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The Post Your Thoughts of the Moment Thread 2

Started by Harvest, February 22, 2008, 12:40:22 PM

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shit...three day weekend coming shifts at work and hopefully no homework...I wonder wat do....



Quote from: Roz~ on November 03, 2010, 05:07:53 PMOnly that teacher's fucked up... maybe I should include my French and Multisports teacher too though. Anyways, if he doesn't want to listen, I'll just have to talk to my history teacher who's the head of the department. He's a cool guy so there shouldn't be any problems... I hope.

My geometry teacher can't teach. What she does is give quizzes everyday, tell us to study vocabulary words, and recently, we've had to do a computer lab that we are apparently supposed to learn from. Otherwise, it would be "read this chapter, and do the questions".

Our orchestra teacher... is a band director. 'nuff said. He's cool, though, just slightly... Alzheimeric?

Biology teacher is really cool. She's Indian however, so sometimes people get confused by what she's saying.

World Geography. *puts on flame sheild* Too much work. Even for a Pre-AP class, the work we do is severely redundant.

English is alright. Enough work, cool teacher, etc. She's only tough because of the work/studying I have to do for the other classes.

Even gym class is messed up. Once we enter, we sit in roll call. For 30 minutes. Then we go in to the locker room, get changed, and come out 6 minutes later. Then we do our "warm-ups", that no one really does, for 1.5 minutes, then we are told to sit down. Then we get a 10 minute lecture from the coach and are stuck sitting there for another 6 minutes. 47.5 minutes half passed by now. Then we get up and start over. And in some spots, over and over, because some people like to be lazy. 15 minutes. Then we walk around the gym for 12 minutes, as if that is really doing anything for us. 75 minutes out of the 100 minute period, which means only 25 minutes to do something we actually enjoy.

Basically, least favorite classes: Gym, geometry, and geography.


Quote from: universe-X on November 03, 2010, 05:36:20 PMWow.

My geometry teacher can't teach. What she does is give quizzes everyday, tell us to study vocabulary words, and recently, we've had to do a computer lab that we are apparently supposed to learn from. Otherwise, it would be "read this chapter, and do the questions".

Our orchestra teacher... is a band director. 'nuff said. He's cool, though, just slightly... Alzheimeric?

Biology teacher is really cool. She's Indian however, so sometimes people get confused by what she's saying.

World Geography. *puts on flame sheild* Too much work. Even for a Pre-AP class, the work we do is severely redundant.

English is alright. Enough work, cool teacher, etc. She's only tough because of the work/studying I have to do for the other classes.

Even gym class is messed up. Once we enter, we sit in roll call. For 30 minutes. Then we go in to the locker room, get changed, and come out 6 minutes later. Then we do our "warm-ups", that no one really does, for 1.5 minutes, then we are told to sit down. Then we get a 10 minute lecture from the coach and are stuck sitting there for another 6 minutes. 47.5 minutes half passed by now. Then we get up and start over. And in some spots, over and over, because some people like to be lazy. 15 minutes. Then we walk around the gym for 12 minutes, as if that is really doing anything for us. 75 minutes out of the 100 minute period, which means only 25 minutes to do something we actually enjoy.

Basically, least favorite classes: Gym, geometry, and geography.

I hear ya. French teacher's still is studying and the University she goes to is about an hour from here, and she's there often, meaning we can't ask her any questions about exams and stuff. Even when we manage to ask her one, she just tells us to read our notes. Also, she made a mistake during our exam yesterday so almost everyone has to start over. It's pretty long so I'm not sure people will have time to do it all again tomorrow. Basically, people are going to fail and she doesn't give a fuck.

My IPMSH teacher (boring class you guys don't have) is the most retarded teacher ever. He says one thing to a student then turn around and tells the exact opposite of what he just said to another student. He's the one who's giving my friend and I a 0 btw. I've never seen someone that retarded, seriously. He doesn't know how to teach. He's supposed to teach us for at least 2 hours and usually it ends after 10 minutes.

English teacher's crazy. We can't write "also" in our essays because he doesn't like the word. Wtf. We also (lel) have to include every single verb tenses in our essays. We're not majoring in English nor is it our mother-tongue so a lot of people are having a hard time doing that. It's like asking you guys to write a text in French and then to include every single of our verb tenses, you'd shit your pants.

Gym (multisports) teacher was cool, but he managed to get a new post somewhere else so we had to change. The one we have is kinda like the IPMSH one; he doesn't seem to know what he wants. He told us what we had to do for our homework and then after he checked them told us no one understood. He then proceeded to tell us our mistakes and they were all things he told us not to do the class before.

History teacher's cool. It's kinda boring though since we've been seeing World War 2 for 5 years in our history classes but at least it's easy.

Sociology and philosophy teacher are cool too.

Psychology teacher's weird but I like what we're seeing so I won't complain.
Quote from: MaestroUGC on February 13, 2013, 01:16:55 PM
Thanks. For a moment there I was worried, though. I almost needed to blow you.


So, basically:

Your IPMSH teacher is my Geometry teacher (can't teach/retarded).

Your French teacher is like this one World Geography teacher at our school. (when he forgets to print out a test, instead of making everyone take it the next day... he gives everyone free 100s -___-)

lolol, your English teacher is exactly how some people describe the Spanish III teacher.

History is like English.

Gym is like my World Geo teacher.

High school's a bitch.


