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The Post Your Thoughts of the Moment Thread 2

Started by Harvest, February 22, 2008, 12:40:22 PM

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I wonder if sipan joined ISIS or not... ya know, because he liked stabbing and stuff?

We may never know...


So my order of 999 came in today (or rather yesterday), and I'm really enjoying it so far. I felt kind of cheated after getting one of the bad endings for my first time through, but it also makes the story/game more intriguing in a way. Also, the music/sound effects and the writing style just fit the atmosphere so well

FE Conquest is also enjoyable (I'm only on chapter 10, and I'm playing it on hard classic). This summer is looking up to be pretty good so far


Quote from: Zeila on June 08, 2016, 01:25:18 AMSo my order of 999 came in today (or rather yesterday), and I'm really enjoying it so far. I felt kind of cheated after getting one of the bad endings for my first time through, but it also makes the story/game more intriguing in a way. Also, the music/sound effects and the writing style just fit the atmosphere so well

FE Conquest is also enjoyable (I'm only on chapter 10, and I'm playing it on hard classic). This summer is looking up to be pretty good so far
999-Yes, that game is written so well. Imo, it's better without the voice acting they add later in the series.
-FE14-How did you even do that. Hard mode is sooo hard.


If you don't like the English voice acting in VLR, you should have gone with the Japanese, it's much better
Quote from: Tobbeh99 on April 21, 2016, 02:56:11 PM
Fuck logic, that shit is boring, lame and does not always support my opinions.


Quote from: SlowPokemon on June 08, 2016, 07:24:30 AMIf you don't like the English voice acting in VLR, you should have gone with the Japanese, it's much better
This will sound so strange coming from someone who doesn't understand Japanese, but I really don't like the JP voices. Maybe it's because the last VNs I played with the original voice cast was Danganronpa and Steins;Gate, both of which had incredible JP voice acting. But, if anything, I'd rather just turn it off. Or at least have a volume option so I could turn the music up and the voices down.
The english voice acting isn't actually half bad in VLR, unlike Danganronpa or that horrible partial voice acting in FE Awakening and Fates. I'm so glad you can turn the latter off.


The guy who does Okabe in Steins;Gate is really hella great. And yeah I like the English in VLR a lot, it's my preferred version because they read the localization dialogue instead of the original untranslated words (sometimes it just bugs me when they're clearly saying a different line than the text implies).
Quote from: Tobbeh99 on April 21, 2016, 02:56:11 PM
Fuck logic, that shit is boring, lame and does not always support my opinions.


Side note: I just looked up Okabe's voice actor and it turns out he was in FE Fates and now I'm so mad we didn't get dual voice tracks.


We went camping in a cabin for a day and I decided to tour around the camp site on a bike. Me and my foster sister rode around until we got back to the entrance of the camp and went down a dirt road, that said "ashes only". I thought this was another way of saying "employees only" as I saw several of these roads in other places. However, I saw some camping sites here which meant it wasn't employees only. This road was really spooky, with no one around, unused/abandoned camping sites and all sorts of creepiness. Eventually, we found a pretty big hill of what seemed to be grey dirt, which was plausible considering the gravel and all the other grey dirt nearby. This was when I realized, that this was an "ashes only" road, and this hill was not dirt, but ashes. I mean, although it was obviously campfire ashes, finding a mountain of ashes from an unknown source is pretty spooky.

The reason I put this was because the sound of an Ash Mountain in a video game sounds awesome.


they were the ashes of an ancient indian burial ground, burned down to make room for more campsites


Oh, I was thinking something more sinister, like the ashes of animals, but I guess Indians work too.


wtf man human ashes are way more sinister


yeah; when in doubt, default to native american burial grounds
campfire stories 101


Quote from: Altissimo on June 08, 2016, 02:10:18 PMwtf man human ashes are way more sinister
Tell the truth, my original thought was pokemon ashes.


Quote from: Maelstrom on June 08, 2016, 06:10:06 AM-FE14-How did you even do that. Hard mode is sooo hard.
With plenty of resets since I don't want anyone to die. I haven't even gotten past chapter 10 yet, which is where the difficulty picks up.

@cashwarrior An "Ash Mountain" in a video game would be interesting to see actually. Also, I agree with Alti and think human ashes would be more sinister. I personally don't see how animal ashes would be more ominous unless you consider how either even got there in the first place


Well, I said animals because I thought that saying humans would be saying too much at the time, but now...