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ThatOneComposer writes music!

Started by ThatOneComposer, April 25, 2010, 08:37:17 PM

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@dahans: Thank you! :D
@GreekGeek: Yesss it's an apple product. And amazing one at that! Anyone who has a mac should definitely look into it. OR buy Logic. It's basically GarageBand on steroids :P
@bkfan: Thanks- thats exactly the feeling I wanted to create! It's nice to see another BK fan on here btw :)
@DekuTrombonist: Aww, thanks (:
@MaestroUGC: Haha thanks- well that's not necessarily a bad thing. :P
"Some people chose to follow their lover, some choose to follow their career. If you're ever wondering which to follow, just remember that your career won't wake up one day and tell you it doesn't love you anymore" - Stefani Germonatta


Quote from: ThatOneComposer on April 28, 2010, 08:33:57 PM@GreekGeek: Yesss it's an apple product. And amazing one at that! Anyone who has a mac should definitely look into it. OR buy Logic. It's basically GarageBand on steroids :P

I know, they use Logic on the Conservatory =)
I myself use Cubase and Sibelius.
Please make some more music, I've fallen in love with it =)


Haha I promise I will- and thanks btw! (:
"Some people chose to follow their lover, some choose to follow their career. If you're ever wondering which to follow, just remember that your career won't wake up one day and tell you it doesn't love you anymore" - Stefani Germonatta


Double post FTL. Don't copy me, I'm a bad example! :P Haha

Here's a new one: Sand Jungle Galaxy
Yup, I tackled a Super Mario Galaxy piece. Tell me what you think! :D
"Some people chose to follow their lover, some choose to follow their career. If you're ever wondering which to follow, just remember that your career won't wake up one day and tell you it doesn't love you anymore" - Stefani Germonatta


Try to do everything; you're bound to succeed with at least one.


"Some people chose to follow their lover, some choose to follow their career. If you're ever wondering which to follow, just remember that your career won't wake up one day and tell you it doesn't love you anymore" - Stefani Germonatta


I'm curious; is composing a possible future for you, or just a hobby?
Try to do everything; you're bound to succeed with at least one.


I'm planning to go to a music school once I graduate- so I definitely want it to be my future :) For now I guess it can only be considered a hobby.  :-\
"Some people chose to follow their lover, some choose to follow their career. If you're ever wondering which to follow, just remember that your career won't wake up one day and tell you it doesn't love you anymore" - Stefani Germonatta


Have you written anything that wasn't in another man's style?
Try to do everything; you're bound to succeed with at least one.


Wellll I thought the new piece I wrote was more of my own style- I just thought that it'd fit well in Super Mario Galaxy, so that's what I labled it as. Also, a lot of the songs I write (while in Kirkhope's style) tend to reflect a bit of myself. I just don't like to deviate too far away from the original sound because those songs are for an actually Banjo-Kazooie game.
"Some people chose to follow their lover, some choose to follow their career. If you're ever wondering which to follow, just remember that your career won't wake up one day and tell you it doesn't love you anymore" - Stefani Germonatta


I understand that, but I wouldn't label all of your music "in the style of this..." Try applying original titles for your works, like that lullaby you wrote a few days ago.
Try to do everything; you're bound to succeed with at least one.


True, True. I just didn't know what to label it as.

Plus, when I wrote that piece- i wasn't even thinking of Super Mario Galaxy. I was thinking of some fictional game of my own. I just felt that it seems like it could fit into SMG- so i gave it that label. I don't know if that makes much sense- I hope you get what I'm saying.
"Some people chose to follow their lover, some choose to follow their career. If you're ever wondering which to follow, just remember that your career won't wake up one day and tell you it doesn't love you anymore" - Stefani Germonatta


I understand, you just tread a very fine line. This is just one opinion from a critic; take it or leave it.
Try to do everything; you're bound to succeed with at least one.


So I take it you didn't like it all that much?

Which is fine if you didn't of course- I take into consideration any criticism or compliments I get.
"Some people chose to follow their lover, some choose to follow their career. If you're ever wondering which to follow, just remember that your career won't wake up one day and tell you it doesn't love you anymore" - Stefani Germonatta


It was good, I was just concerned with titles.
Try to do everything; you're bound to succeed with at least one.