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The Post Your Thoughts of the Moment Thread 2

Started by Harvest, February 22, 2008, 12:40:22 PM

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Quote from: Bespinben on June 03, 2016, 11:27:00 AM*raises hand to the contrary*
*raises Maestros hand as well*

*forcefully raises own hand

QuoteGranted, neither of us self-identify as pianists (or instrumentalists of any sort), cementing my belief that the ability to perform is not requisite for mastering other facets of music.

I'm a music theorist myself!


it's kind of dumb to think that you can't possibly play piano correctly without the help of a teacher, it's like saying you can't learn a second language without a teacher, and we're not even discussing learning to play piano really


I thought she just wanted to know what the notes are and where they are
Quote from: MaestroUGC on August 19, 2015, 12:22:27 PMBraixen is a wonderful [insert gender] with beautiful [corresponding gender trait] and is just the darlingest at [stereotypical activity typically associated with said gender] you ever saw.


Quote from: NocturneOfShadow on June 03, 2016, 11:37:21 AMit's kind of dumb to think that you can't possibly play piano correctly without the help of a teacher, it's like saying you can't learn a second language without a teacher, and we're not even discussing learning to play piano really
i'd say it's more like learning how to cook only using a cookbook; there's quite a bit more to cooking than the ingredients you use, but for many recipes the ingredients list is sufficient
It's dangerous to go alone, take me with you! [JUB has joined the party.]

Pianist Da Sootopolis

Quote from: NocturneOfShadow on June 03, 2016, 11:37:21 AMit's kind of dumb to think that you can't possibly play piano correctly without the help of a teacher, it's like saying you can't learn a second language without a teacher, and we're not even discussing learning to play piano really
It's not that you can't play correctly, it's that you can't (typically) play well.
As in, playing hard things like Beethoven sonatas well.
Or even playing a simple Bach two part invention well.
@Ben/Maestro both of you guys have some formal training, do you not? What Slow said was
Quote from: SlowPokemon on June 03, 2016, 11:17:20 AMYou cant get an effective understanding of music without a teacher.
Which isn't just related to piano. I remember you posting about how in your music education process you had to switch between Finale and Sibelius XD
what is shitpost


ben is self taught, but I believe he's getting a degree in Music Software and Engineering or something to that effect which is where the Finale/Sibelius would come in


Quote from: NocturneOfShadow on June 03, 2016, 01:29:59 PMben is self taught, but I believe he's getting a degree in Music Software and Engineering or something to that effect which is where the Finale/Sibelius would come in

I'd like to note that this is indeed an aspiration, but I have yet to be accepted into a program, and therefore I am locked out of "majors only" courses. My training is NSM. 100%.

And about Sibelius, I picked that up strictly out of curiosity during high school (2010!) because I overheard the term "music notation software" thrown around while I was eavesdropping a conversation between the choir and band instructors. The switch to Finale was due to my discovery of NSM in 2011.

 Always eavesdrop kiddos, it may just send you to beautiful places (like NSM).
Quote from: Nebbles on July 04, 2015, 12:05:12 PM
Someone beat Bespinben to making PMD music?! GASP!

MLF for Chatroom Mod next Tuesday


I was at a smash 4 tournament. This weekly we decided to have random teams, or pseudo-random teams, meaning we divided the whole group into 2 groups, one with the 7 better players and one with the 7 worse, and then paired the teams randomly with one from the better and one from the worse. And it went really well for me and my teammate "Warheart". We placed 2nd after a really strong team "Biscuit" + "Koopa Commander". My teammate Warheart played really well with his Cloud and clutched out a lot of situations, and I did pretty well at times as well. I managed to get a really nice spike off-stage with Dark Pit on Doctor Mario, among other things. It was also funny, because we were 15 people, the best player had to team with a CPU. And he made it pretty far lol, he came 4th! So it was really fun! :)

Here's the challonge:
Quote from: Dudeman on August 16, 2016, 06:11:42 AM
tfw you get schooled in English grammar by a guy whose first language is not English

10/10 tobbeh


I always think I can do good at fighting other people in smash 4 until I actually fight for competition.


Quote from: cashwarrior1 on June 03, 2016, 01:36:25 PMI always think I can do good at fighting other people in smash 4 until I actually fight for competition.

Agrees. People are a lot better than you think. And there comes new players getting really good fast, or old veterans who are really good. And sometimes you don't even know what you're doing wrong or why you're playing bad, only know that you're losing.
Quote from: Dudeman on August 16, 2016, 06:11:42 AM
tfw you get schooled in English grammar by a guy whose first language is not English

10/10 tobbeh


I suck at video games, otherwise I'd try smash


What is funny for me is, that I'm kind of bad in singles but I've had way better success in teams. Guess I'm more of a doubles-player.
Quote from: Dudeman on August 16, 2016, 06:11:42 AM
tfw you get schooled in English grammar by a guy whose first language is not English

10/10 tobbeh


I use villager and I use him because of his amazing recoveries. I got hit off the screen with over 200 (hits?) and I flew back onto the screen and lived... then got immediately smashed, but nonetheless it's still a great recovery!


Lol, know the feeling, maining Dark Pit. You try to spike me? Footstool me? Lol I'll make it back somehow from the bottom of the screen. ;D Also super-armor side-b is free sweetspot.
Quote from: Dudeman on August 16, 2016, 06:11:42 AM
tfw you get schooled in English grammar by a guy whose first language is not English

10/10 tobbeh


Quote from: B-Kpianist on February 22, 2008, 05:18:09 PMHey, i heard the In SSBB, there'll be charachters like bomberman and stuff u can buy for 500 wii points... anyone know if dis is true or not?
Woah, we came from a long way! XD