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The Post Your Thoughts of the Moment Thread 2

Started by Harvest, February 22, 2008, 12:40:22 PM

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Quote from: gamer4251 on April 11, 2008, 11:01:32 AMWow. If you really were friends you would at least use email.

My new pupper :D

EDIT: aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand its not showing.

EDIT AGAIN: hay look, it works.
that looks so cute! it looks like he's covered with hair everywhere....and you can barely see his eyes...but he looks awesome (I dont' know if it's a he or a she, but I think he is better)



okay i'm really pissed at my geometry teacher. first, she gave us this shit test: the class average was 63%.

i got a 12.5%.

and that's not even what's pissing me off. the kid who sits next to me was answering questions at a normal speed (i wasn't cheating, but i could tell just because i was siting there, y'know?) and then he started filling in answers like crazy fast. i was like, "ok... whatever...". we got the tests back today and he got a 52.5%! it's still an F but its like 5 times my F so i was like, "how can that be if he was just guessing?" well it turns out he wasn't guessing...

i asked him about it and he said he gave up ten minutes into the test and started writing in '42' as all his answers. our teacher is really gay because since she likes Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, she gives you automatic 1/2 credit correct if you write 42 since 42 is the answer to all life. so he got one and a half problems right (the 2.5%) and everything eves he got 1/2 credit for because of this 42 shit (the other 50%). so he got a 52.5% for writing 42 a bunch of times.

i think, even though we both failed, that that is totally messed up. i actually put some effort into taking the shit test by doing the goddamn problems and she gives this slacker 5 times my score for writing 42 and not using any brainpower at all. i feel like complaining to the school about this because when my parents find out they'll give me hell for the F anyway, so hopefully i can get this jack off's grade lowered to ease my pain.

damn commies.


Nows about time when you start complaining to district officials and get crap teachers like that fired.

So we haven't named our puppy yet, and its a he.  Any ideas?

me irl


Quote from: sipan1234bow to the longest child ever



me irl


What the hell did I ever do to you?

I've tried to be nice, but you're just too big of a douche bag anymore. Before the site died you were fine. You were perfectly fine with other people. Now its anytime someone says ANYTHING, Gamer's gotta jump all over them:





Quote from: sipan1234bow to the longest child ever


I hereby declare my agreement with the above post.

Gamer, you have to learn to be nice...

Theres people I hate at my school but I don't go out of my way to make fun of them, only if they attack me first.  Though usually, I'll have people at my back instantly, since I'm so awesome.  Or mainly because I never hurt anyone so they have no right to do anything to me.


Quote from: Harvest on April 11, 2008, 03:05:55 PMI hereby declare my agreement with the above post.

Gamer, you have to learn to be nice...

Theres people I hate at my school but I don't go out of my way to make fun of them, only if they attack me first.  Though usually, I'll have people at my back instantly, since I'm so awesome.  Or mainly because I never hurt anyone so they have no right to do anything to me.



Harvest has become nicer since i first met him =)
Gamer- idk why u feel u have the right to just attack people... Honestly, no one attacks Akiro or Hugo more than u. U are like the only one who does, and they're both really nice. I feel the only time u should retaliate is if they attack u, cuz then u have the right too. Half of the time, they don't to anything to u and u just go after them.

Concerto No.20 in D minor


Wow, Hugo you're really being a pain in the ass.  Can't anyone take a little joke?  It isn't my fault that when I see the name Sergei it just comes out as "Sir Gay".  It honestly looks like that.

I would make the same kind of comment to anyone that said it.

me irl


I don't see anyone on your side.  ::)

And I'm not just talking about that particular comment. Any time either me or Akiro say something, you end up saying something stupid to insult us and glamourize yourself.

Go on, check. Look at any posts you've made that address me or Akiro.

PLUS there's chat. I can't even show people how you treat us in chat either. But, once again, me or Akiro will say something and BOOM "fail/n00b/A WINNAR IS ME!"

Both me and Akiro have tried to be nice to you, but no, Gamer's too cool to be nice to anyone.

Quote from: sipan1234bow to the longest child ever


damn commies.