The Post Your Thoughts of the Moment Thread 2

Started by Harvest, February 22, 2008, 12:40:22 PM

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Yeaaahh i am going to the beach for a week!!!!!
(ouch, last year i gat piched by a bunch of crabs) - its... its... beautiful!


Scott is the vgcats guy.

So he's instantly superawesome.

He's also Canadian, so its like bonus points.

me irl


Quote from: DaveyTheRebel on June 21, 2008, 01:58:27 PMGuys Guys Guys OMGOMGOMGZ!!!

I wasn't gonna say anything unless it actually happened but it did!

Yesterday I emailed Scott Ramsoomair... I'll basically quote the email.

QuoteI am showing you this on behalf of all the moderators at the forum of my favorite sheet music gaming website, It is beginning to add more then just Nintendo Sheet Music (Hence the Title), and it is becoming more popular. My hope is to gain popularity by you posting this website in your links.

Sincerly Yours,
David Hauffe.

IT FREAKING WORKED. He replied to the email:

QuoteHa, that's awesome.  Yeah sure I'll link 'er up.
(sounds like him XD)

It isn't up yet, it should be soon. But now, since I know like a bunch of devotees to that website, we could gain some popularity! (and some new forum members  ;D)

I assume you're aware of the fact that you are risking a major epic ban by this action?


Quote from: G-Han on June 22, 2008, 01:41:54 AM
Quote from: DaveyTheRebel on June 21, 2008, 01:58:27 PMGuys Guys Guys OMGOMGOMGZ!!!

I wasn't gonna say anything unless it actually happened but it did!

Yesterday I emailed Scott Ramsoomair... I'll basically quote the email.

QuoteI am showing you this on behalf of all the moderators at the forum of my favorite sheet music gaming website, It is beginning to add more then just Nintendo Sheet Music (Hence the Title), and it is becoming more popular. My hope is to gain popularity by you posting this website in your links.

Sincerly Yours,
David Hauffe.

IT FREAKING WORKED. He replied to the email:

QuoteHa, that's awesome.  Yeah sure I'll link 'er up.
(sounds like him XD)

It isn't up yet, it should be soon. But now, since I know like a bunch of devotees to that website, we could gain some popularity! (and some new forum members  ;D)

I assume you're aware of the fact that you are risking a major epic ban by this action?

that's why he did it right before he leaves for summer camp.

quote pyramids ftw by the way.

damn commies.


If a fork is gold, is it still considered silverware?

[/iDOWN's random thought]



This "hand doctor" had a video on youtube about children getting their fingers deformed, so I responded saying that I have such deformities, but they aren't a big deal and don't affect my life at all.  (just slight bends in the finger)  So he sent me a message about stuff and I sent one back asking some questions :|

Now he wants my phone number and pictures of my hands, and for some reason my parents hands.

Not going to happen  :D


Woo awesome news, the new Wii update is freaking useless! They released the new Twilight Hack version that works on the new update.


Yesh!  Watch as each update to kill the twilight hack gets thwarted faster and faster!

me irl


My random thought of the moment:
Does anyone ever use this smiley (besides right now)? -> :-*


You're the only person I've ever seen use it, so congraturations.

me irl


does anyone know where i can get the game rip for conker's bad fur day? I'm mainly looking for "the cock and plucker" but I can't find it!


I just noticed, but is zahndy still banned-y? I'm just curious. :P

Stupid puns FTW


Rare has most of the songs on their website, but have you checked

(ffshrine might still be down)

me irl


gah, its been a major thunderstorm every single day for weeks now :(

I have to unplug the damn computer AGAIN!
