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The Post Your Thoughts of the Moment Thread 2

Started by Harvest, February 22, 2008, 12:40:22 PM

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Lets see... Im mostly a lurker, although i do post occasionally. (not counting the tinychat thread.) I hail from alaska, Have 3 best friends, a bunch of internet friends, I have made 2 pieces of sheet music that are on the site, I use the word liek instead of like, play piano, play nintendo games, have a 3ds with ambassador status, no wi-fi atm, I love Doctor Who, I hate trolls, can get past my schools website blocker, I love indie games like cave story and minecraft, and I am generally an awesome person.
I like food.


Downloaded Super Mario Land 2 Six Golden Coins from the 3DS eShop because I've never played it before.

...omg it's so fun. And has great music (it's repetitive but it's very catchy).
Quote from: Tobbeh99 on April 21, 2016, 02:56:11 PM
Fuck logic, that shit is boring, lame and does not always support my opinions.


Downloading My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic Season 1 cuz Youtube killed all the videos :<


Quote from: Dude on October 01, 2011, 03:05:01 PMDownloading My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic Season 1 cuz Youtube killed all the videos :<

Really? I think there's still some on Youtube that I've watched...
Quote from: Dudeman on April 13, 2016, 04:54:04 PM
- Nebbles, the beauty with the heart of frozen steel


I'm doing kendo now.  I was going to do kung fu also but they conflict :(

me irl


What's with people all of a sudden caring about My Little Pony? It wasn't that great of a show. It's like people 6 moths ago all of a sudden caring about sonic.

Quote from: Mashi on March 26, 2013, 05:54:37 PMAfter viewing both FMA:Brotherhood and Naruto Shippuden, it would be frivolous to even consider watching an anime as unbearably mediocre as Melancholy. NARUTOxHINATA 4 LYFE!!!


MLP got really popular out of nowhere... eh, I like it, it's a cute show. Though some fans are creepy.

Really really creepy o_o
Quote from: Dudeman on April 13, 2016, 04:54:04 PM
- Nebbles, the beauty with the heart of frozen steel


Quote from: Nebbles on October 01, 2011, 03:34:51 PMReally? I think there's still some on Youtube that I've watched...
That must be season 2.

Concerto No.20 in D minor

Quote from: KefkaticFanatic on October 01, 2011, 04:04:44 PMI'm doing kendo now.  I was going to do kung fu also but they conflict :(

Kendo is fun, I took it two years ago.  Better suited as a college course than kung fu lol


how does I edit in movie maker

/never used it before

Quote from: Dudeman on April 13, 2016, 04:54:04 PM
- Nebbles, the beauty with the heart of frozen steel


Homework = done. Pokémon tournament tomorrow. Going there for teh lulz. There's going to be an epic thing on Zelda, and apparently something on Ace Attorney too. Plus since it's a conference about Japan a lot of people are going to sell food/clothes/miscellaneous things. Gawd I can't wait.

Also sorry Ruto butI couldn't attend the Yaoi thing. No pictures for you. D:
Quote from: MaestroUGC on February 13, 2013, 01:16:55 PM
Thanks. For a moment there I was worried, though. I almost needed to blow you.


Quote from: Nebbles on October 01, 2011, 07:39:15 PMhow does I edit in movie maker

lol no, but what are you trying to do? Movie maker pretty much sucks but there's still a few nifty things aboot it.

Quote from: Mashi on March 26, 2013, 05:54:37 PMAfter viewing both FMA:Brotherhood and Naruto Shippuden, it would be frivolous to even consider watching an anime as unbearably mediocre as Melancholy. NARUTOxHINATA 4 LYFE!!!


I'm trying to cut out a little bit of my newest LP episode :x I'm sure no one wants to see me fight Rayquaza for seven minutes.
Quote from: Dudeman on April 13, 2016, 04:54:04 PM
- Nebbles, the beauty with the heart of frozen steel


I thinks I have the solution(as long as it's the newest movie maker). Have your video all nice and loaded into moviemaker. Then go to edit in the top tool bar. On of the options should say Split. Now click the timeline of the movie wherever you want the split to be then click Spilt. Do this at the front and the end of what you want to edit out. Then right click and delete the section of video you don't want.

Does this make sense? I'm not the best at explaining things.

EDIT: ALSO. SATs ARE A BITCH. Not as much a bitch as the first time I took them but none the less, A BITCH. Hope I did better this time around.

Quote from: Mashi on March 26, 2013, 05:54:37 PMAfter viewing both FMA:Brotherhood and Naruto Shippuden, it would be frivolous to even consider watching an anime as unbearably mediocre as Melancholy. NARUTOxHINATA 4 LYFE!!!


Just beat Metal Gear Solid Peace Walker for the 2nd time. So epic.