
Rest in pepperoni, Mario Mario, 1981 - 2021
He will be missed by all, except for me! WARIO, NUMBER ONE!

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The Post Your Thoughts of the Moment Thread 2

Started by Harvest, February 22, 2008, 12:40:22 PM

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Nevermind, it actually heats to 117.  We're just going to take it back to Fry's.

me irl


We need a school board...

I'll be the math teacher ;D
and Hugo could be the German teacher ::)


Yay, leaving for college to-morrow. I should really start packing.
This is a signature.



me irl


Quote from: Dude on September 03, 2009, 08:47:15 AMWe need a school board...

I'll be the math teacher ;D
and Hugo could be the German teacher ::)

I suppose I get to be the english teacher then.


My history class is ruined every year. 

Once again I get the worst teacher possible.  The main problem is she can't teach properly.  I'm pretty sure I know more than she does, and she always says things wrong which I have to correct her on.  Another problem is the class has like 35 people in it, wtf, I can't work in that environment.  A lot of these people shouldn't be in this class.  Its a university level course so they shouldn't be allowed in it.  Fuck, today we spent almost the entire period on one easy sheet, as we did with yesterday.  We were asked to compare the ancestors of man, which was very straightforward because we just had to read a few pages.  She said it would take 10 minutes.  She was wrong, as it would have taken 15 if everyone was smart. took 45...I sat there for half an hour...

oh, and then we watched an inaccurate video off of youtube, because she likes to do that.


I'll be the executioner.

Harvest:  Don't worry, American schools have the same level of incompetence.  You're not alone!

me irl

Composer #40

Only evil people can be music directors unless your at a christian school. And remember the wrong keys are electrified. Anyone goofing around will be executed by Kefka and your expensive instrument given to the underprivileged.

I call music director, then there are the countless professors/teachers under me.

Would anyone believe that my history teacher looked like a hippie and actually knew his stuff?

It happens Every. Day!


Finished my Lord of the Rings Extended box set today.  Was pretty epic, loved all the extra scenes.  One of the greatest series of all time..

Think I'm going to read The Hobbit tomorrow just cause.



Quote from: Dude on September 03, 2009, 08:47:15 AMWe need a school board...

I'll be the math teacher ;D
and Hugo could be the German teacher ::)
Quote from: KefkaticFanatic on September 03, 2009, 01:56:13 PMI'll be the executioner.

And I'd be the band teacher.

Quote from: Composer #40 on September 03, 2009, 04:31:01 PMI call music director,

They're different people at my school, anyway.

Composer #40

Teach them AP Music Theory, I wish my High school had that.  :(

It happens Every. Day!


My highschool had "We'll teach you just enough theory so that you won't pass the AP test."
This is a signature.


My school's got an awesome AP Music Theory class, which I am enrolled in this year. Should be awesome.