The Post Your Thoughts of the Moment Thread 2

Started by Harvest, February 22, 2008, 12:40:22 PM

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everything, i'm just finding everything really funny today, that's all. and specifically, this 'The Post Your Thoughts of the Moment Thread 2' is what i find excruciatingly funniest. :)

damn commies.

Concerto No.20 in D minor

I leave for one day and this happens?  What's going on/what happened B-KPianist?


Some n00b chick said she loved BK-Pianist... Check the comments on the main page if you want to see.


White Easter darn it.  :P We got like a half a foot of snow yesterday.


This is horrible.

I have a fever of 103, (yeah we use F for human and water temperature for some reason in Canada :P )  a horrible cough, a pounding headache. and a sore throat.

I hate this.  I boil if I stay still, then I shiver when I move.



I've been feeling like shit since yesterday, I've been having a bad cough, stuffy nose that doesn't clear out, etc etc.  I expect to have a fever or something within the next week. It's all because of the track meet we had on Thursday, it was 5 hours long, pouring rain and freezing cold.  And of course our uniforms are tank tops and almost short shorts, so it felt GREAT wearing that.

me irl



My family is at a buffet and I'm stuck at home sick!


"And so my saga of quoting myself in everyone's signature continues" - dudeman


Happy Easter everyone!! ;D

Hope all you sick guys will get well soon...


me irl


Has anyone played DK: Barrel Blast? And if so, is it any good?

Beethoven II

Is it just me or are you guys having trouble getting onto the forums? Internet is just fine until i get here, then it's really laggy and slow.


I think someone did some html wrong because it said error, blah blah blah, line ##