You guys get a lot of options for classes. The NYC public school system doesn't even have close to that much, at most, you have 1 elective (art/Earth or environmental science/Spanish), a type of science, English, math and history class. They got rid of French after a year, I was one of the 30 people who actually took the class. The teachers in my high school were good, except for the math teacher, who was all over the place. She'd arrive late with a coffee in her hand, get the students to teach the class, print lessons from websites she found on google and other crazy stuff. This is supposedly one of the better schools...For AP classes, you just write an essay and apply for it, and only about 10 kids get in for one of two classes. Everyone else seems happy with the other classes.

I don't want to know what the ghetto schools are like. I'd get on the subway to go home and those kids would just swarm the trains, screaming until they get off. Sometimes they'd fight each other. In short, public education here is laughable. If my dad actually THOUGHT about public school in the city more carefully, we wouldn't have ended up here. He got the idea that education was the same everywhere. Wrong...

I seem to be missing a piece of my ear.


Quote from: Ruto on November 03, 2010, 06:26:22 PMYou guys get a lot of options for classes. The NYC public school system doesn't even have close to that much, at most, you have 1 elective (art/Earth or environmental science/Spanish), a type of science, English, math and history class. They got rid of French after a year, I was one of the 30 people who actually took the class. The teachers in my high school were good, except for the math teacher, who was all over the place. She'd arrive late with a coffee in her hand, get the students to teach the class, print lessons from websites she found on google and other crazy stuff. This is supposedly one of the better schools...For AP classes, you just write an essay and apply for it, and only about 10 kids get in for one of two classes. Everyone else seems happy with the other classes.

I don't want to know what the ghetto schools are like. I'd get on the subway to go home and those kids would just swarm the trains, screaming until they get off. Sometimes they'd fight each other. In short, public education here is laughable. If my dad actually THOUGHT about public school in the city more carefully, we wouldn't have ended up here. He got the idea that education was the same everywhere. Wrong...

That sucks. When I was in high school we had a Spanish teacher who actually wasn't a teacher. To learn vocabulary words we had to play bingo with macaronis. Also, I'm in college and chose the "Sciences Humaines" (I guess you can call that Human Sciences) program so I have a lot of various classes: Economy, Psychology, History, Geography, etc. I like it better that only have maths/chemistry/physics/etc. Fun fact: I don't need any of them to be accepted in what I want to do later on.

Quote from: universe-X on November 03, 2010, 06:19:13 PMSo, basically:

Your IPMSH teacher is my Geometry teacher (can't teach/retarded).

Your French teacher is like this one World Geography teacher at our school. (when he forgets to print out a test, instead of making everyone take it the next day... he gives everyone free 100s -___-)

lolol, your English teacher is exactly how some people describe the Spanish III teacher.

History is like English.

Gym is like my World Geo teacher.

High school's a bitch.

Haha yep, looks like it. Except I'm in college. I hope that teachers are not going to be like that when I'll be studying in the university I want to go to.
Quote from: MaestroUGC on February 13, 2013, 01:16:55 PM
Thanks. For a moment there I was worried, though. I almost needed to blow you.


Quote from: sipan1234bow to the longest child ever


@ Roz - lol. Time for some heads to fly off. Say, I think these posts would be a great boost to the "school" thread! :D

If you've gotten nothing accomplished, solve a Rubik's cube...this is me after having only 1 night class today, then falling asleep during the 2 hour lecture, and waking up after the first hour only to have trouble breathing for the next hour because the room by then had gotten hot from the 200 other people in the room, and was badly ventilated. Meaning there was HEAT coming from the vents and no windows, plus all the doors were shut...Oh and the previous day, I didn't sleep until 4 AM.

It's like being a zombie.

I seem to be missing a piece of my ear.

Concerto No.20 in D minor



Quote from: Concerto No.20 in D minor on November 03, 2010, 11:17:38 PMMy fault.  >..>

I don't blame you, it was fun  ;)

I actually got enough sleep despite going to bed that late, it was just the heat and lack of air that made me sleepy. I was fine right before.

I seem to be missing a piece of my ear.


Oh boy, I'm exhausted. 3 insanely hard tests take alot out of a person. Oh yay, and I have an interview today. Guess who's not getting hired due to his lack of enthusiasm in an interview?

Quote from: Mashi on March 26, 2013, 05:54:37 PMAfter viewing both FMA:Brotherhood and Naruto Shippuden, it would be frivolous to even consider watching an anime as unbearably mediocre as Melancholy. NARUTOxHINATA 4 LYFE!!!


Quote from: Roz~ on November 03, 2010, 06:43:27 PMThat sucks. When I was in high school we had a Spanish teacher who actually wasn't a teacher. To learn vocabulary words we had to play bingo with macaronis. Also, I'm in college and chose the "Sciences Humaines" (I guess you can call that Human Sciences) program so I have a lot of various classes: Economy, Psychology, History, Geography, etc. I like it better that only have maths/chemistry/physics/etc. Fun fact: I don't need any of them to be accepted in what I want to do later on.

Haha yep, looks like it. Except I'm in college. I hope that teachers are not going to be like that when I'll be studying in the university I want to go to.

They get better... well, that was my case.

I love my professors, especially my business law prof. On the other hand, the profs that teach ENGL 145, which is Reasoning, Argumentation and Writing (something I have to take in the Winter Quarter), are all horrid being described as: "a pirate hooker" "a super hot cougar" "take this class to stare at the professor" or "completely ADD" "has that nasal voice found in gay people" "don't take this class; the teacher never teaches you how to really argue in writing"

So, in conclusion, DONT take GE courses at Cal Poly


Why does music today have to be soooo bad....fucking black people.


lol, haven't seen Davey in a while.

Then again, he has probably never seen me...

Now my signature describes everything that's on my mind right now...
Coming up with a name for the dragons...

And also started an interesting game...
It's dangerous to go alone, take me with you! [JUB has joined the party.]