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The Post Your Thoughts of the Moment Thread 2

Started by Harvest, February 22, 2008, 12:40:22 PM

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Quote from: SlowPokemon on August 14, 2010, 05:11:13 AMPosting from my DS and don't feel like typing much... more details later, maybe.
I like posting from my DSi sometimes. Sometimes there's so much lag that starts doing things that you wish didn't happen.

I'm proud to say that when I'm on Omegle on my DSi, I type faster than half of the users I've met :D


I sometimes come on from my iPod or my phone. Still doesnt beat how fast I can type on a keyboard (which is quite pitiful compared to others)


Anyway, I'm going to talk about something that sort of moved me. Probed my brain, if you will.

I was at my bus stop two mornings ago, and there was one of those ugly, brown, spiked caterpillars, inching slowly across the was in the dead center. Awhile later, it reached the started to climb up the "wall" of the curb, but it went a little ways up and fell flat on its back.

It writhed around a little, then flipped back over. And started to climb up the curb again. It did the exact same thing as before. I had half a mind to put it out of its misery, but I decided to watch how this would turn out.

On its third try, it reached halfway up the wall...and stopped. Didn't go any further. Not even to get to the grass just over the curb.

I was all like, "What the heck?!?!?!" I felt kind of sad that it just stopped.

Yesterday, walking home from the bus stop, I passed that little stretch of curb where the caterpillar had stopped. In its place was a chrysalis, which had ripped open.

It was one of the strangest things I'd ever seen.

One thing I've learned from the story:

Q: Why did the caterpillar cross the road?
A: To become a butterfly on the curb.

It really made me think. Hmm. And to most of you, this will mean nothing. Oh, well. It is the Post Your Thoughts of the Moment Thread (2).
Quote from: Tobbeh99 on April 21, 2016, 02:56:11 PM
Fuck logic, that shit is boring, lame and does not always support my opinions.


Argh...I can't believe how stupid people can be. >__>

So I was at the post office for about 20 minutes asking for the status of this package and told me it would be delivered today if the postman could go into the building. So I've been running downstairs every 10-15 minutes to check and then now the status says that "a delivery was attempted and a notice was left." So I run down, and there was no notice, no postman (I was downstairs at that EXACT time they said the delivery happened). So now they're closed and they refuse to help when I called their office. What am I paying them for?  >:(

Not to mention, the building was accessible to the building all day, I guess he thought a flight of stairs wasn't part of his job.

If I find out where the postman lives, I'm egging his car.

I seem to be missing a piece of my ear.



That's okay, not the end of the world... there are idiots everywhere you go. You either deal with them or stay away.

There's also a third option, but I don't really count murder. :P Go figure...
Quote from: Tobbeh99 on April 21, 2016, 02:56:11 PM
Fuck logic, that shit is boring, lame and does not always support my opinions.



[ ] Buy a Wii

[ ] Play "Hubris" on the piano

[ x ] Murder postman

Dunno, man. I spent $160 on that item they were trying to deliver. It sucks having to wait till Monday---plus there was an event tomorrow where those items would have been useful.

I think there's just a higher proportion of idiots/lazy people where I live, that's why I'm so annoyed. New York sucks.

I seem to be missing a piece of my ear.


I'm still waiting for my Star Trek Original Series Season 1 Blu Ray to arrive..

Season 2 arrived like a week ago..where the hell is my season 1?


Quote from: Ruto on August 14, 2010, 01:47:42 PMArgh...I can't believe how stupid people can be. >__>

So I was at the post office for about 20 minutes asking for the status of this package and told me it would be delivered today if the postman could go into the building. So I've been running downstairs every 10-15 minutes to check and then now the status says that "a delivery was attempted and a notice was left." So I run down, and there was no notice, no postman (I was downstairs at that EXACT time they said the delivery happened). So now they're closed and they refuse to help when I called their office. What am I paying them for?  >:(

Not to mention, the building was accessible to the building all day, I guess he thought a flight of stairs wasn't part of his job.

If I find out where the postman lives, I'm egging his car.

Can I join you in the egging process!
Quote from: Ruto on August 14, 2010, 01:55:22 PMHmm...

[ ] Buy a Wii

[ ] Play "Hubris" on the piano

[ x ] Murder postman

Dunno, man. I spent $160 on that item they were trying to deliver. It sucks having to wait till Monday---plus there was an event tomorrow where those items would have been useful.

I think there's just a higher proportion of idiots/lazy people where I live, that's why I'm so annoyed. New York sucks.

And in LA there is a higher proportion of lazy people who look like active (cause its the plastic surgery capital of the world)


Quote from: Harvest on August 14, 2010, 01:58:24 PMI'm still waiting for my Star Trek Original Series Season 1 Blu Ray to arrive..

Season 2 arrived like a week ago..where the hell is my season 1?

You'd think that they'd send them together to save themselves money -__-

Quote from: drpamplemousse on August 14, 2010, 02:04:17 PMCan I join you in the egging process!
And in LA there is a higher proportion of lazy people who look like active (cause its the plastic surgery capital of the world)

Ya sure. I forgot about LA...if the whole city is inaccessible without a car, then that would be pretty stupid too.  And like you said, people messing with their faces.

I seem to be missing a piece of my ear.


Botox is LA's number one export besides Illegal Immigrants! hahahaha

I hate going to LA. And I hate to say this, but it is sooooo much better to get around San Francisco (my favorite CA city is San Diego <3 )


Gahh! Botox. There was an article on Scientific American about how a molecule could kill a nerve cell and the only reason botox is even around is because people are vain. Plus there was a doctor who was injecting people with fake botox and overdosed them (by confusing nanogram with microgram).

Should we really stop people from doing dumb things?

Also, I've always wanted to go to San Francisco. I heard there was an overpriced shop there that sells nice things.

I seem to be missing a piece of my ear.


Quote from: Ruto on August 14, 2010, 02:46:34 PMGahh! Botox. There was an article on Scientific American about how a molecule could kill a nerve cell and the only reason botox is even around is because people are vain. Plus there was a doctor who was injecting people with fake botox and overdosed them (by confusing nanogram with microgram).

Should we really stop people from doing dumb things?

Also, I've always wanted to go to San Francisco. I heard there was an overpriced shop there that sells nice things.

Yes... everything is overpriced there. I dont like going there, though. There is a smug cloud that looms over the city, ruled by the evil tyrant Nancy Pelosi (that lady is INSANE! Even some Dems think so). Not to mention there are other issues there that arent my personal favorite. Lets just say, last time I was there, it wasnt a good feeling for me

Anyways, anyone else having a slightly boring saturday like me?


Yes, I'm literally waiting for paint to dry.   ;D

Painting the SS painting, I think I'm going to increase the size of the sky...because..(I feel like it :D)

But I have to wait for that layer to dry before I can paint the rest of it.

I seem to be missing a piece of my ear.


Quote from: drpamplemousse on August 14, 2010, 02:51:25 PMAnyways, anyone else having a slightly boring saturday like me?

Yes, me. Not just today, summer in is globality is boring.

Btw, I confirm, Pelosi is insane


I haven't had a reason to complain in a long-ass time... now I have to delete my Mario Paint files and start over because the files somehow found a way to switch and trade names with each other, thus killing the work I put into the first file...

I also need to start working out. Not a bad thing at all, but... any ideas anyone?