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The Post Your Thoughts of the Moment Thread 2

Started by Harvest, February 22, 2008, 12:40:22 PM

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So I'm back from Azension, the smash tournament! It was awesome and really fun. It was around 100 entrants and was held in a small town in the south of Sweden called Växjö.

Starting the trip
It all started at Saturday when I was going to leave. It got really messed up at the very start because I overslept and should've missed my train if it wasn't so that my mom was really nice and drove me down to the station so I got in time. I also barely got any sleep that night being so tense for the tournament so I thought, after many hours of failing to sleep, that I could just stay awake so I won't oversleep and then sleep on the train. But I failed with that lol.
So I got to the station and everything was fine. I hadn't eaten any breakfast so my mom just threw down a banana and a yoghurt for me to eat. It wasn't really a problem because when I first took the train, just a small distance, from Flemingsberg to Södertälje Syd, there was a small store where I could buy some stuff to eat. After that I took the 2nd train down towards Alvesta. The train was kind of cute-looking. It looked kind of old on the outside and also on the inside where it had a corridor and to the right a lot of cabins. The company, or the train itself was also called "Snälltåget" which means "the nice/kind train" kind of funny name as well :).
At Alvesta and Växjö
So the train ride took like 2-3 hours to Alvesta, a small town where I would switch trains to another towards Växjö. It was like 30 min till my train should leave so I decided to look around in the town a bit. And the town was really a small town. There were a few shops close to the station but otherwise there wasn't really much going on in the town. Being such a small place, I bet the suburb I live in even has a greater population than that "town". But later on I took the train to Växjö.
Växjö, still being a small town, was bigger than Alvesta. But I didn't care much about the town, and only took up my map and walked towards my hotel. Y, I booked a small hotel to sleep in during the tournament, really smart as it was so cheap. So I got to the hotel but the reception wasn't open... Luckily for me I could call the owner and he went down just to open and check in for me. The hotel was really nice, small but nice, all I need really. After spending some time relaxing at the hotel, I walked towards the venue.
The venue was pretty medium-sized and there were a lot of sitting in front of TVs playing melee, as you might expected. I played some friendlies for an hour or so until my pool was going to start.
Melee Pools
So my pool started later on. I did look up the players in beforehand, the only one I recognized was "Daydee" a really strong Samus main from my region, like 5th best in Stockholm. And then there were some names I've heard of but didn't know much about them. So my first match was against "Deg" a Gothenburg Luigi player. He was pretty good and seemed to know the CF match-up, I played Falcon. He won the first game, then I won the second game, and then in the third game I played pretty bad, so I lost. I got kind of frustrated and a bad mentality. So in the next game, aginst Glaz a Gothenburg Peach main, I played pretty bad. He was ok, but I could've played better I think. And yet another loss, and I was really feeling down and annoyed. So, I played some random Fox main, and I definitely think I should've won that match, but I lost. He was playing really "press-buttons-as-fast-as-possible-without-any-pause" and really braindead. Like really, I think tech-rolled towards me after I d-throwed him like pretty much every time. The sad part about that was that, even though I read him, I miss-timed my knee and only got the weak knee  >:(, hate that shit. I also switched to Falco the last game which was a pretty poor pick by me, as my Falco wasn't as sharp and my combos were kind of weak, I also got really messed up by FoDs platform that game :(. The following game however, did I win. It was against some random Luigi player, whom I think was from Växjö, but I'm not sure. He played way worse than the first one, also more aggressively, and I was a bit better than him so I won 2-0. And the last match was against Daydee. I didn't expect me to win considering how good Daydee is, I've played him before and got 4-stocked! So I played my CF against his Samus. First stock first game looked pretty ok for me, I was getting a lot of hits here and there and thought like "really Daydee, am I going to get all this stuff on you!, your not looking that strong". But after that point he got somewhat better, and maybe I worse. It's that top player thing where they don't care if you have a lead for like a stock or so, the game is 4 stocks 8 min, so there's a lot of more things that going to happen. And I got kind of flustered after the first stock, so in the end I lost. I thought having some fun and trying out my Game & Watch, so I picked yoshis and tried it. I kind of like G&W because all the gimmicks he got, even though being low tier. But I got recked, and my G&W was really pitiful. So I lost every set except for 1. Kind of funny also how I got 2 Luigis and one ex Luigi player in my pool lol.   
So at the end I pretty much lost all but 1 set and was feeling kind of down. And I wen't away and followed some other people to go and eat some food. It was some Gothenburg people and like 1 Stockholm guy. We went to a Pizzeria/Grill place to eat. I looked at the menu and didn't know what to order. Then I saw what looked like the meat that cost the most on the menu, and it looked delicious so I though "why not, I got money, lol" and ordered it. It was some fine meat with Bearnaise sauce. One from Gothenburg made a small joke like "wow, the most expensive one! But that doesn't matter much for you being a Stockholmer, it's more like: oh this cheap, it's half the price than Stockholm" And joked about how all Stockholm people are Liberalists/conservationist rather than the Socialist Gothenburg. Which is actually true to a certain extent. The food however tasted deliciously and was worth every penny, and after that we went back to the venue. So I played some and watched some games until Project was going to start. So later it was like 30 min till Project M should start. I was playing with Humpe, like 2nd best Melee player in Stockholm, also a really fun and happy guy to be with, lol :). And it was really fun. He seemed to have tried the game a bit, and played Zelda and Luigi. But after complaining a bit about what changes they've done to his PM mains he switched to Fox and later to Falco, stating that they were pretty much the same, and not too much nerfed.
Project M Bracket
