The Post Your Thoughts of the Moment Thread 2

Started by Harvest, February 22, 2008, 12:40:22 PM

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whyyyy does Netflix have to suck up bandwidth I can't play league ever because my grandma does nothing but watch Netflix all day


Tell her to stop destroying her already old brain, that should get your bandwidth back up real quick.
Quote from: MaestroUGC on August 19, 2015, 12:22:27 PMBraixen is a wonderful [insert gender] with beautiful [corresponding gender trait] and is just the darlingest at [stereotypical activity typically associated with said gender] you ever saw.


Conservative thought:
30,800 car related deaths in 2012 compared to 8,855 firearm-related homicides, 505 accidental deaths, and 281 deaths due to "undetermined intent".  So before we take away guns we should take away cars, cancer, and suicide.

...take away guns lol how would that solve anything


Quote from: NocturneOfShadow on February 24, 2016, 05:35:49 PMConservative thought:
30,800 car related deaths in 2012 compared to 8,855 firearm-related homicides, 505 accidental deaths, and 281 deaths due to "undetermined intent".  So before we take away guns we should take away cars, cancer, and suicide.

...take away guns lol how would that solve anything
I think it's different in people's minds- cars are such an ingrained part of society today that taking them away would be highly improbable. Or not. There are some people who are opposed to the development of self-driving cars, which, if they worked right, could greatly reduce or eliminate crashes.
And the moral of the story: Quit while you're a head.

Fakemon Dex
NSM Sprite Thread
Story Thread
The Dread Somber


Quote from: NocturneOfShadow on February 24, 2016, 05:35:49 PMConservative thought:
30,800 car related deaths in 2012 compared to 8,855 firearm-related homicides, 505 accidental deaths, and 281 deaths due to "undetermined intent".  So before we take away guns we should take away cars, cancer, and suicide.

...take away guns lol how would that solve anything
Gun control is one of the few issues I'm very close to diehard conservative on, not because I think people need to defend themselves, but because taking away guns wouldn't solve anything and most firearm related homicides are committed with illegal weapons anyway. Taking away people's guns is a surefire way to piss them off, at least in America.
I'm an eldritch abomination darn it! I can lurk around whatever websites I want!


if you guys wanna keep chatting about this we can drive on over to the politics thread :P

Waddle Bro

No need homie I got you cue the wiki links and since that is a literal textbook example it should be over before it can even begin

Quote from: take notes fam7. Red herring -argument
   =>Example 1.
      =>Defending keeping and bearing arms in the USA:
         "How many people die in traffic accidents annually?
         "More people than in gun-related deaths."
         => The first statement(=how many people die in traffic accidents) isn't related at all to the other problem(=whether or not guns are justified).


Quote from: NocturneOfShadow on February 24, 2016, 04:28:34 PMwhyyyy does Netflix have to suck up bandwidth I can't play league ever because my grandma does nothing but watch Netflix all day
If you know your router credentials, you can restrict the bandwidth of whatever device she uses to something not detrimental.
You know you've been playing too much Dragon Quest when you're afraid your Hershey's Kisses are going to flee.

I program things


Quote from: Waddle Bro on February 24, 2016, 06:21:55 PMNo need homie I got you cue the wiki links and since that is a literal textbook example it should be over before it can even begin

Quote from: Tobbeh99 on April 21, 2016, 02:56:11 PM
Fuck logic, that shit is boring, lame and does not always support my opinions.



Quote from: NocturneOfShadow on February 24, 2016, 05:35:49 PMConservative thought:
30,800 car related deaths in 2012 compared to 8,855 firearm-related homicides, 505 accidental deaths, and 281 deaths due to "undetermined intent".  So before we take away guns we should take away cars, cancer, and suicide.

...take away guns lol how would that solve anything
Red herrings aside, keeping the general populace from having guns is impractical and illogical. Making gun possession illegal isn't gonna stop the criminals who use them for illegal means anyways. Gun control only has any effect on the law abiding citizens who can be trusted with guns with which to defend themselves and each other. The bad guys are going to have guns either way; might as well arm the good guys too instead of leaving them undefended.
"Today's goal strongly involves not dying. Because nobody likes to wake up dead."

My Arrangements
Finale Version(s): Finale Notepad 2012, Finale 2012, Finale v26


Quote from: Nebbles on February 24, 2016, 03:30:49 PMHIGH SPEED WINDS LET'S FUCKIN' GO
I had to drive home in this wind and I was being blown all around ahaha and now my powers out. All this just from wind apparently


Quote from: NocturneOfShadow on February 24, 2016, 05:35:49 PMConservative thought:
30,800 car related deaths in 2012 compared to 8,855 firearm-related homicides, 505 accidental deaths, and 281 deaths due to "undetermined intent".  So before we take away guns we should take away cars, cancer, and suicide.

...take away guns lol how would that solve anything

And 12 people died to terrorism in 2012, so let's focus on that? You're not the only one that can red herring.
Quote from: Dudeman on January 23, 2017, 05:35:59 PM
straight from the department of redundancy department


Quote from: FireArrow on February 24, 2016, 08:41:24 PMAnd 12 people died to terrorism in 2012, so let's focus on that? You're not the only one that can red herring.
Psychologically, a single person being killed in a crime involving a gun (say, a robbery) has a vastly different effect than an organized attack by people who have the sole intent of killing people- often randomly and without easy prevention during the moment (or, for a slightly more apt comparison, the difference between some random person assassinating a politician versus people working for a foreign agency plotting to assassinate a politician). Plus, I think terrorism is seen as more easily preventable with government interference- to tie the discussion in with Nocturne's first post, it's almost like how you can't always prevent car crashes resulting from human error, but you can prevent car manufacturers from cutting costs in a way that could lead to defects that could cause crashes (or... not, depending on the level of corruption, but for the sake of argument, that's irrelevant).
And the moral of the story: Quit while you're a head.

Fakemon Dex
NSM Sprite Thread
Story Thread
The Dread Somber


terrorism isn't about making the kill, it's about sending a message.  I learned that on criminal minds.