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He will be missed by all, except for me! WARIO, NUMBER ONE!

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The Post Your Thoughts of the Moment Thread 2

Started by Harvest, February 22, 2008, 12:40:22 PM

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Man, and I thought the news from Orlando a couple of days before was depressing...


Well I was going to go back on my word a little bit, but seeing how you people are now, I don't think I should but I will anyway.

I mean, we can still try to make the world better, and it may not be getting worse. I mean, there still are great people everywhere and it's been worse, so there's no harm in trying to make it a better place. Who knows, maybe we could have peace for a couple years as well; but eventually, it's going to get worse.


"you people"

I was the only one bashing you tho??


Bothers me with all these terrorist attacks. Seems to be so many now, Paris, Holland or whatever that airport was, and now this. Hope it'll stop. Also USA should really reconsider their gun laws. Like when do you need an auto-rifle to "protect yourself"? They could at least illegalize auto-rifles, if not all guns.
Quote from: Dudeman on August 16, 2016, 06:11:42 AM
tfw you get schooled in English grammar by a guy whose first language is not English

10/10 tobbeh

E. Gadd Industries

I've grown up in an area where hunting and the like are common. It just seems to me as though it were out of place to not see guns EVERYWHERE. Of course, when I get out on my own, I don't plan on carrying a gun, but I will have some self-defense. (Maybe pepper spray? I'm not sure at the moment) But still, I know guns are important in most every house here in the South, and mine is no different. It would radically change some peoples' lifestyles in this area if such a thing were to happen. At this point, I just don't see a point in illegalizing them, because it'll go from guns to knives to whatever the heck may be lying on the ground at that time, and you just can't fix the mindset of people like that.
"Everyone is crazy but me"
-The Sign Painter

The entrance to my lab is hidden... somewhere...



I agree that it's hard to do anything about it if people don't want a change, and want to keep their guns. But the argument that terrorists/murderers will just use a knife instead or whatever isn't that strong of an argument since it's easier to kill more people with an auto-rifle than a knife, and it's easier for people to escape from a terrorist with a knife than an auto-rifle. So less people would get hurt/killed if the terrorist couldn't find a gun and would have to use a knife instead.
Quote from: Dudeman on August 16, 2016, 06:11:42 AM
tfw you get schooled in English grammar by a guy whose first language is not English

10/10 tobbeh


There's a difference between semiautomatic rifles and like a normal hunting rifle tho.



I read somewhere that in the USA, there's three times more non-gun homocides than in Europe. Considering this statistic is accurate, banning guns will not stop murder in the US - Americans are violent by culture, people bent on opening fire to the public will find ways to kill no matter what.
Personally I'd rather have someone with a gun nearby if some other person starts shooting in the mall or something.
Quote from: MaestroUGC on August 19, 2015, 12:22:27 PMBraixen is a wonderful [insert gender] with beautiful [corresponding gender trait] and is just the darlingest at [stereotypical activity typically associated with said gender] you ever saw.



Quote from: Dude on June 12, 2016, 12:04:06 PMThere's a difference between semiautomatic rifles and like a normal hunting rifle tho.
This is very true. Yet, I know a few people who like these kinds of guns purely for the fun of owning something overpowered and shooting it at a range. So, although it's for recreational purposes, they still have a demand.

Secondly, outlawing any gun won't change acts of terror. Yes, it might make it harder for some kid to shoot up a school, but well-prepared terrorists will just find a way around the law, regardless of what is legal.

ninja'd 2x


"it wont help because there are always going to be ways to get weapons" - so by that logic we shouldnt bother trying to feed starving children because there are always going to be people in poverty without food...? Every little bit helps and that goes for weapons regulations too you know




I love how rather than change anything for the better, everyone is fine with everything being awful.

It's so pessimistic.


Quote from: braixen1264 on June 12, 2016, 12:08:06 PMI read somewhere that in the USA, there's three times more non-gun homocides than in Europe. Considering this statistic is accurate, banning guns will not stop murder in the US - Americans are violent by culture, people bent on opening fire to the public will find ways to kill no matter what.
Personally I'd rather have someone with a gun nearby if some other person starts shooting in the mall or something.

Sure people who are willing to hurt and kill people will find ways. But the less firepower there is to get, the less people will those people hurt/kill. And that's the importance, that there are fewer people injured when some madman goes on a rampage. Obviously there isn't a 100% guaranteed way of avoiding people hurting/killing other people, I mean you could probably just pick a rock or a knife if you want to hurt people, you get the point. But if you aren't allowed to buy auto-rifles, there will harder to get more dangerous guns, you might need to contact some criminal weapon smuggler or other hard-to-find contacts to get hold of one.

Quote from: braixen1264 on June 12, 2016, 12:08:06 PMPersonally I'd rather have someone with a gun nearby if some other person starts shooting in the mall or something.

Yet again people usually bring up the argument that it can create safety and can be used for self defense, but every time these massacres happens, there's isn't anyone with a gun to shoot the terrorist. There were like 300 people in the club, and yet nobody had a gun to protect everyone, the police had to come to take down the terrorist. 
Quote from: Dudeman on August 16, 2016, 06:11:42 AM
tfw you get schooled in English grammar by a guy whose first language is not English

10/10 tobbeh


edit: you know what fuck it i dont feel like getting further involved ugh I hate the discourse on this forum