Later on the PM bracket started. It was free to sign up for the PM tourney so there a lot of Melee players participating, of which many have a bad view on PM claiming it to be too gimmicky, weird and overall just different from melee. I was really nervous for the tourney, I really like PM and really want to play well in the game. My first opponent was a guy/girln I don't know honestly lol, who tagged Northstar. She was fairly new to the game it seemed and won dominantly even though being really nervous the first game. She played first Wario, which I 4-stocked with my ROB, having like over 200% when I won, lol. Then she picked Zero Suit Samus, which I won over as convincingly. Later I was going to play against Pots, a Stockholm Marth main ranked 17th on our PR. I though it was going to be tough since he's quite a strong player, but I believed I could do it if I just played well. Turns out later that he played pretty bad and probably didn't care much so it was an easy win. First he played Marth then DK, and I won quite convincingly against both. After him I was going to play against Calle W, a strong Gothenburg Falco main ranked 3rd on their PR. And I thought it was going to be hard considering how strong he is, but also fun fighting a top player. But it turns out he was DQed by showing up to late so I had to fight a guy from Denmark called Moe instead. I thought he was going to be easier, and he probably was, but it turned out he was a really strong DK main. He was a really cold and patient DK player which was really scary playing against. I camped a lot as ROB just taking it easy abusing my projectile advantages. But I had a hard time sealing out the stocks, my edgeguards were poor and DK is heavy and can live to really high %. And it's really scary when DK gets you because he's so strong and deal a lot of damage, and even though ROB is heavy and usually lives a long time, DK can kind of ignore that advantage because of his strong moves. So I lost the first game. And in the 2nd game I was almost going to be 4-stocked but I pulled myself together and played batter and managed to take like 2 stocks before I lost. I think I could've won if I played really good which I did at times. If I camped a lot, grabbed more, DK is big which makes grabbing easier, and edgeguarded better! That was my main flaw, after the game I remembered that I should've used the Side-B rather than the F-smash, and maybe also fair and d-tilt. But I definitely forgot about the Side-B. So I went to losers, and there I was going to fight the winner of Deg and Mums, a G&W and a Pika player. The G&W, Deg, won. It was a Luigi player I fought in my Melee pool. He didn't take PM so seriously, played Bowser the 1st game and G&W the 2nd, but I won pretty handily to both. Then after that I was going to fight against TonyMalone. I saw him at the tournament and he looked more focused and serious about PM. He played Samus, and told me he had Daydee as an inspiration. And he was really good, played pretty campy, but I was better and ROB's camp was also better. Having a better camp game resulted in a very slow game, with me dodging missiles and lasering and gyroing when possible, a game I described as "I was playing Smash 4", I mean it was basically that slow. After I won over him 3-1 I had to face off against Slime. A really strong Stockholm Ivysaur main, and also a close friend of mine. Being friend with him, and him being focused on PM, I know how good he is and he's usually slightly better than me. He played Ivy and I played ROB. And I think I played pretty well. He usually plays very lame and defensive, grinding people out. But this time I wasn't faced with that too much, I knew what he does so I didn't care that much. But I still lost, but it was mostly him playing somewhat better than me being flustered which I was when we faced off in Gävle in the spring. So I was out, BUT I placed 9th! Fucking 9th place! That's the best I've ever placed at a tourney. Sure there a lot of DQs, and a lot of Melee players not caring but still placing 9th is really good, and I'm proud and satisfied with my placing! After that I played some friendlies and after that went to my hotel to sleep. I was quite warm in room and somewhat difficult to sleep, but I managed to do so after a while.
Next day I woke up to late for breakfast  :-\, but I didn't care much because the amount of sleep I got was more important. I checked out and went out to get something to eat. I ate a bagel at coffeehouse and later went towards the venue. This day, Sunday, there was top 64 singles, top 32 doubles and crew battles. Since I didn't make it out of singles and didn't find a team-mate for the event I didn't have to bother with this. I chilled out, played a lot of PM friendlies pretty much all day. Tried playing Ike and boy he sure is fun to play, probably going to be a legit secondary to my ROB, rather than Olimar which is my secondary atm. He got his huge sword but he's also quite fast with his quick-draw, love playing him! I watched some matches as well, the crew battles was pretty hype. There was Stockholm vs Denmark. We was up by a lot Manio, a Stockholm Marth player, played like maniac (haha the pun^^) and took like 9 stocks or so. But later Denmark brought it back with Eagle taking like crazy amount of stocks and suddenly it was even, Daydee vs Eagle in the final match. It was so tense but in the end Daydee managed to take it! Later we faced off against Gothenburg. Maybe a more important match in terms of the glory and pride in being the best scene in Sweden. There's a lot of rivalry between the two scenes as they are the two best scenes in Sweden, and we got Leffen and they got Armada, so each city got a top player too. I thought we had a stronger team than they got, but I might have underrated Gothenburg, or maybe we played bad, because we lost with them having 5 stocks left  :-\. Later I played some more PM, talked a bit to some friends, a bit too much probably because I had to rush to my buss and didn't have time to eat. My friends, whom I talked to, was going to take a night train from Alvesta so they thought of taking a taxi from Växjö. I didn't think it was the same as mine so I went to my buss towards Alvesta.
Returning Home
But when I was onboard the buss I noticed that I would have to wait 2-3 hours in Alvesta until the train towards Stockholm went  :(. And this sucked in every possible way, because I hadn't ate anything for dinner, the clock's like 22:00, my train was departing in 3 hours, and I'm in the fucking smallest town on earth! My biggest problem was the food, because I was hungry. But I thought optimistically that maybe there is some restaurant in the town, I mean there got to be a least some restaurants in the town. And well there were restaurants there obviously but none seemed to be open. But then I remembered seeing a small pizzeria when I rode the buss. So I walked over towards that pizzeria. When I got to it it said open till 22:00, and the clock was like 22:40, but they were really nice and said like "y, we're open, it's weekday". And man, that restaurant was a godsend, now I got something to eat and a place to spend some time. So I bought a pizza and watched the Euro cup finals. As you might know, it came down to the last extra time, and Portugal scored a goal. They won without Ronaldo! Really impressive. When I looked at the restaurant, it seemed very simple, and not so fancy. It got like broken lamps, quite small, and very basic stuff, so I guessed they were more than pleased having more customers, as it means more money. Anyway, after I watched the finals I went back to the station. After a while a friend of mine came, who also was going to take the night train back to Stockholm. He had a smart phone with internet so we watched the smash tourney finals while we waited for the train. Later on some more friends, who also was going to Stockholm, came, as expected. And later on the train came. It was a long train ride and I had problems sleeping. I don't get how people can sleep there, sitting up, in a lit-up and warm carriage. Some people were lucky, didn't have anyone at the seat next to them so they could lay down covering both seats. I think I still slept like 1 hour or 2. I got off the train at Stockholm and later made it back home, where I could at least sleep during the day since I work at the evenings.
So that was that! It was a really great tournament and a great experience! Really enjoyed it! :D Brackets:
Quote from: Dudeman on August 16, 2016, 06:11:42 AM
tfw you get schooled in English grammar by a guy whose first language is not English

