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The Post Your Thoughts of the Moment Thread 2

Started by Harvest, February 22, 2008, 12:40:22 PM

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You are honestly just not even worth it.
Quote from: Tobbeh99 on April 21, 2016, 02:56:11 PM
Fuck logic, that shit is boring, lame and does not always support my opinions.



lol, alright kid.  Just don't make yourself a problem.

me irl


Quote from: KefkaticFanatic on July 26, 2013, 08:51:37 PMa) The hostile nature of the comment is something completely of your own imagination and design.
b) Not only is it one of the essential bits of literature most should have read by the end of high school, but it is also pretty hardcore in pop culture everywhere thanks to the highly mainstreamized films.  So yes, that would be a classic example of uncultured.

You don't have to take everything as a personalized attack you know.  Try easing off on the snarky authoritative bs every time people say something you don't like.


In your argument you hold some assumptions that function as your main argument: The fact that I'm out of high school, and the harsh criterion you set for being "cultured".

I am a sophomore in high school (rather, a junior because it's summer vacation right now) and I haven't been assigned the book (or series, not too sure) yet. While this point is absolutely irrelevant and makes me wonder why you brought it up in the first place, the second assumption you hold is erroneous. Are you implying that for someone to be considered "cultured", they have to conform to every fad present in the era? I'm sorry, but I beg to differ, for if you truly believe this argument, you are a hypocrite. Have you been up to date with every fashion trend, movie, literature, music, celebrity issue, and current news? You do realize that when you rudely and immaturely critized me, you criticized probably almost the whole of this earth. As you can see, bluefower and Winter did not read this book. Are you also criticizing them as well?

Your ignorance is quite present in your final line "M'kay". I'm sure you know this is an immature response derived from little whining children who are haughty in their argumentative approach, rather than trying to discuss the matter in a mature fashion.

Quote from: KefkaticFanatic on July 26, 2013, 09:08:26 PMlol, alright kid.  Just don't make yourself a problem.

By condescending upon a fellow user, you acted in an extremely rude manner by lowering SlowPokemon's maturity level to a "kid". Interesting thing is, though, your hypocrisy is quite evident from your post. Only people with the maturity level of "kids" will post in such a manner. The second sentence only serves to fortify it.

I am a man who can reason. I don't get rash in my statements for no particular reason. Nor do I get mad for such trifling matters as this. I won't force my point across, but if you're willing to place yourself in a better place in society, I suggest you alter your approach with people. By bashing me you have criticized others indirectly and you made yourself a subject of folly.


I don't think Winter was the one that Kefka called a "kid".
Bulbear! Blueflower999


Quote from: blueflower999 on July 26, 2013, 09:37:16 PMI don't think Winter was the one that Kefka called a "kid".

Yes I realize that, I accidentally placed his name there. I edited it.


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Quote from: Tobbeh99 on April 21, 2016, 02:56:11 PM
Fuck logic, that shit is boring, lame and does not always support my opinions.


Quote from: MoboMoga on July 26, 2013, 09:35:19 PMIn your argument you hold some assumptions that function as your main argument: The fact that I'm out of high school, and the harsh criterion you set for being "cultured".

I am a sophomore in high school (rather, a junior because it's summer vacation right now) and I haven't been assigned the book (or series, not too sure) yet. While this point is absolutely irrelevant and makes me wonder why you brought it up in the first place, the second assumption you hold is erroneous. Are you implying that for someone to be considered "cultured", they have to conform to every fad present in the era? I'm sorry, but I beg to differ, for if you truly believe this argument, you are a hypocrite. Have you been up to date with every fashion trend, movie, literature, music, celebrity issue, and current news? You do realize that when you rudely and immaturely critized me, you criticized probably almost the whole of this earth. As you can see, bluefower and Winter did not read this book. Are you also criticizing them as well?

Your ignorance is quite present in your final line "M'kay". I'm sure you know this is an immature response derived from little whining children who are haughty in their argumentative approach, rather than trying to discuss the matter in a mature fashion.

By condescending upon a fellow user, you acted in an extremely rude manner by lowering SlowPokemon's maturity level to a "kid". Interesting thing is, though, your hypocrisy is quite evident from your post. Only people with the maturity level of "kids" will post in such a manner. The second sentence only serves to fortify it.

