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The Post Your Thoughts of the Moment Thread 2

Started by Harvest, February 22, 2008, 12:40:22 PM

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Yah i'm putting up my vocal solo, piano solo, and violin solo on teh youtubes. They all got ones.
Quote from: K-NiGhT on April 11, 2024, 11:54:48 AMwow, 20 years

*crumbles into dust and blows away in the wind*


Visit my site: VGM Sheet Music by Olimar12345 ~ Quality VGM sheet music available for free!


Quote from: SuperFireKirby on March 24, 2012, 03:10:58 PMHey college peoples with knowledgeable information about stuff, would it be better to go for an Associate in Arts degree or Associates in Sciences degree?

Well, what major are you planning on going into?  Even if you end up retaking most of the classes, you at least want to have a background in your intended major or at least focus area.

me irl


Quote from: KefkaticFanatic on March 24, 2012, 03:02:55 PMIt's never good to have that kind of egotistical tone about you though.  It does nothing but harm.

*coughing fit*

So how many people are guilty of this? Before I start firing random shots? >__>

I seem to be missing a piece of my ear.


me irl


Quote from: NocturneOfShadow on January 15, 2015, 07:20:41 PM
"Sorry to keep you waiting!'
~Pit, Kid Icarus Uprising ♥

Me youtube channel!:


^I have it and it's a really good game. ;o

Also wtf, weather went from -10C to 20-25C and now it's back -3C. It's not supposed to smell like summer outside, we're only in March. D:
Quote from: MaestroUGC on February 13, 2013, 01:16:55 PM
Thanks. For a moment there I was worried, though. I almost needed to blow you.


Quote from: Pit0010 on March 25, 2012, 04:47:21 AMi want shadow of the colossus...
^Definitely one of the best games I've ever played.

Quote from: Mashi on March 26, 2013, 05:54:37 PMAfter viewing both FMA:Brotherhood and Naruto Shippuden, it would be frivolous to even consider watching an anime as unbearably mediocre as Melancholy. NARUTOxHINATA 4 LYFE!!!

Fleetstar The Flygon

*Randomly jumps into conversation*
What's it rated?


Quote from: Mashi on March 26, 2013, 05:54:37 PMAfter viewing both FMA:Brotherhood and Naruto Shippuden, it would be frivolous to even consider watching an anime as unbearably mediocre as Melancholy. NARUTOxHINATA 4 LYFE!!!


It looks like it has an... interesting ending. *No spoilers*
Bulbear! Blueflower999


The story is fucking amazing. One of the best parts of the game(along with the music, gameplay, and just about everything else besides some issues with the framerate)

Quote from: Mashi on March 26, 2013, 05:54:37 PMAfter viewing both FMA:Brotherhood and Naruto Shippuden, it would be frivolous to even consider watching an anime as unbearably mediocre as Melancholy. NARUTOxHINATA 4 LYFE!!!

Concerto No.20 in D minor

Ah man.  Playing it with the old frame rates was not the greatest.  I recently repurchased it for the PS3 and they got rid of the frame rates issue.  Such a good game.


I need to definitely play some more games. Thanks to Funktastic, I want to try Chrono Trigger...
Quote from: Dudeman on April 13, 2016, 04:54:04 PM
- Nebbles, the beauty with the heart of frozen steel


Quote from: Nebbles on March 25, 2012, 12:33:26 PMI need to definitely play some more games. Thanks to Funktastic, I want to try Chrono Trigger...

Yeaaaaahhhh.  Do it!  It's a standard RPG, but I think it's pretty cool.  Plus, it has time travel!
Shittiest pre-birthday weekend ever(for me)?  I think so.