The Post Your Thoughts of the Moment Thread 2

Started by Harvest, February 22, 2008, 12:40:22 PM

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yes, uh, thanks for that Mike.

I'll go ahead and try to make my own penis creature since I have the full creature creator ( yes I paid for it :| )

Its ok, could have used more parts, especially weapons.


Well I guess weapons can wait considering weaponry is technology and you need to develop it in the game.


Yeah, I think there is an editor for armor and weapons.

Some of the creature weapons are stupid, like a spinning saw? 



wow mike- thanks for the wonderful images ¬.¬
They're funny- they remind me of something that would be in a Conker game :P


Congratulations Mike. Your, um, "creatures" post is post #1500 in The Post Your Thoughts of the Moment Thread 2. *gives Mike a cookie* :D


Woo more Penis monsters.  They're bonerrific!

I just downloaded the data files so that I now have 75% of the parts, and I'll get the rest when they get a crack out.  I'm not paying $10 for a demo.

me irl


Math Exam tomorrow.


It could go either way, as I messed up half of my math tests and do great on the other half.


Just askin' but for people that use prizerebel, do you know if they send you the 10k NX Cash Card or just give you the number online. I think I should open a support ticket for it.


Davey: Let me know the answer after they respond to your support ticket. I've been wondering that, too. My parents don't want a random package at the door, but I'm not sure if they actually send it to you, so I didn't take the risk. I never bothered asking, though. (That's not true. I never knew how to ask! :-[)


me irl


Ya, I can vouch for the NX Card. They just send the code to your email in 1-2 days.

PrizeRebel <-- Earn Free Goodies Like Precious Nexon Cash! Kudos to Gamer4250


Quote from: starpikachu on June 18, 2008, 08:41:26 PMDavey: Let me know the answer after they respond to your support ticket. I've been wondering that, too. My parents don't want a random package at the door, but I'm not sure if they actually send it to you, so I didn't take the risk. I never bothered asking, though. (That's not true. I never knew how to ask! :-[)
Quote from: Gamer4250 on June 18, 2008, 10:28:33 PMThey just send it to you.

Gamer Answered it.

Thanks, Now I am unsure that I will be able to get NX. I'll talk to my mom.

"Mom, there is this one website that basically gives you free stuff and all you have to do is complete these random offers that probably result in the people selling your information, so we can expect spam mail, and spam email. Sound Good?"

*Prepares, Takes a Large breath*


Basically how I foresee it.


Well i'm going out of town again, and that will probably be it for the summer.
We're leaving tomorrow night and i'll be gone till Sunday night. It's a family reunion, and, by some miracle, almost everyone is going to be there...
Unfortunately, my grandma ordered us matching T-shirts. Blargh.

Please follow me and my art on Instagram :D


yeah, so i was watching TV and then the phone rang and the message was "Help me. ha ha ha!" it was weird...

damn commies.


My thoughts of the moment: (Happy now Mike?)
1. I got a sunburn last week. It's healed now, but the skin is peeling off. When I rolled that peeled-off skin around, it sorta felt like modeling clay.
2. I was chatting with one of my friends on AIM yesterday. She said her animated panda icon is cuter than my Pikachu icon. As she said that, the panda icon nodded and said "Yeah". WTF?