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The Rant Thread/My Life Sucks Topic [Don't be pricks]

Started by KefkaticFanatic, January 15, 2010, 06:55:34 AM

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I really feel like crying tbh but the reason is so cliche that I can't even say it. But I'm really sad
Quote from: Tobbeh99 on April 21, 2016, 02:56:11 PM
Fuck logic, that shit is boring, lame and does not always support my opinions.


Lock your door and let it out, crying might make you feel a bit better.

But don't listen to me because idk what the situation is and my opinions usually suck.

EDIT: only an hour and a half late. Way to go me. Orz

Waddle Bro

How to royally fuck up at a test:

I had my test in social studies, it was electronic, all I had to was type an essay and fix some sentences on Word. It's really simple, and there's no way you could do something stupid like zone out and close Word with the unsaved document instead of saving it after two hours of typing, right? well



So had an interview scheduled at this place called The Tea & Spice Exchange today. And working at a tea store would be fucking awesome. Too bad I had to miss it because of all the fucking work I have piled on me right now. I have a Bio exam tomorrow and a Bio paper due Tuesday, but my professor's requiring us to get it checked by the on-campus writing center, which isn't open weekends, so I have to have the paper done by early Friday at latest. So it's basically complete bullshit. And there was no way I could start working on it until yesterday, because we needed to complete the lab to get the data needed to write it. Then I have a college entrance paper to write for USF, a brief research paper due for chem and a chem test Tuesday. Oh and lab write-ups for my chem and physics labs.

And on top of that, my bank account is almost empty and I really need the money. FACK.

Quote from: Mashi on March 26, 2013, 05:54:37 PMAfter viewing both FMA:Brotherhood and Naruto Shippuden, it would be frivolous to even consider watching an anime as unbearably mediocre as Melancholy. NARUTOxHINATA 4 LYFE!!!


I wrote and turned in an un-biased informative essay for an argumentative assessment. INSTRUCTIONS WEREN'T CLEAR ;-;
Quote from: MaestroUGC on August 19, 2015, 12:22:27 PMBraixen is a wonderful [insert gender] with beautiful [corresponding gender trait] and is just the darlingest at [stereotypical activity typically associated with said gender] you ever saw.


Having an awful day. Probably gonna be an awful week. Sick like a dog. I only have 16 dollars left in my account, which will probably be going towards gas next week. Don't have time for a job, yet I desperately need one because I only have 16 dollars. And I have a bio exam today, which I'm not prepared for because I've spent all my time working on a paper for bio, which is on a completely different topic. And I was late to my chem lab today and got kicked out as soon as I walked in the door, because getting kicked out for being 5 minutes late when you've been a perfect student the whole god damn semester is 100% reasonable. Fuck, at this point I might just switch to a history major, coast through college because history is easy as shit, and become that one cool history professor at some university. I am so done right now

Quote from: Mashi on March 26, 2013, 05:54:37 PMAfter viewing both FMA:Brotherhood and Naruto Shippuden, it would be frivolous to even consider watching an anime as unbearably mediocre as Melancholy. NARUTOxHINATA 4 LYFE!!!


Quote from: SuperFireKirby on September 25, 2014, 11:56:16 AMHaving an awful day. Probably gonna be an awful week. Sick like a dog. I only have 16 dollars left in my account, which will probably be going towards gas next week. Don't have time for a job, yet I desperately need one because I only have 16 dollars. And I have a bio exam today, which I'm not prepared for because I've spent all my time working on a paper for bio, which is on a completely different topic. And I was late to my chem lab today and got kicked out as soon as I walked in the door, because getting kicked out for being 5 minutes late when you've been a perfect student the whole god damn semester is 100% reasonable. Fuck, at this point I might just switch to a history major, coast through college because history is easy as shit, and become that one cool history professor at some university. I am so done right now
don't do it man chicks hate history professors

on a side note I got my driver's license :/


Eh, couldn't be much worse than my current chick situation.

But good job on the license. Make sure you drive really fast through school zones and retirement homes.

Quote from: Mashi on March 26, 2013, 05:54:37 PMAfter viewing both FMA:Brotherhood and Naruto Shippuden, it would be frivolous to even consider watching an anime as unbearably mediocre as Melancholy. NARUTOxHINATA 4 LYFE!!!


Quote from: SuperFireKirby on September 25, 2014, 12:25:55 PMBut good job on the license. Make sure you drive really fast through school zones and retirement homes.
I do that all the time  8)


If it helps, SFK, I'm pretty much giving up on college.


Noooo don't do that. D: I'm supposed to be the one that makes the irresponsible decisions, remember???

Quote from: Mashi on March 26, 2013, 05:54:37 PMAfter viewing both FMA:Brotherhood and Naruto Shippuden, it would be frivolous to even consider watching an anime as unbearably mediocre as Melancholy. NARUTOxHINATA 4 LYFE!!!



Grasshopper, you have years before you will attain my level of poor decision making.

Quote from: Mashi on March 26, 2013, 05:54:37 PMAfter viewing both FMA:Brotherhood and Naruto Shippuden, it would be frivolous to even consider watching an anime as unbearably mediocre as Melancholy. NARUTOxHINATA 4 LYFE!!!