The Rant Thread/My Life Sucks Topic [Don't be pricks]

Started by KefkaticFanatic, January 15, 2010, 06:55:34 AM

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Okay things like "go" and "you need to go" aren't good because it's Nebbles's highly personal decision.
Quote from: Tobbeh99 on April 21, 2016, 02:56:11 PM
Fuck logic, that shit is boring, lame and does not always support my opinions.


Well, today I ended up somehow going. Today is my sister's birthday so we were all gonna meet for brunch (her, me, my other sister and mom) and sister A calls my mom in hysterics saying oh the nurse won't talk to her it's bad oh no so my mom ends up taking me over to make sure sister A is fine. Yadda yadda I end up having to go to the room he's in and goddamn.

I felt NOTHING. Sister A is weeping next to me and I'm just standing there, uncomfortable and awkward and thinking about how much I did not want to be there. Sister B comes, my dad's sister comes too and they're asking the nurse all about it and god I just don't care I don't

So, there answers my question. I don't give a damn and visiting won't do anything for me.
Quote from: Dudeman on April 13, 2016, 04:54:04 PM
- Nebbles, the beauty with the heart of frozen steel

E. Gadd Industries

Well, at least you found out what would happen. :)
"Everyone is crazy but me"
-The Sign Painter

The entrance to my lab is hidden... somewhere...



Yeah, you're not obligated to feel anything. It's a more extreme version of forcing yourself to be friends with someone you don't like. Just don't.
Quote from: Dudeman on January 23, 2017, 05:35:59 PM
straight from the department of redundancy department


Wow, everyone's like completely disregarding me today :P. First you guys don't acknowledge my post in "made mah day" (which happens too often for me to care about too much). Then Sara hasn't texted me at all. My siblings went out and got McDonalds and they didn't bother asking me if I wanted anything. I guess I'll just have to take action if I want something to happen :P


That's how the world works, you nut. Nothing "happens" to people. You have to put effort into things to see a result.
Quote from: Tobbeh99 on April 21, 2016, 02:56:11 PM
Fuck logic, that shit is boring, lame and does not always support my opinions.


Ah, now I remember why I don't post in this thread. Nobody helps.


hey what you only waited 12 minutes
that's just slow being an sage 20 whatever year old, don't take it personally


That was actually a piece of legitimately helpful advice though
My arrangements and YouTube channel!

Quote from: Dudeman on February 22, 2016, 10:16:37 AM
who needs education when you can have WAIFUS!!!!!




That's simply just not how life works, at least for most people; you can't really expect eyes on you all the time.
Quote from: MaestroUGC on August 19, 2015, 12:22:27 PMBraixen is a wonderful [insert gender] with beautiful [corresponding gender trait] and is just the darlingest at [stereotypical activity typically associated with said gender] you ever saw.


"Oh that's horrible your siblings definitely should have gotten you something"
"I'm sure she'll text you tonight, she's probably been really busy"


Well, clearly I'm wrong here. Sorry for wasting your time.


Being passive aggressive is also not a great way to solve anything or get attention

Generally if you reach out to people they'll respond and give you the attention/display of interest that you want

Also sorry if I'm coming across like Noc said, I really don't want to be "sage high and mighty 20 year old dude" so slap me or something if I am
Quote from: Tobbeh99 on April 21, 2016, 02:56:11 PM
Fuck logic, that shit is boring, lame and does not always support my opinions.


I guess whenever people try to help me out with something, they just keep slapping me with the truth and harsh tones and really, that doesn't help me. I feel like if people want to help me, they need to be kind and have sympathy.
Quote from: SlowPokemon on December 31, 2016, 04:18:24 PMBeing passive aggressive is also not a great way to solve anything or get attention
Yeah, I'm trying to work on that but obviously it's not going too well. I'm trying to be more open about things, but I don't feel like I can trust anyone with what's on my mind. And those that I do trust, it takes me a while just to hint at it. :P