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I suppose it's time for an update!

Started by Concerto No.20 in D minor, February 16, 2010, 10:12:16 PM

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Ganon Appears and is Defeated - Legend of Zelda [NES]

Get Treasure Fanfare - Legend of Zelda [NES]

Get Triforce Fanfare - Legend of Zelda [NES]

Arekushisu11: Updates take forever. Get used to it.
This is a signature.

Concerto No.20 in D minor

The big blue is done well, but what's with the weird rests?  Same with your other songs.  Just clean the sheet up and they will be accepted.

Your mega man ones looked like they were just ripped off of a .midi.  They really need to be cleaned up, a key signature would be nice.

Get on the bus
It gets pretty messy...and unplayable.

Gym Leader Battle
There needs to be some spacing between some of the notes.  Sometimes they are in front of each other and it's hard to read.  Usually if you just click on the note, it will space itself.  Also, isn't it supposed to be Dahan?

Fairy Flight
You don't need to put G-Han's name on it if you made it 5x better ;)  The same with your others.  If it's a revision, then you just need to put your name on it, unless you just barely changed the song or worked with someone else, then there is no need to put two names on it.  Okay, ridiculously epic work.  Well done.

Out of the Woods
Needs a key signature.

Pokemon School and End Credits
Need the NSM website changed.

Paula's Prison
I can't download the .midi.  Link doesn't work.