I am a man who can reason. I don't get rash in my statements for no particular reason. Nor do I get mad for such trifling matters as this. I won't force my point across, but if you're willing to place yourself in a better place in society, I suggest you alter your approach with people. By bashing me you have criticized others indirectly and you made yourself a subject of folly.

Sorry but I think you've stepped a bit far yourself. I don't think Kefka was being harsh at all and his idea of being cultured isn't too high at all, nor is he being condescending (remember that time when I mentioned I never watched Star Trek and then he said the same thing and then it never turned into an argument?). Also you don't need to be assigned books to read them, usually high school books are chosen based on what can be discussed/analyzed in class, or what your level of education would allow you to discuss.

I'm actually more ticked at what you say about Tolkien's works. The Lord of the Rings defines modern fantasy (hence the arguments of modern fantasy author copying from him) so it's not just some fad like you said. It's been around for almost 60 years! And here you'd dismissing it as some random novel that will eventually go out of style. I'm sure you also can't say the whole English-speaking world haven't read the books from the basis that Winter and blueflower didn't read them either.

Random: The LoTR related books I can find lying around in 10 minutes.

Also don't call yourself a man. Sorry, when I hear teenagers say that I just chuckle to myself -.- Part of being an adult is not rageposting or letting your feelings toward someone influence your behavior either.

Edit: Added an extra comment and resized photo. Blahblahblah...

I seem to be missing a piece of my ear.


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Currently using Finale 2012


I've never read this piece of literature, but I know its importance in modern fiction. I'm not a fan of fantasy, but this doesn't make me uncultered, I just have differing tastes.

Also, this argument is stupid and you all should feel bad. QED, I win.

Man, I'm so good at rhetoric.
Try to do everything; you're bound to succeed with at least one.


Quote from: Ruto on July 26, 2013, 11:34:12 PMSorry but I think you've stepped a bit far yourself. I don't think Kefka was being harsh at all and his idea of being cultured isn't too high at all, nor is he being condescending (remember that time when I mentioned I never watched Star Trek and then he said the same thing and then it never turned into an argument?).

I'm actually more ticked at what you say about Tolkien's works. The Lord of the Rings defines modern fantasy (hence the arguments of modern fantasy author copying from him) so it's not just some fad like you said. It's been around for almost 60 years! And here you'd dismissing it as some random novel that will eventually go out of style. I'm sure you also can't say the whole English-speaking world haven't read the books from the basis that Winter and blueflower didn't read them either.

Random: The LoTR related books I can find lying around in 10 minutes.

Also don't call yourself a man. Sorry, when I hear teenagers say that I just chuckle to myself -.- Part of being an adult is not rageposting or letting your feelings toward someone influence your behavior either.

I think I was a bit unclear with my response. If you've read at the bottom, I quite explicitly stated, "Nor do I get mad for such trifling matters as this." However, when users responded to Kekfa's post, he was rude and wrote words such as "kid" and such. It was Kekfa who stated "Not only is it one of the essential bits of literature most should have read by the end of high school". So I think you should rethink about that point.

I quite respect Tolkien's works. Of course, I haven't read them, but I still respect them nonetheless. When I used the word "fad", it was for a general scope on the definition of "cultured". And when I state that the world does not live up to this "cultured" criterion, I am stating that they do not conform with all the things going on in the world, derived from Kekfa's apparent definition of "cultured". Of course, I may be mistaken but that is how I came to view his definition.

I'm sorry, but when I used the word "man", I simply meant the literal definition of it, simply a male human being. And I'm not sure where you get your "rageposting" and "influenced from someone else's behavior", but as you can see I was not forcing any belief on Kekfa whatsoever and I kept my composure. Although it may sound caustic, my response was provoked by his ignorance.

I hope this clears things up a bit. I have no intention of getting into a conflict or enmity.

Edit: Added a response


Try to do everything; you're bound to succeed with at least one.


I think this thing about being "cultured" is somewhat wierd. Most people if they are somewhat cultured are it maybe in one or two areas. I know plenty about music and think I'm cultured in classical music but I'm not cultured in fiction (or maybe more specifically fantasy) books (although I've read the LotR trilogy, The Hobbit, Similarion and most of the Harry Potter books) or in paintings etc. for instance. Actually I don't feel I'm cultured in books at all actually imo as I barely read anything outside of schoolbooks or sometimes books about music. Plus when do you reach the level of being "cultured"? What defines it?