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The future of NSM

Started by Cobraroll, April 10, 2010, 01:45:26 PM

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Do you arrange non-piano sheet music? (Please don't vote if you don't arrange)

Yes, I've done some sheets
18 (48.6%)
No, but I would like to
7 (18.9%)
No, just piano
12 (32.4%)

Total Members Voted: 34

Sir Awesomesauce

Cobraroll: Except for, perhaps, the last point, I don't think anybody would say these are bad ideas. But it's strange how universally good ideas fail to be implemented. Then you remember that even the simplest improvements take work.

Nothing has changed on NSM in the past year, except the addition of submission threads (where people now submit a limited number of songs to a single update thread). And all this time, people have been eager and excited to see changes. The number of posts in this thread serves as evidence to that. You might ask why there have been no changes, but the answer can be found by scrolling upwards a bit. To save you the trouble, here's a quote:

Quote from: Nintendude73 on April 10, 2010, 02:17:54 PMThat's not up to me though.

The people who want to see the changes, are not the ones capable of bringing about the changes. I don't know who is, but if NSM is ever to be rescued from this stagnancy, the person in charge is going to have to be the one to do it. But if they aren't going to drive, they should hand over the keys.

* * *

I think it would be easier if the upload team didn't do "batch" updates. It makes it seem like a chore. Rather, there could be a rolling update thread, and the uploaders would simply go down in order, and do as many as they can whenever they have time. People could be limited a bit, in the amount of posts they could make in this thread. This eliminates the excuse of laziness for the updaters - how long does it take to do just one song?

Also, the PDF issue could be solved in the same way the "fixing the sheets" threads work. If every active member worked for a half hour, I bet the project could be taken care of quite easily.

Finally, listen to Hugo. The man knows what he's talking about.
You should read my post, it's probably above this.


(Try and botherbotherbother Dekudude to make NSM a better uploader)

(Good luck)

me irl


Quote from: KefkaticFanatic on April 10, 2010, 11:02:20 PMGoddammit, Hugo is right and you know it.  Just like how he has been right on the majority of other similar points.

I wasn't saying he was wrong.

Quote from: KefkaticFanatic on April 10, 2010, 11:02:20 PMAlso, you registered in fucking January, that alone should make everything you're saying here invalid.

Why does this matter?


^^He was pointing towards Cobra.

Everyone has their own insight on this. If only our ADMINISTRATOR were active enough to see this...


Everyone should listen to Hugo.

I've been away from NSM for months, working on VGV. When I came back about a week ago, I found everything at standstill. Updates are few and far between around here, despite all the great work being done by the arrangers. Great ideas seem to be cropping up, like the video project, but they don't seem to be going very far.

Now, I love NSM. I got my start here a couple of years back, and I've been using the site since long before G-Han left. I care about this site, and I would hate to see it die off. The rest of the staff at VGV feels the same way.

JaMaHa, you know what we're thinking about.


Quote from: Sir Awesomesauce on April 10, 2010, 11:04:41 PMYou might ask why there have been no changes, but the answer can be found by scrolling upwards a bit. To save you the trouble, here's a quote:

Quote from: Nintendude73 on April 10, 2010, 04:17:54 PM
That's not up to me though.

The people who want to see the changes, are not the ones capable of bringing about the changes. I don't know who is, but if NSM is ever to be rescued from this stagnancy, the person in charge is going to have to be the one to do it. But if they aren't going to drive, they should hand over the keys.
Umm... it isn't up to me though.  I really don't have any power besides doing updates.  And even if I wanted to I couldn't give the people who want power (and could do something with it) the power they want.  Besides, is there anyone here who is even capable of coding everything that you all want?  That's the person we need to be giving some power.

I'm really all for change, since that's what people seem to want.  I just can't do a whole lot about it outside of updating more, and I'll try to take into consideration some of the ideas being thrown around with regards to that.


I would post another link, but that would be beating a dead horse.

Quote from: sipan1234bow to the longest child ever


Yes, yes it would, just like it has been every time you've posted a link to it.  If you were given the abilities to deal with the site's code, would you do something about it?  And if you would, why haven't you already talked to JaMaHa about it?


Quote from: sipan1234bow to the longest child ever



NSM staff, among others, would like to know how many people here pushing for full arrangements actually do full arrangements.

Choices are simple enough:

"Yes, I've done some sheets" - only vote this if you can prove it.
"No, but I would like to" - best for those who play other instruments besides piano.
"No, just piano" - easy enough, piano only.

Please, do not vote if you don't arrange at all.

Quote from: sipan1234bow to the longest child ever


Gj Hugo. I support you fully.

Everyone else: Suck it up and deal with the fact that there won't be full arrangements here. For god's sake, just go to Vgv or Apollomix or someplace else where you can bitch about your shit like this.

In other words, shut up.



Sir Awesomesauce is more saucy than that post.


Okay, KF, I registered in January. Last year. I was a lurker for a bit before then, but not long. Still, I'd say I've been around since we recovered from the site crash.

Hugo, I think you are right on many of your points, possibly all of them. The poll is a good idea. I will wait and see, and have another say when I have more time and energy to reply.
Emergence - a story exclusive to NSM

Yes, I'm still around from time to time. For quicker response, you can reach me by PM, or drop by Smogon to say hi. I go by "Codraroll" there, because of a bet.