The Post Your Thoughts of the Moment Thread 2

Started by Harvest, February 22, 2008, 12:40:22 PM

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Quote from: Harvest on June 17, 2008, 05:46:31 PMI'm getting a job!


First thing on the list:  Buy a GOOD TV!

Next thing: for university  :(
where u working? I work at Jamba Juice for now =P


Congratz, Harvest, for starting the 100th page (and getting that job)! Congratz, Davey, for being second! Congratz B-K on third!

lol B-K at Jamba Juice. That is hard to imagine. But my friend works at a cell phone store. XD


Hurrahz, 100th page.

So I started running again today, and they expect us to run for about 30 minutes every day except sunday the entire summer.  Fun.  So the homebrew channel works really well, except I somehow made some error with one of the things I added.  I'll fix it eventually though :P

me irl


I didn't even notice I started the 100th page :P

I'm working at a grocery store called Food Basics.  Its a chain in Canada, don't know if it exists in America.  Its fairly big, and its pretty busy.  I might be a computer type person who makes the signs.  Also working as a shelve stocker and bakery person.

edit: ok yeah, food basics is only in Canada, in fact, only in Ontario.

err edit again:  turns out there are 9 stores in the USA.

Concerto No.20 in D minor


Quote from: starpikachu on June 17, 2008, 06:02:21 PMCongratz, Harvest, for starting the 100th page (and getting that job)! Congratz, Davey, for being second! Congratz B-K on third!

lol B-K at Jamba Juice. That is hard to imagine. But my friend works at a cell phone store. XD

lol- i mostly make drinks, but sometimes I have to be like,
"Hi, Welcome to Jamba Juice, what would you like 2day?"
"Would you like a free boost with that?"
"Aaaand, what's your name?"
"OKAY Thank you! *puts fake smile on ;D*"

Lol :D

@Concerto: what's wrong?



well i'm gone to china until july 1st... so i suppose i'll be back on the forums around then... see you.
It's on a need-to-know basis that you don't need to know.


I have so many final exams to study for!!! Well, actually, I have only one left and it's in science...but our teacher just doesn't know how to explain!


I'm getting a Job for my dad, [After we go to New Hampshire] and By the end of the Summer, I should have $1,480. OR MORE!!! :D :D :D

Concerto: I haven't gotten Sick in 2 Years...Sorry 1 Year and 4 Months...


we got our Prius yesterday! it is the coolest (technology-wise) car ever!

one more year and i get to drive it!

damn commies.

Beethoven II

Quote from: razer84 on June 18, 2008, 08:56:20 AMwe got our Prius yesterday! it is the coolest (technology-wise) car ever!

one more year and i get to drive it!


from Jeff DunHam:

idles: homohomohomohomo
driving by: i'mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm gaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyyy!

:D :D


Quote from: razer84 on June 18, 2008, 08:56:20 AMwe got our Prius yesterday! it is the coolest (technology-wise) car ever!

one more year and i get to drive it!
lucky...  :'(
the only car i get is this 21 year old jeep. Basically, something important on it breaks at least once a month. it sucks. but at least my parents pay for it lol

edit: last post on page 100!

Please follow me and my art on Instagram :D


Been playing around in the Spore Creature Creator and did this in like 5 minutes

Some Lizard


Penis Babies


Oh and people who have Firefox 3, type about:robots in the address bar. Awesomeness.