The Post Your Thoughts of the Moment Thread 2

Started by Harvest, February 22, 2008, 12:40:22 PM

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Pianist Da Sootopolis

Quote from: NocturneOfShadow on June 12, 2016, 12:17:00 PMWhy does it matter
Because over 10,000 people a year die from gun homicide?
Here's what I wrote on social media earlier today about Orlando.

Today we learned about the horrific shooting in Orlando. 50 confirmed dead, several more injured, making it the deadliest mass shooting in U.S. history.
And I can guarantee you that, given about a month and a half, nobody will care.
We're so caught up the in culture of loving guns and ammo that we value it over the lives of 50 people at a gay nightclub.
We say more guns will bring more peace, and yet, despite having a gun for literally every human being in this nation, incidents like this happen every couple of months.
To put this in perspective; in 1996, Australia had one of the worst massacres in history at the historic Port Arthur prison colony. As a result, the Australian parliament all but eradicated gun presence in Australia. And they've had very few problems since.
Whereas we have a number of people equal to half the Senate dying and we just shrug our shoulders, maybe send some 'thoughts and prayers', and move along.
I'm not saying we should ban guns, either; I'm just saying that we need to actually DO something. We need to get our Congress doing something on our behalf. This is an epidemic, and yet the minute any kind of legislation is proposed, it's perceived as "an assault on our liberties."
Come on, America. It's time to grow up.
what is shitpost

Pianist Da Sootopolis

Quote from: braixen1264 on June 12, 2016, 12:08:06 PMI read somewhere that in the USA, there's three times more non-gun homocides than in Europe. Considering this statistic is accurate, banning guns will not stop murder in the US - Americans are violent by culture, people bent on opening fire to the public will find ways to kill no matter what.
Personally I'd rather have someone with a gun nearby if some other person starts shooting in the mall or something.
Probably because we have a weapons culture that assumes that any regulation whatsoever is fascism.
You're forgetting that the person with a gun nearby in the mall IS the one shooting most times. The few documented cases of succesful civilian intervention in shootings are almost always done by either ex military or ex law enforcement. Most people who own guns have no fucking idea how to do much with them, let alone under any kind of stress.
what is shitpost




Some of you should just go play in traffic, but let me remind everyone how much good it does to listen to some know-nothing teenager and their "screw you, I got mine" mentality that they keep when they grow up. And never learning from their mistakes is so American apparently. Generation after generation of selfish brats is what I see here.

Quote from: Tobbeh99 on June 12, 2016, 12:03:57 PMI agree that it's hard to do anything about it if people don't want a change, and want to keep their guns. But the argument that terrorists/murderers will just use a knife instead or whatever isn't that strong of an argument since it's easier to kill more people with an auto-rifle than a knife, and it's easier for people to escape from a terrorist with a knife than an auto-rifle. So less people would get hurt/killed if the terrorist couldn't find a gun and would have to use a knife instead.

Honestly I don't think people will learn until it affects them directly. That's the kind of stubborn stupidity I see a lot. Then there are people who still have that happen to them and just say something like it's God's will or "he or she is with God now", like that insane mother who bought her kid a children's rifle and he shot his sister right in their yard. Stupidity is just so hard to cure in this country -.-

I seem to be missing a piece of my ear.


Quote from: Ruto on June 12, 2016, 12:49:19 PMSome of you should just go play in traffic
or play "drink the stuff under the sink"


What makes you any less stupid than me, besides apparently believing you are


Your apparent lack of sympathy for one part


Quote from: NocturneOfShadow on June 12, 2016, 01:27:42 PMWhat makes you any less stupid than me, besides apparently believing you are
It's called condescension and "know-it-all syndrome."

Quote from: Ruto on June 12, 2016, 12:49:19 PMSome of you should just go play in traffic, but let me remind everyone how much good it does to Honestly I don't think people will learn until it affects them directly. That's the kind of stubborn stupidity I see a lot. Then there are people who still have that happen to them and just say something like it's God's will or "he or she is with God now", like that insane mother who bought her kid a children's rifle and he shot his sister right in their yard. Stupidity is just so hard to cure in this country -.-
I'm not saying I agree with you, but I do think some people out there (even people that have the same belief as I) do some very stupid things. I just find it rude that you seem to stereotype everyone :/


Quote from: Sebastian on June 12, 2016, 01:31:10 PMIt's called condescension and "know-it-all syndrome."
pot calling the kettle black


Quote from: Dude on June 12, 2016, 01:29:14 PMYour apparent lack of sympathy for one part
not something I could fix if I wanted to

The point I'm making is that everyone is stupid so you shouldn't get mad when people do stupid things


Quote from: NocturneOfShadow on June 12, 2016, 01:34:16 PMnot something I could fix if I wanted to
usually when something sad happens to someone people feel sad for them

It's what kind people do.


What good does it do?  If all I can do is feel sad, that's a waste of time.



Good luck maintaining friendships throughout difficult times. You'll need it.


Quote from: Dude on June 12, 2016, 01:33:13 PMpot calling the kettle black
Perhaps. I think it's safe to say that this is true of all people.

Quote from: Dude on June 12, 2016, 01:36:11 PMusually when something sad happens to someone people feel sad for them
I would have to agree with you here. Empathy is the first step to kindness.

Quote from: NocturneOfShadow on June 12, 2016, 01:39:50 PMWhat good does it do?  If all I can do is feel sad, that's a waste of time.
That's a pretty sad, no pun intended, way to think of it. Sadness is an emotion that is required at the correct times. Not having it is not good.
Haven't you seen Inside Out? ;)

Sir Dino

Quote from: Dude on June 12, 2016, 01:36:11 PMusually when something sad happens to someone people feel sad for them
it's a little upsetting to see a person have the mentality to go into a club to create a massacre. it's an awful hate crime. yeah, we can't do much as individuals with basically zero political power. and a lot of people will forget about it in "a month or so."

but being aware that people have evil intentions should remind us of how important it is to promote a safe environment for minorities.
and as Dude said: we're gonna share the sadness for the people who were affected, and their friends and family.
no one deserves this pain. the least we can do is a) be compassionate of those suffering, and b) be respectful in our public environment, so that those who deal with hatred for being who they are can feel as safe as possible.

so whether its donating blood or money or even just being in your gay community for support, we can make a small difference?

idk tho, just my views.