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The Rant Thread/My Life Sucks Topic [Don't be pricks]

Started by KefkaticFanatic, January 15, 2010, 06:55:34 AM

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On Friday I have to leave really early and drive up to San Francisco JUST to look at an apartment (then sign the lease and put down the deposit)

BUT -- arrgh... 400 miles each way and money for gas and everything AND the fact ill be in the car for 12 hours.

BUT WORST PART, this is when all my computer parts arrive, so ill be doing everything quickly and then driving home and then building a computer into the wee hours of the morning. I have a bad feeling ALLNIGHTER!



True True.

And I will be stopping in SLO on my way up to have lunch with friends!! WOO!



Oh once you get your extra memory stick... you'll have 16GB of high bandwidth memory. that's nearly 6GB/s, You could make a RAMDisk as a hyper-fast scratchdisk, system cache... install Finale to it, whatever you want! There are programs available to dump the contents of the RAMDisk to an image file upon shutdown, and reload it upon boot so it doesn't disappear. Unless of course you lost power. Still.... 10x faster than a high end SSD!! I use mine as a buffer for my system drive and tries to have data prepared before I even need it :3


Yeah, I got a coupon for a RAMDisk from AMD.

But... I'll wait until I get that extra stick, which will be a month away.


Eh that's not so bad. Post in the relationship thread to revive it a bit?

In other words, I probably screwed up on my math test -.- Gahhh I did the homework without a problem and suddenly I'm stuck on the same row echelon problem for 15 minutes.

I seem to be missing a piece of my ear.


That reminds me, I got my AP Environmental Science test back today... did shitty as usual.  29/50.  In this class, it's an okay score, since everyone else did worse than me, but still...

And the only reason these bitches got higher scores than me (39/50) is because they cheated.  I hate people so much.


That happened to me today too. My teacher gave us a math quiz and only 20 minutes to finish it, and I blanked and only got half the first page done. Only two people in the entire class finished but she doesn't even care because its "only a quiz"

And ahaha I guess I cheated on it but I don't even care anymore



Quote from: MasterProX on December 04, 2013, 07:32:51 PMGuess who's having girl problems again, guys.

1. You posted this in two threads, which is completely unnecessary.
2. Vaguebooking.

Bulbear! Blueflower999


Quote from: blueflower999 on December 05, 2013, 01:46:18 PM1. You posted this in two threads, which is completely unnecessary.
Quote from: Ruto on December 04, 2013, 07:37:05 PMPost in the relationship thread to revive it a bit?
It wasn't really his idea in the first place so please don't bitch about it.

I'm honestly quite tired of seeing people over-analyze every single one of MPX's post like this. Grow up.



I don't think it's so bad to encourage someone to pls explain vague statements, hopefully resulting in more detail in future communique.

You don't get anywhere by just going GRR THINGS ARE SUK without extrapolating any further, hm?

me irl


But what if things just are suk for no raisin? Waht then, oh might kefkatica?
Try to do everything; you're bound to succeed with at least one.