The Post Your Thoughts of the Moment Thread 2

Started by Harvest, February 22, 2008, 12:40:22 PM

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I'm going to Disney World tomorrow! But I haven't been on lately anyways...



HALLELUJAH! STRAIGHT A's! (I'm asian and my parents would kill me if i had any B's)

Yes, i know it's stereotypic, but true.

I was close to an 89 in Science....i got a 70 on a project, so I took it up a notch and got an 100 on another project and i guess it paid off!



I got a B in world history; my favorite class. :(


i don't know my grades yet, but my stupid geometry teacher probably failed me. okay, not really, but last week she gave this gay test that nobody at all (no exaggeration) finished. i got like a 40% on it, so.... :'(

damn commies.


ROFL! After school 2day, these 2 nerds got into a fight. It wuz so frikin hillarious! My friend vincent took a vid of it, but it was kinda gay at the same time, cuz it wasnt much of a fight, but the things they were saying were hillarious! OMG i'm still laughing :D


Hmmm....for some reason when you said that BK, I saw two nerdy guys exchanging the lines:

"Oh, you touch my tralala."

"Oh, my ding-ding-dong."

Gunther FTW!

Quote from: sipan1234bow to the longest child ever


lol! when my friend uploads the vid and sends it to me, I'll post it! It's hillarious :D



The forums won't work for me lately.

It took me like 5 minutes and lots of refreshing to post this.


I found that if you use your Wii to use the forums, loading time is drastically cut. Sure, you can't open files, or open new windows, but atleast you can get on. :P

Quote from: sipan1234bow to the longest child ever


Dual monitors are awesome.

I hooked up my 22 inch LCD alongside my 17inc CRT and it is amazing.

Something happened though, and now the 22inch has the screen off to the left and everything is messed up.  I tried to fix it but I couldn't, its really frustrating!


Quote from: HugoMeister on March 30, 2008, 08:18:37 AMI found that if you use your Wii to use the forums, loading time is drastically cut. Sure, you can't open files, or open new windows, but atleast you can get on. :P

Ha you're kidding right?  The Wii internet is worse than dialup.

Well NSM finally let me log on, but thats why I haven't been on to update stuff recently.  Every time I try to log on it errors me out :(

me irl


Actually, the Wii browser is pretty decent. A lot better than my dads crappy laptop <_<


yeah- it's decent. Sometimes it's slow, but it helps when my dad or mom is on the regular computer


me irl