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The Rant Thread/My Life Sucks Topic [Don't be pricks]

Started by KefkaticFanatic, January 15, 2010, 06:55:34 AM

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8am finals monday, tuesday, thursday, and friday this week >.<

Why can't all the exams be spread out across 2 weeks... and all be at 1pm
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Currently using Finale 2012


Waking up that early is considered bad? I can't wait to get out of high school then


Try to do everything; you're bound to succeed with at least one.


Quote from: spitllama on December 09, 2013, 05:05:01 PM8am finals monday, tuesday, thursday, and friday this week >.<

Why can't all the exams be spread out across 2 weeks... and all be at 1pm

It's your school and probably because of the classes you picked too. Every class you registered for has a time slot for finals depending on what time it normally starts and ends.

Quote from: Bubbles on December 09, 2013, 05:28:55 PMWaking up that early is considered bad? I can't wait to get out of high school then

Ha, I thought that too. Wait until you stay up until 2 AM to finish an assignment on a regular basis.

I seem to be missing a piece of my ear.


Yea you wake up at like 6am every day for primary/secondary school so you think there's no way 9-10am classes could ever be a problem

How wrong we all were...

me irl


I have trouble going to class when it starts at 12:30
Quote from: MaestroUGC on February 13, 2013, 01:16:55 PM
Thanks. For a moment there I was worried, though. I almost needed to blow you.


Quote from: Ruto on December 09, 2013, 05:50:59 PMHa, I thought that too. Wait until you stay up until 2 AM to finish an assignment on a regular basis.

Thiiiiis. Starting homework at 9pm has become a thing.
Submissions Page
Currently using Finale 2012


Quote from: Ruto on December 09, 2013, 05:50:59 PMHa, I thought that too. Wait until you stay up until 2 AM to finish an assignment on a regular basis.
I go to sleep at midnight every night now anyway, so I guess it won't be that much of a change :/


Quote from: KefkaticFanatic on December 09, 2013, 06:19:46 PMYea you wake up at like 6am every day for primary/secondary school so you think there's no way 9-10am classes could ever be a problem

How wrong we all were...

I actually dropped my 8 am early on in the year, because I still had enough credits, and I'm just going to test out of it for next semester, but I didn't even consider dropping it until waking up for it the first day and realizing "oh, shit, nope, can't do this"

Quote from: spitllama on December 09, 2013, 07:59:16 PMThiiiiis. Starting homework at 9pm has become a thing.

9pm? Casual. It's almost midnight here, and I have yet to start my essay due tomorrow.


Quote from: Bubbles on December 09, 2013, 08:56:52 PMI go to sleep at midnight every night now anyway, so I guess it won't be that much of a change :/
I don't think I've gone to bed before 1am in at least a year. Last semester alone I believe I pulled at least 4 all nighters finishing the fuck tons of work I had on top of a full-time job. And that's not including the times I'd stayed up till 4 or 5 or 6.

When you go to college, your circadian rhythm does not come with you.

Quote from: Mashi on March 26, 2013, 05:54:37 PMAfter viewing both FMA:Brotherhood and Naruto Shippuden, it would be frivolous to even consider watching an anime as unbearably mediocre as Melancholy. NARUTOxHINATA 4 LYFE!!!


Case in point: not gonna sleep tonight because I have an entire paper to write from scratch in the next 8 hours. Can't wait to be done with this class after tomorrow. Lol jk, there's a harder version of it that I have to take next semester. Fml.


Quote from: SuperFireKirby on December 09, 2013, 09:13:49 PMWhen you go to college, your circadian rhythm does not come with you.
And some time after college..

I am still not back into it yet.. It'll be a while before I begin going to bed around midnight now (not even before midnight -- thatll probably happen once I start work)


Look, a post by me not about relationship stuffs.

AP World History final is next week. It's bad enough that history has always been my worst subject... and it doesn't help that I've spent every day in class playing Pokemon Emerald. (And I've only beaten six gyms so far...)

Oh, and my AP Environmental Science final is gonna be impossible. As always. Maybe if I'm lucky and get all 8% of those extra credit points for being a "good student"... I might just be the only person to get an A in the class this year.


Wait so you play vidya gaems during class? In HS? My teachers would beat me if I did something like that. xD (the only exception being ear training 4. The campus I switched to for that was so far behind, they were just learning the solfege syllables for minor scales. I played the SHIT outta Mario 3D land that semester.)
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I'm not gonna lie I did that during Bio last year, and I played Plat during Psych this year a bit, but while I'm playing video games I can still hear them teaching.  When I'm reading, e.g. the Psych book, I can't hear a thing.