone can see you :P

me irl


Hmm. i probably should've done that years ago when it started... damn


My L and R buttons always break, rofl.

Thanks KF, I have to try that.
Quote from: Tobbeh99 on April 21, 2016, 02:56:11 PM
Fuck logic, that shit is boring, lame and does not always support my opinions.


That never happened to me. Is it all on the GameBoy and DS systems, where this problem occurs?

"They say money makes the world go 'round. And what goes around, comes around" ~Rover


It only happens on my DSes
Quote from: Tobbeh99 on April 21, 2016, 02:56:11 PM
Fuck logic, that shit is boring, lame and does not always support my opinions.


HAppened to both my SP's too


never happened to me!  8)


I don't know about you guys, but I would have prefered a new console instead of 3DS. This console should include:
  *Full High Defenition
  *Better controllers (something better than playstations' move)
  *Option for wired internet connection
  *Ability to play Wii games (and possibly gamecube games too)
  *Fun games (not fps) that have the graphics of a Sony/Microsoft fps instead of crap like wii sports resort.

All of this would allow our favourite games - first party and third - to be playable in full hd, and then we could say
that nintendo's consoles at least rivals Microsoft and Sony consoles - and have better games (like a SSB 4 :D).
Sorry to tell you this nintendo, but we don't really care about 3D (except for fanboys). What we want is better graphics and gameplay.
If you manage to put 3D on TOP of that, then it would be acceptable.

And I would call this console  Nintendo Puu.  


My DS had its shoulder buttons screw up too. Also one of the hinges is broken, but since it's one of the original models I just attribute it to age and probably dropping it too many times.

About a new console: I remember Nintendo saying that they wanted a three-pillar model of business, the home console and two portables (GBA and DS). Since the Game Boy is certainly irrelevant by now, Nintendo has to rely on only two of their platforms now. They need to release new versions of both of them and it's not the Wii's time yet. Honestly, the DS was getting old and I don't play mine anymore. It is time for a new handheld from Nintendo. I don't care much about 3D either, but they did seriously bump up the graphics on it. Some of those trailers are seriously impressive and I am pretty excited about all the new stuff coming out.

The home console (Wii right now) is still going pretty strong. With Donkey Kong and Kirby and many more on the horizon, it's still got some legs left in it. Maybe next E3 we'll hear something about a new console, but I was thinking that for this year and was disappointed. It seems the game industry is finally breaking out of the 5-year lifecycle for consoles. There is absolutely no way Nintendo isn't working on a successor, it's just that it's not the right time to retire the Wii yet.

I don't care about High Definition graphics, but better controllers are a must, and I thought the Wii already had an option for a wired connection? As far as gameplay goes, that's been Nintendo's priority over graphics for quite a while now. So far their business model seems to be working as I haven't seen an "It prints money!" GIF for Sony or Microsoft yet, and those two seem to be copying Nintendo's motion control pretty much exactly because they know that Nintendo is making the most money right now. And to single out a game like Wii Sports Resort as an example of crap ignores the games on it that are good like Mario Galaxy. Granted there aren't that many, but if you're willing to look there really are a lot of good games. And Wii Sports Resort isn't exactly crap either. It is fun as hell. I don't care if it's a "casual" game, if I'm enjoying myself then it doesn't matter about the aesthetic or stigma with it. If it's a fun game, then it's a good game. Nintendo is worried about more important things than shiny HD graphics and that's why they're the most successful game company and the trendsetters for the motion control gameplay.

Phew! That was a long post!
Guitar and video games.