The Rant Thread/My Life Sucks Topic [Don't be pricks]

Started by KefkaticFanatic, January 15, 2010, 06:55:34 AM

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Pianist Da Sootopolis

idk what you're talking about m8 everything's just fucking dandy

no seriously though this sucks
what is shitpost


Southern drivers are terrible. I almost got hit 3 times today and it's only noon.

Pianist Da Sootopolis

At least they'll actually go somewhere
*cough* PORTLAND DRIVERS *cough*
what is shitpost

E. Gadd Industries

"Everyone is crazy but me"
-The Sign Painter

Mfw I help an Italian plumber fall into the abyss while he was shouting something about red coins


Pianist Da Sootopolis

what is shitpost


Quote from: E. Gadd Industries on July 06, 2016, 08:28:40 PM>:( I hate living in someone's shadow

Hey, look on the bright side! (Usually) your flaws go unnoticed! Then again, so do your good-points.
My Arrangements (All Outdated)
My Compositions (All Outdated)
Quote from: WaluigiTime64I strive for second place and I will fight for the position.

E. Gadd Industries

I got a 4 on my AP World History test, and this guy that just graduated this last school year got 5s on every AP test he took (which is all that my school offered but Chemistry), and my teachers are all the time comparing me to him. "Oh, E. Gadd, you're just like Nate" "Wow, you're as skilled as Nate" Nate this, Nate that. I'm tired of it. >:(
I'm a runner and he isn't, a musician (kinda) and he isn't, I don't drink and he does, and I'm planning on taking (and passing) the AP Chem test next year. Yet still, the people at school don't care. I'm not <my name here>, I'm Nate's secondary form.
"Everyone is crazy but me"
-The Sign Painter

Mfw I help an Italian plumber fall into the abyss while he was shouting something about red coins



don't worry about it, high school and 80% of the people you know in high school wont ever matter in like 2 years.

me irl


For real. Once you're out of high school no one gives a shit about dumb stuff like that.
Quote from: Dudeman on April 13, 2016, 04:54:04 PM
- Nebbles, the beauty with the heart of frozen steel


When I was in school, people always referred to me as "Tyler's sister" because my brother knew and was friends with everybody. We were only 1 grade apart in school and everyone knew we were siblings, because of our hair color
So yeah, no one even knew my name for a while T_T

I get how you feel E. Gadd, always being compared to others and not appreciated for your own skill :(

Please follow me and my art on Instagram :D

E. Gadd Industries

Quote from: KefkaticFanatic on July 06, 2016, 11:46:03 PMdon't worry about it, high school and 80% of the people you know in high school wont ever matter in like 2 years.
Quote from: Nebbles on July 07, 2016, 08:32:36 AMFor real. Once you're out of high school no one gives a shit about dumb stuff like that.
I know, I know, it would just be nice to, for once, be my own person. :/

Quote from: ZeldaFan on July 07, 2016, 10:35:27 AMWhen I was in school, people always referred to me as "Tyler's sister" because my brother knew and was friends with everybody. We were only 1 grade apart in school and everyone knew we were siblings, because of our hair color
So yeah, no one even knew my name for a while T_T

I get how you feel E. Gadd, always being compared to others and not appreciated for your own skill :(
It isn't fun at all. Hopefully this year will be different.
"Everyone is crazy but me"
-The Sign Painter

Mfw I help an Italian plumber fall into the abyss while he was shouting something about red coins


Hero of Trains

Oh, that's really too bad. But even if people compare you to others, keep asserting yourself as your own person. Eventually your personality will overshadow people's first impressions, which is usually the part where they draw comparisons. I wish you luck, just keep going and you'll make it.
Quote from: Dudeman on May 22, 2015, 06:24:42 PM
See guys? Trains isn't nice all the time.
Quote from: also Dudeman
Trains is so nice that I'm sure she'd resurrect herself for a few minutes to compliment you back

E. Gadd Industries

Thank you. I'm thinking about entering the talent show on piano in an attempt to set myself apart from him.
"Everyone is crazy but me"
-The Sign Painter

Mfw I help an Italian plumber fall into the abyss while he was shouting something about red coins



Or you could just do it because it's fun instead of trying to compare yourself to him like you just talked about.

I get that hearing that you're "like" somebody isn't great, but if you start to do things because you want to, you'll both separate yourself from those comparisons, and you'll stop caring so much because you know its for you.
You know you've been playing too much Dragon Quest when you're afraid your Hershey's Kisses are going to flee.

I program things

E. Gadd Industries

Yeah... You're right. I'll try and focus on that!
"Everyone is crazy but me"
-The Sign Painter

Mfw I help an Italian plumber fall into the abyss while he was shouting something about red coins
