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The Post Your Thoughts of the Moment Thread 2

Started by Harvest, February 22, 2008, 12:40:22 PM

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Woah I smell popcorn... Movie time?

Edit: Yep! Sound of Music time! *Goes to watch


Best Last Day Ever

Right so you probably can guess what kind of day today was because to quote shadoninja from like 20 pages ago,

Schools out Mofos!

But today was like, that kind of day when you feel like you experienced everything summer is supposed to be about. We had a half day so that means we didn't eat lunch and as soon as we got out I found out that my friends were planning to go to lunch somewhere. We went to a Chinese place, called Garden Lee, and trust me, I have never been a fan of Chinese food (no offense! to anyone that is... yeah.) but today, I liked it! after that we walked to a friends house and had the traditional tribal "burn your school s***" that apparently happens every year. This part was fun because we used a LOT of kerosene. So we continued to burn things until the fire pit overfilled and papers that were still on fire started getting taken with the wind. So we had to stop. Then we had a brawl tourney, I lost XD, but only because Olimar should be less epic, but he isn't. so I am making Olimar my new main. Then we went swimming in a lake, we had a small sailboat except without a sail so it looked like a surfboard, really. We decided to swim across it and that is like a half mile and my body decided to poop out under me and I pulled my right leg and experienced pain like I have never experienced before. It ended up so that I couldn't swim or even be in the water without taking pain so that was lucky that my friends got the paddle boat, but they still wouldn't let me in even though I was in major pain, so they put me on the surfboard thing and pulled me across by tying me to the boat, and I almost fell in like 2 times but I didn't, so I didn't really get hurt on the way back. and then I came home, its about 7:00, and I fell asleep until right now, 11:11pm.

Damn, I need a blog.


Quote from: Shadoninja on June 11, 2008, 06:11:53 PMmegaman zero= Hardest game series ever
Megaman Battle Network= most annoying menial tasks ever
castlevania: Harmony of Dissonance= Worst Castlevania game ever. second only to castlevania II

MMZ: I Wanna Be the Guy probably beats it, but I dunno never played it
HoD: WTF that game was awesome.  Not as good as Symphony of the Night obviously, but I'd say pretty good.

me irl



Quote from: G-Han on June 12, 2008, 07:34:56 AMPassed my final exams. ^-^

I only had one final that really mattered because I am in algebra 101 and I am in 8th grade, we should be in pre-al but I got moved ahead. I think I got a C.

Composer #40

I know I failed my Spanish final.
I finally finished EarthBound!  ;D(in two weeks) :(

It happens Every. Day!


Quote from: Gamer4250 on June 11, 2008, 08:27:30 PM
Quote from: Shadoninja on June 11, 2008, 06:11:53 PMmegaman zero= Hardest game series ever
Megaman Battle Network= most annoying menial tasks ever
castlevania: Harmony of Dissonance= Worst Castlevania game ever. second only to castlevania II

MMZ: I Wanna Be the Guy probably beats it, but I dunno never played it
HoD: WTF that game was awesome.  Not as good as Symphony of the Night obviously, but I'd say pretty good.
"And so my saga of quoting myself in everyone's signature continues" - dudeman


Haunted Castle is worse than Harmony of Dissonance. HoD isn't that bad actually, the music quality just sucks.



I hate school so much.

It is so much worse than it should be.  I really have the end of school be relaxing like last year, not this bullshit with exams and worse than exams, final projects.

How am I supposed to study if I'm busy doing final projects?


Shado: ah.

GRAH I have to write an essay by tomorrow and finish a project and I have 2 finals tomorrow.  And its the last day tomorrow.

me irl

Beethoven II

Well that sucks.  It seems like a long time ago when i got out of school...



I just read in the paper that a teacher of mine from elementary school's wife died.  Age 32.  3 kids, all below age five.

Really sucks, people just die that young.  A whole families life possible ruined, hopefully he has the strength to continue on and hopefully his children can have a happy childhood even without their mother.

Just horrible thinking you can be having a good life and suddenly you get diagnosed with leukemia and a week later you die.




You people are just now finishing school? Wow. I finished nearly 2 weeks ago. Got all As for the semester and finals! Except in band we took a survey for a final and I got an 85. lol that makes no sense.


Evilsqueaky: You're SOO Lucky!!! School ends for me on MONDAY the 16...MONDAY!?!?! THE HELL!?
                 The gayest day to end school...

Beethoven II