The Post Your Thoughts of the Moment Thread 2

Started by Harvest, February 22, 2008, 12:40:22 PM

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Concerto No.20 in D minor

I guess I'll leave too, I need some ice cream.


me irl


4 People leave, and you say NSM is dieing?

Evilsqueaks is just inactive. He plops on the chat every now and then.

*If you didn't notice, there are 4 pages of people submitting their work.*



hey you gotta keep it up or there will be no BIGGEST SHEET thingie of the web
please delete this account



Even when everyone else has gone,
I will punch the punching bag until a game comes on. XD

10 years later. Still Brawling!


Mutli-Player? Amazing! :o

I am excited to get the werewolf game going. Makes me want to think of another game to put up here and then become the moderator of the child board (if it makes it that far). Meh I'll stick to chess.

Sucks that people left. I would have never guessed people like Akiro and Razer would leave. They seem to have an addiction to nsm just as I do.

But one day, sadly. Other things will become more important. And that day, I shall leave too. But that isn't for a while. ;)


oops, i meant XBOX LIVE ARCADE!!!
B-K and B-T with slightly updated visuals ;D


Doesn't Nintendo still technically own those games? So if M$ can release them, Nintendo can too.


Nintendo doesn't own them, Rare does. rare had a contract with Nintendo, then Microsoft bought Rare. So no Nintendo no longer owns any of the Rare franchises.


Hahaha, Alien Hominid! Never played it except for newgrounds.


Quote from: DaveyTheRebel on July 14, 2008, 04:57:02 PMNew Sig  ;D
Heh that's cool it's so blunt and yet it's very nicely done! XD but dang it you got an overkill achievment and I STILL DON'T HAVE IT to this day :\ gets me mad thinking about it.

but my thought of the moment! I Can NES-ify any song I want to now XD thanks to FruityLoops!
