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The Post Your Thoughts of the Moment Thread 2

Started by Harvest, February 22, 2008, 12:40:22 PM

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We're at a point in time where both extremes exist.
Quote from: Dudeman on January 23, 2017, 05:35:59 PM
straight from the department of redundancy department


Quote from: FireArrow on February 01, 2015, 12:57:21 PMlonely little bubbles.

I understand what you're saying, but I don't think updating Facebook/twitter/whatever frequently replaces conversation. If something happens I'm not going to go out and individually tell all of my friends, but instead make one blanket statement that anyone who cares about it can follow up on. People that are more active online than in person are no different from socially awkward people 50 years ago, they've just found somewhere where it can be less obvious.

Also I've noticed that social media for middle schoolers like my sister is more of a place to brag about all the fun you're having with your friends. That's a little ridiculous (to be fair, they ARE middleschoolers) but it's not replacing interaction. It might even be encouraging it.


Quote from: Nebbles on February 01, 2015, 11:44:21 AMThat doesn't apply to everyone though. I mean, I still think technology is amazing with what it can do, and if it gives some people a venue to communicate then I'm all for it. Some people can't find social interaction in real life and the internet helps them do that. But ehhh, that's just me.
Spot on!
Technology is/are supposed to be tools for us to use in everyday problems and to help expand our imagination and creative juices. And let's not forget communicating with our friends and family. But when technology becomes a distraction and gets in the way of our work and ruins our character, that's when I don't like it. Don't get me wrong! Wii Us, X-Boxes, etc. are entertainment and distractions to help us unwind from life and work. But smart phones, computers, etc. should help us with everyday problems, communication, and work related things......NOT be a distraction.
Technology can be Good and Bad, You just have to be balanced in the way you use it.

Quote from: Bubbles on February 01, 2015, 01:12:43 PMAlso I've noticed that social media for middle schoolers like my sister is more of a place to brag about all the fun you're having with your friends. That's a little ridiculous (to be fair, they ARE middleschoolers) but it's not replacing interaction. It might even be encouraging it.
Haha...and dont forget High Schoolers :P


Conversation I've had with a friend:

Me: Do you guys still talk?
Him: Nah, she stopped using instagram. I don't really know what she's doing now.

Like really? >_>

I mean, I'm talking about close friends here. Obviously your not gonna go around telling everyone at school what you got at starbucks. I just get really pissed off when a close friend asks someone to prom and you find via instagram. Or they joined the armed forces... and you find out through instagram. When the previous day we sat there in awkward silences on our phones with "nothing to talk about."

guhh maybe I just have bad experiences .-.

Edit: Yeah. Those "who has the best social life" competitions are really annoying.
Quote from: Dudeman on January 23, 2017, 05:35:59 PM
straight from the department of redundancy department


mebbe you should move to minnesota
I need a wingman of mayhem


Quote from: Dudeman on January 23, 2017, 05:35:59 PM
straight from the department of redundancy department


I just want to mention this
What a lovely discussion we all had about technology, where everyone stated their opinions, and no one gave out personal attacks, started a flame war or got their feelings hurt! Fantastic job everyone! :)

Also, anyone watching the game today? Or going to a party just for the food?  ;)

Please follow me and my art on Instagram :D


it's actually pretty cold rn
but you get used to it

@Jamaha could we possibly get a [card][/card] tag for stuff like MTG pokemon and yugioh so that it shows up when you hover over it?

Quote from: ZeldaFan on February 01, 2015, 01:54:42 PMI just want to mention this
What a lovely discussion we all had about technology, where everyone stated their opinions, and no one gave out personal attacks, started a flame war or got their feelings hurt! Fantastic job everyone! :)
ya I was thinking the same thing how we actually had a decent discussion


Quote from: ZeldaFan on February 01, 2015, 01:54:42 PMI just want to mention this
What a lovely discussion we all had about technology, where everyone stated their opinions, and no one gave out personal attacks, started a flame war or got their feelings hurt! Fantastic job everyone! :)

Also, anyone watching the game today? Or going to a party just for the food?  ;)
I totally agree!
Great work all!


I'd love to eat the food, but my stomach feels like total ass today :(
Quote from: Dudeman on April 13, 2016, 04:54:04 PM
- Nebbles, the beauty with the heart of frozen steel


Not watching. Just video games and arranging for me.


Might watch it cuz Seattle. But I've got a bunch of Calc homework to finish. meh

Quote from: Mashi on March 26, 2013, 05:54:37 PMAfter viewing both FMA:Brotherhood and Naruto Shippuden, it would be frivolous to even consider watching an anime as unbearably mediocre as Melancholy. NARUTOxHINATA 4 LYFE!!!


Still planning on drinking and cleaning.

But go Seahawks!



Waddle Bro

Quote from: FireArrow on February 01, 2015, 01:27:00 PMI mean, I'm talking about close friends here. Obviously your not gonna go around telling everyone at school what you got at starbucks. I just get really pissed off when a close friend asks someone to prom and you find via instagram. Or they joined the armed forces... and you find out through instagram. When the previous day we sat there in awkward silences on our phones with "nothing to talk about."

guhh maybe I just have bad experiences .-.

Edit: Yeah. Those "who has the best social life" competitions are really annoying.
I hang out a lot of the time with my friends, even though I'm more active in the social media than the average bear. We still have plenty upon plenty of topics to discuss about, usually whatever comes to mind. You should try to bring up those topics when you're hanging out with them, like "hey saw you got a date for prom" and then you start discussing about like prom. I do that a lot when I need to start a conversation and then we digress to another topics. Try to break the ice!

I think you all are overreacting about people posting pictures on ig as like it'd be a competition. People like to post what they're doing and the attention they get from the others(that's exactly why we have this topic and the fact that it's the most popular topic of the forum should help prove my point!). You could just as well be thinking that we're competing of who has the best social life here.