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The Post Your Thoughts of the Moment Thread 2

Started by Harvest, February 22, 2008, 12:40:22 PM

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A lot more than him seeing as how some of the best Presidents in history were Republicans.
Bulbear! Blueflower999


Nice one. Excuse my ummm "knowledge" (not sure if it's called that), but what about that George guy that almost everyone has been talking about? I think you might've forgotten him for the Republican?
Hero of Trains is the BEST! Love you girl!


Quote from: braixen1264 on December 03, 2015, 03:52:29 PMDudeman's facial hair is number 1 in my book


Quote from: mayastarr041 on July 30, 2015, 11:06:21 AMNice one. Excuse my ummm "knowledge" (not sure if it's called that), but what about that George guy that almost everyone has been talking about? I think you might've forgotten him for the Republican?


Bulbear! Blueflower999


that's what i figured so maya was wrong


Quote from: Tobbeh99 on April 21, 2016, 02:56:11 PM
Fuck logic, that shit is boring, lame and does not always support my opinions.


All the republican candidates are terrible except Kasich

He actually has a brain. :o


Oopsies :D
Sorry guys, George Bush and his brother? Gosh I suck at history...
Hero of Trains is the BEST! Love you girl!


I was being a smartass, but that's fine too.


Never mind....Urban dictionary says mean things about him. Something about the Iran war??
Hero of Trains is the BEST! Love you girl!


To tell the truth, not that many recent presidents would have chosen differently.

Waddle Bro

Bro chill we all know what happens around here when someone shows their opinion in a satire manner and the guy who gets butthurt by it and wants to pointlessly try to prove the other guy wrong, even though there is no "wrong"

tho lemme point out some of ya flaws
"some of the best presidents in history were reps" kinda pointless since the other "some of the best" have to be democrats huh
When trying to bring out a point how great the republicans are atm, you shouldn't tbh bring examples from decades ago and assume all republicans today are great because of them, especially when it's really arguable since they weren't perfect examples of presidents. like reagan funding the terrorists the reps now really want to go to war with cough cough

I mean I get why y'all have hard-ons for capitalism and corporate greed but as a democrat I like to take care of those who aren't playing on the even playing field and were born in not as good conditions as the rest and give them an equal shot to life as the others. In fact I think I'd be cool with being selfish(don't get me wrong, being selfish can just as well be good thing than a bad thing!!) and wanting to defend that what hard work could have gotten you in, but not everybody is like that, f.e. some people were just born in good conditions. Also so many of these reps send their money offshore to avoid paying taxes or support the system they so claim they want to defend, like, it's not that fair imo to support people who aren't willing to support you. And I get that if everybody would get the same amount of money in life, everybody would lose their motivation to work so there has to be capitalism. But it's so extreme in the US, combined with discrimination(that the reps are really fond of js), atm that it's so difficult to reach the high class even if you'd technically work just as much as the other guy who has already by now risen up to the high class. Greed just corrupts people and I don't think it should be the basis for a system.

tho shoutouts to you sir for realizing what a shit candidate  "I promise not to talk about your massive plastic surgeries"  "My twitter has become so powerful" Donald "Spread it out in small doses" Trump is, even though he's in your party :]
lool that reminds me lemme find this comedy cold of trump
okay found it lmao it's good shit

ok I'm done not on the mood for a shitfest

edit: fixed the link


Meh I don't really feel like writing out a full counter-argument because I know I'm outnumbered like 10 to 1 on this forum so I'll just say what I agree with and what I don't and leave it with that.

Quote from: Waddle Bro on July 30, 2015, 12:20:23 PMBro chill we all know what happens around here when someone shows their opinion in a satire manner and the guy who gets butthurt by it and wants to pointlessly try to prove the other guy wrong, even though there is no "wrong"
If you were trying to be satirical that's fine, but saying that every GOP candidate is any stranger than any Democratic candidate is just incorrect. Holding a different viewpoint doesn't innately make someone bad, just different.

Quote"some of the best presidents in history were reps" kinda pointless since the other "some of the best" have to be democrats huh
Of course, I never denied that. Jackson, Polk, Kennedy, Wilson, and Carter are all Democrats that I like, and there are a few more that I can tolerate too. I wouldn't call all Democrats "strange" or "stupid" or "bigots" because I respect the intent of the party as a whole.

QuoteWhen trying to bring out a point how great the republicans are atm, you shouldn't tbh bring examples from decades ago and assume all republicans today are great because of them, especially when it's really arguable since they weren't perfect examples of presidents. like reagan funding the terrorists the reps now really want to go to war with cough cough
I never assumed that all Republicans are great. Just reading my first post against Donald Trump should tell you that. I just don't think they're all horrible.

Also, although the Iran-Contra thingamabobber was definitely the low point of Reagan's administration, surely you must realize that he did it with the best of intentions and without realizing that it would backfire a few decades later.

Quotetho shoutouts to you sir for realizing what a shit candidate  "I promise not to talk about your massive plastic surgeries" Donald "My twitter has become so powerful" Trump is, even though he's in your party :]
lool that reminds me lemme find this comedy cold of trump
You forgot "all Mexicans are rapists" and "John McCain isn't a war hero for being captured and tortured in Vietnam."
Bulbear! Blueflower999


let's be honest, a president's political standing does not determine how good of a president he is.
That being said, in general a billionaire airhead shouldn't ever be president