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The Post Your Thoughts of the Moment Thread 2

Started by Harvest, February 22, 2008, 12:40:22 PM

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Quote from: JaMaHa on July 30, 2009, 03:15:12 AMSUCCESS

After countless attempts I was able to network my desktop and laptop.


Networking sucks.

Also, was able to download the Windows 7 64bit version which was 4gb in one night.  My torrent speed was actually decent for once.


Quote from: Dalonzo on July 29, 2009, 09:56:04 PMOMG! that is terrible, I mean, I don't know what the actual disease is but if it's that serious then do as much as you can to recover what you like to do. I mean I know you play the piano and can arrange and you like it (as far as I can tell) so don't give up hope.

BOT: that ^^ made me think how fucked up life really is, you have something, you enjoy doing it and you are good at it, and one day everything changes.

Like old people who enjoyed life and get Alzheimer's.

Yeah, I really should stop playing piano for now...

Life is always fucking my Im always doing everything to make good things happen to me and everyone, but Im always failing... my life is full of FAILURES...
the last month was terrible. 1st I was about to get a new girlfriend, but she moved away. Then I lost an important chamber music contest because Ive only played 12 mins. of music instead of the minimum 15 mins (If it wasnt this stupid picky rule, I was in the final...). Then a squirrel trows directly to my head a hazelnut (those really heavy) and it broken my head. Now this.....I was wondering about what is going to happen next...Life is unfair.

@Jamaha: I would like to have Windows 7, but I dont know if its safe or not... i have a (legal) copy of Windows Vista in my laptop, but Im afraid that if I install Windows 7, Ill not be able to install every program I want (most of them, music programs and games) and if most of the games are compatible. So, what should I do?


ROFLMAO a squirrel threw a hazelnut at your head?!?!?!   :D :D :D :D


Also, pretty sure most if not all programs compatible with Vista are compatible with 7. Vista and 7 even use the same video drivers.


Quote from: Harvest on July 30, 2009, 09:27:58 AMROFLMAO a squirrel threw a hazelnut at your head?!?!?!   :D :D :D :D


Also, pretty sure most if not all programs compatible with Vista are compatible with 7. Vista and 7 even use the same video drivers.

LOL, even I have laugh of that ()xD
Because in my garden we have pine trees, and now theres a bunch of squirrels trowing hazelnuts and branches to the floor. I was just about to enter in my house and BAM!!! it was so stupid  ;D :'( ;D :'(

Hmm... In hat case, I think Ill get Windows 7.




Windows 7 memory consumption is much less than Vista.  32% of 4gb for Vista.  16% of 4gb for 7.  So very impressive, using half the memory of Vista.  Plus, there isn't that horrible memory leak.  Sometimes I saw Vista get to 45% with the same programs running as at startup.


Quote from: Arison The Bat
oviosly so far i've only got "little unmature kids" to respond to this thread
After months of mediation and exams, I return.
Probably not for long.


Quote from: ALPRAS on July 30, 2009, 10:25:09 AM
Quote from: Harvest on July 30, 2009, 09:27:58 AMROFLMAO a squirrel threw a hazelnut at your head?!?!?!   :D :D :D :D


LOL, even I have laugh of that ()xD
Because in my garden we have pine trees, and now theres a bunch of squirrels trowing hazelnuts and branches to the floor. I was just about to enter in my house and BAM!!! it was so stupid  ;D :'( ;D :'(

I went once to my uncle's farm (it's a fruit farm, you can't actually see the sky, all you see is trees) and in one day, a cococut, 2 mangoes and bird crap fell on my head. I had to get 5 stitches (the coconut was the last one).


Windows 7 is great, isn't it?  And I haven't found a single thing (other than my ancient ATI graphics card) that doesn't work with 7.  The only reason the card doesn't work is because ATI/AMD is terrible and stopped supporting old cards.

me irl



memory usage at 14%.  Oh wait, anti virus isn't installed.  :P

edit: what the hell, avg antivirus bumps it up to 25% usage.  Bullshit.  So I uninstall it to find something better, and the usage stays at 19% when rebooted.  So it left something behind on my pc that takes 5% of my ram?  What the fuck?


 >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( I mis-located something in my right arm and now I can't do anything with it!!!!!  >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:(


Fuck, is this the month of the arms/wrists/hands problems?!


Harvest:  I find Norton to be a good, light, virus protection program.

me irl


Norton?! It used to be a heaviest antivirus of all time!