The Post Your Thoughts of the Moment Thread 2

Started by Harvest, February 22, 2008, 12:40:22 PM

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And yes, Donnel's one of the best damn units. dat aptitude growth mmmmm
Quote from: Dudeman on April 13, 2016, 04:54:04 PM
- Nebbles, the beauty with the heart of frozen steel


I tried the Awakening demo, but never the full game. Not really, "into it". So anyways, who thinks I should buy an Xbox one? What's good about them?
Quote from: Altissimo on August 29, 2015, 12:00:16 PM
Since I haven't heard from her personally I don't wanna be like "YO HERE'S THE CHATROOM OK"


Do you have a Wii U? I'd recommend a Wii U over an Xbox 1 anyday.


The main selling point of the XBox 1 is that it's slightly better than the 360


Quote from: NocturneOfShadow on December 20, 2014, 09:02:41 PMThe main selling point of the XBox 1 is that it's slightly better than the 360
Very True.


I'm trying to figure out if I should get an XBOne or a PS4.

I have no ties to either Microsoft or Sony, so essentially it's basically close my eyes and pick one -- unless anyone has an opinion


Well, the PS4 probably has more interesting games.
Quote from: Dudeman on April 13, 2016, 04:54:04 PM
- Nebbles, the beauty with the heart of frozen steel


So many games on either are released on PC too anyways, which I greatly prefer. Wii U is the only console I want to get, because of the exclusivity.


At this point I still haven't seen enough exclusive games from *any* next gen console to personally justify a purchase.  For a Wii U I am just waiting for the next Zelda game since I really don't have much else to expect from Nintendo (unless they manage to happily surprise me with a burst of interesting new IP), and I haven't seen enough from either PS4 or XBONE that isn't available in some fashion on the PC as well.  I'll keep an eye out over this next half year for sure though, perhaps next holiday is when all of them will switch it up to a higher gear.

me irl


Quote from: DrP on December 20, 2014, 10:14:41 PMI'm trying to figure out if I should get an XBOne or a PS4.

I have no ties to either Microsoft or Sony, so essentially it's basically close my eyes and pick one -- unless anyone has an opinion

I suggest you make your decision knowing fully well about the slim models.. If I were to buy a console, I'd want it to be as quiet as possible, having a smaller more efficient cooling system allows for that.

Also the transition from 28nm to 20nm makes it rather difficult for them not to make it slightly superior due to the way a die shrink works anyway.

It could be worth waiting to decide, as you'll also learn a lot more about the consoles futures, and you'll pay less.


Quote from: DrP on December 20, 2014, 10:14:41 PMI'm trying to figure out if I should get an XBOne or a PS4.

Crap, I still read that as x-bone.

I seem to be missing a piece of my ear.


me irl


Quote from: KefkaticFanatic on December 21, 2014, 12:04:34 AMAt this point I still haven't seen enough exclusive games from *any* next gen console to personally justify a purchase.  For a Wii U I am just waiting for the next Zelda game since I really don't have much else to expect from Nintendo (unless they manage to happily surprise me with a burst of interesting new IP)

I mean, here are the games I'd currently want a Wii U for:
-3D World
-Pikmin 3
-Hyrule Warriors
-(possibly) Wonderful 101

And here are future releases I also really want it for:
-Splatoon (looks like some promising new IP to me; not the potential for a new "franchise", so to speak, but still a really fun looking standalone game)
-New zelda
-Xenoblade chronicles X

Idk, the only one of these that I can really see considered a cheap rehash is MK8, and even then like, it was still a really well-received game. But 5-6 currently out that I really want is definitely enough to justify buying the system for me.


Quote from: Winter on December 21, 2014, 12:27:04 AMStuff about Slim PS4/XBOne

Totally meant to include a link to this article:

It outlines the why a lot better than I did because I was intending only to sum it up :P


I'm personally tired of how they're releasing mario games so I'm not that excited about 3d world (it's nice as a distraction on a portable device but meh on a console, mario galaxy even started feeling like a chore to me and as far as I can tell 3d world is even more linear)

Smash I'm not going to consider until the GCN adapter is remade, and even still it's really only worth getting as a casual party game as I feel that melee is more enjoyable competitively.

MK8 is also primarily party game, I'm not that excited just playing Mario Kart on my own beyond a distraction on portable device so I discount that

Hyule Warriors I feel is moderately fun, but not worth more than like $20-30 and thus more of an "addon" title, not anything worth buying console for

Pikmin 3 I have at home with the Wii U we have there.  It's fun yea, though I haven't had the motivation to pick it up and finish it...

I've heard good things about Wonderful 101, so that's definitely one game of interest to me.

Splatoon just looks like another generic quirky shooter, and I already have like 15 of those I've never even installed on Steam.  Not that exciting to me.

New Zelda is new Zelda and I will probably want to play it since I still don't find those games old (though ALBW was sort of disappointing to me :\)

Xenoblade I know nothing about.  Sounds neat, but that would just be +1 game for me.

My thoughts are that I'm going to be spending minimum $200 on just the console, which if I'm getting unbundled I'll have to add another $50 for at least one game given Nintendo games almost never go on sale.  Then, I had sure better hope I'm going to have enough to look forward to make me not feel bad about that $200 down payment on console, which as I detailed above isn't super ideal personally.  I do have to be a bit frugal at least :x

Some people might be totally content with those titles, but eh.  That's my reasoning.

Though, at this point I haven't actually looked much at all at the exclusive titles that the other two are getting.  The release titles weren't that exciting but I've heard there are some pretty interesting ones that have been shown off recently o;  I'm just being patient as I have more than enough options with my PC at the moment :D

me irl