
Rest in pepperoni, Mario Mario, 1981 - 2021
He will be missed by all, except for me! WARIO, NUMBER ONE!

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The Rant Thread/My Life Sucks Topic [Don't be pricks]

Started by KefkaticFanatic, January 15, 2010, 06:55:34 AM

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You can use it when you want someone to leave, but it's definitely isn't as rude as fuck off. That's why I meant it was too soft, so there is a difference is use/meaning. Plus it's not really used anyways.
Quote from: MaestroUGC on February 13, 2013, 01:16:55 PM
Thanks. For a moment there I was worried, though. I almost needed to blow you.


Quote from: Ruto on December 26, 2010, 11:56:42 AMCould it be a regional thing maybe? I remember my teacher using it that

Also, the stalker is this guy from Yemen so he's unlikely to know what that means.

Use the universal language of pepper spray.

Quote from: Mashi on March 26, 2013, 05:54:37 PMAfter viewing both FMA:Brotherhood and Naruto Shippuden, it would be frivolous to even consider watching an anime as unbearably mediocre as Melancholy. NARUTOxHINATA 4 LYFE!!!


I seem to be missing a piece of my ear.


Quote from: Ruto on December 25, 2010, 11:12:05 PMUgh, I've been scarred for life by this guy from school who might have been drunk or bipolar. He still wants to meet me for lunch but I'm not going alone IF I even go -__-

me irl


OMFG why do people at work have to always be sick? I now have to work from 4 pm to 9 pm. There are almost no customers on Monday and there's also nothing to do on Monday. Q_Q
Quote from: MaestroUGC on February 13, 2013, 01:16:55 PM
Thanks. For a moment there I was worried, though. I almost needed to blow you.


It's close to the end of 2010... those people are definitely not sick.





I have no idea what you are talking about, good sir!


"And so my saga of quoting myself in everyone's signature continues" - dudeman


When I corrected him: Posted on: Today at 01:49:59 PM

When he fixed it: « Last Edit: Today at 02:36:25 PM by universe-X »



I agree with winterkid. It clearly says it. He edited it. -__-
Quote from: Slow
Quote from: manio
I love taking wiener schnitzel in my mouth
Quote from: Kefka
cooperating anal
Quote from: ZeldaFanmy dream is to get a quote in someone's sig someday



I'm tired, and for some reason I haven't been responding to messages people have been sending me.  :P
I've been really out of it lately...

Maybe it's back-to-school stress. Does that happen?
I was at the grocery store, and when I saw someone from school, I forgot how to walk again...
The way they look at me, as if I was retarded, really affects me mentally... Well, at least not everyone does it...
It's dangerous to go alone, take me with you! [JUB has joined the party.]