10/10 tobbeh


I'm not much into playing video games competitively, so it's somewhat interesting to read what competitive players do. (Also, this story really sounded like some kind of pokemon thing)


Quote from: cashwarrior1 on July 11, 2016, 03:14:14 PMI'm not much into playing video games competitively, so it's somewhat interesting to read what competitive players do. (Also, this story really sounded like some kind of pokemon thing)

Pokemon thing??
Quote from: Dudeman on August 16, 2016, 06:11:42 AM
tfw you get schooled in English grammar by a guy whose first language is not English

10/10 tobbeh



I know it's smash. It reminds me of a pokemon thing.


Oh my gosh....I just experienced an episode of Bob Ross was the most wonderful and beautiful thing I've ever watched.
When given the choice between adulting and music, choose music every time.


Did you stumble across it by mistake?

Nah, that's impossible. It would only be a happy accident.
Quote from: braixen1264 on December 03, 2015, 03:52:29 PMDudeman's facial hair is number 1 in my book



Another one of my friends is playing at a video game concert (Video Games Live). They asked her to go on tour with them, but she declined (!), so she's only playing at ones close by.


i know such awesome ppl omg

I seem to be missing a piece of my ear.


I just realized I'm not considered a  new member anymore....that can't be a good sign.
When given the choice between adulting and music, choose music every time.

E. Gadd Industries

"Everyone is crazy but me"
-The Sign Painter

The entrance to my lab is hidden... somewhere...



It's not good that I just realized I'm not a new member anymore
When given the choice between adulting and music, choose music every time.

E. Gadd Industries

"Everyone is crazy but me"
-The Sign Painter

The entrance to my lab is hidden... somewhere...



i found this article and wow sometimes i cant believe i exist in the same world as this book

(maybe this would be better suited to politics??? i dont think so, im not trying to start a debate im just super amused by this and wanted to share)