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The Post Your Thoughts of the Moment Thread 2

Started by Harvest, February 22, 2008, 12:40:22 PM

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uhh... my dad was in a car accident and the car's totaled (my dad's fine though), so i won't be on for the rest of today and i'm going away all day tomorrow, so when i'm not around it's not cause i'm dead or anything.

damn commies.


I currently use redshift and I think I need a change so I'm gonna try out aero-fox then.


gah- people are flipping out about the new B-K3 controller. It's not a big deal ::) I actually find it quite interesting. PLUS, them making a controller SPECIALLY for one game, means the game is gonna be great and is worth it's own controller!


David Hauffe

I want a Falcon-Northwest Fragbox!  >:( But I don't has no more gill to buy it with... (I spent it all on Phenox Downs  ;D)



Now just to pass the actual driving exam.

Concerto No.20 in D minor


David Hauffe

Phoenix Wright, Never Heard of it until I read the new VGCats and Googled it. I might get hit for saying this but is Banjo Kazooie any good? what is it about... etc... it kinda sounds like a random kids game... like... Rayman or... something else. I know that is made by rare and that is about it.

oh and

*is still upset that nintendo dropped rare*
*more upset that microsoft bought it*



I'm back for more pizza *eats pizza and runs*



Quote from: Shadoninja on May 08, 2008, 08:30:27 PMJust Beat Apollo Justice. It definitely as great as a Phoenix Wright game.

Hey! So did I! Yes, it was incredibly awesome. Now if only they would release a "Apollo Justice: Justice for All"

Quote from: David Hauffe on May 09, 2008, 01:09:06 PMPhoenix Wright, Never Heard of it until I read the new VGCats and Googled it. I might get hit for saying this but is Banjo Kazooie any good? what is it about... etc... it kinda sounds like a random kids game... like... Rayman or... something else. I know that is made by rare and that is about it.

oh and

*is still upset that nintendo dropped rare*
*more upset that microsoft bought it*


David Hauffe

Quote from: evilsqueaky on May 09, 2008, 05:32:51 PM
Quote from: Shadoninja on May 08, 2008, 08:30:27 PMJust Beat Apollo Justice. It definitely as great as a Phoenix Wright game.

Hey! So did I! Yes, it was incredibly awesome. Now if only they would release a "Apollo Justice: Justice for All"

Quote from: David Hauffe on May 09, 2008, 01:09:06 PMPhoenix Wright, Never Heard of it until I read the new VGCats and Googled it. I might get hit for saying this but is Banjo Kazooie any good? what is it about... etc... it kinda sounds like a random kids game... like... Rayman or... something else. I know that is made by rare and that is about it.

oh and

*is still upset that nintendo dropped rare*
*more upset that microsoft bought it*


when does it come out? And erm... what style of game is it? Like, adventure... RPG, I doubt it would be a shooter but ever since xbox bought rare you never know...


I've got a nickname for all my guns, as well as I'm riding with my top down.

:P I love GTA IV!


...Is Michael Jordan the black golfer?  ??? (LOL if you know that then post were it's from XD !)