
Rest in pepperoni, Mario Mario, 1981 - 2021
He will be missed by all, except for me! WARIO, NUMBER ONE!

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The Rant Thread/My Life Sucks Topic [Don't be pricks]

Started by KefkaticFanatic, January 15, 2010, 06:55:34 AM

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What why is this a big deal for people
there are plenty of things you don't tell anyone anyway for no big reason.

For some reason labeling things "secret" just makes people want to tell that much more.  Just don't tell anyone, write it down in a letter then burn the letter, burn the ashes, put the pieces in an envelope, burn the envelope, put it in a box and mail it to yourself, then when it arrives, SMASH IT WITH A HAMMER! *cue evil laugh*


There are some things that need to be said. Especially if keeping them unsaid will be harmful to somebody. But that's for you to decide right now.
You know you've been playing too much Dragon Quest when you're afraid your Hershey's Kisses are going to flee.

I program things


I think I'm not going to tell, it's a lot and I don't know if it's a good idea to have too much people to know. Maybe I'll tell it later, when I can, but not now
Sorry if I made some of you guys curious ;_;


Related: My ex texted me the other night because she couldn't sleep because of some drama with her friends, and wanted to talk to me about it, but didn't want to tell me the specifics because she wanted to avoid involving me in drama with these people I no longer go to the same school with/will probably never see again.
...I don't understand people


Sometimes people just want somebody to listen to them. Even if you have no clue what they're saying and have no reason to care.
You know you've been playing too much Dragon Quest when you're afraid your Hershey's Kisses are going to flee.

I program things


Quote from: Zunawe on July 09, 2014, 12:39:50 AMSometimes people just want somebody to listen to them. Even if you have no clue what they're saying and have no reason to care.
That's why you write the letter, see?  It means you can tell without telling anyone.


Writing something down and and having someone who's listening are different things. I'd rather be able to talk about something than just burning that what I know I can't get away


Well you can always PM someone you trust here... He/she won't be able to see the conversation there, you know!

Plus, it's not like any of us will ever meet this person irl so don't worry that much!

wow im being helpful for once thats a shock


Someone has already PM'd me, so that's a thing. I was doubting because it's a pretty big thing and he didn't want me to talk about it here too (I asked), so yeah. I've got my help, though, I'll get over it.


There's an advice thread you think you can just rephrase your problem? What about reading an advice column? Maybe someone's had something similar happen?

In other news, I might recommend that for a friend. She just seems to say really inappropriate things sometimes.

I seem to be missing a piece of my ear.


Took a week and a half off from practicing and have never been more frustrated.
Visit my site: VGM Sheet Music by Olimar12345 ~ Quality VGM sheet music available for free!


I have to quit piano lessons for money issues.
*salutes life*
Quote from: MaestroUGC on August 19, 2015, 12:22:27 PMBraixen is a wonderful [insert gender] with beautiful [corresponding gender trait] and is just the darlingest at [stereotypical activity typically associated with said gender] you ever saw.


Quote from: zoroark1264 on July 23, 2014, 07:07:44 PMI have to quit piano lessons for money issues.
*salutes life*
That's terrible.
Luckily, for me, my Mom is a piano teacher. I get them free :)


I quit them a over a year ago. I hadn't found out about this site yet, and lost interest after about 4-5 years. I picked it up again and find it fun, instead of a chore. I just don't practice enough. But when I do, I play for over an hour.

And, back on topic, today I went fishing with my father and younger brother. I had the incredible skill and luck to accidently cast it onto a bridge 4 feet higher than me right before a car ran across it.


Double post, but one of my friends' house literally exploded. No one was home at 5 in the morning at least, and the blast woke up a neighbor 2 miles away. Something happened to a propane tank in the garage, but no one's quite certain why. And it was a NICE house. Too bad.....  :(
And nothing was left when the firetrucks came, partially because of the mile-long, windy driveway. :( :(