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The Post Your Thoughts of the Moment Thread 2

Started by Harvest, February 22, 2008, 12:40:22 PM

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This topic is vain. Let's move on to another topic.

How are your summer vacations? (If you guys have em :P)

Mines is full to the brim with summer homework and SAT prep... ugh.


Quote from: Ricky on July 27, 2013, 12:17:24 AMI think this thing about being "cultured" is somewhat wierd. Most people if they are somewhat cultured are it maybe in one or two areas. I know plenty about music and think I'm cultured in classical music but I'm not cultured in fiction (or maybe more specifically fantasy) books (although I've read the LotR trilogy, The Hobbit, Similarion and most of the Harry Potter books) or in paintings etc. for instance. Actually I don't feel I'm cultured in books at all actually imo as I barely read anything outside of schoolbooks or sometimes books about music. Plus when do you reach the level of being "cultured"? What defines it?

A certain level of education seems to be it. Socrates talked about it. I don't remember all of them off the top of my head but it seems to be the general education in most colleges here. That includes math, science, English (native language) writing and literature, music, art, history, philosophy, sociology/anthropology, religious and cultural studies, foreign language and health/physical education. This is about 2 years of classes -.-

The list of subjects might not be so important as what you actually absorb from the class.

I seem to be missing a piece of my ear.


I think culture is something that shows what you happened to grow up with and learn from, for example, people with two different backgrounds that have never read the same books/watched the same movies can be equally as cultured.

But guys stop arguing, xD


Quote from: Ruto on July 26, 2013, 11:34:12 PMI never watched Star Trek

Is this odd? I have never watched it either and I really don't know anyone who has.
In Finnish hunting culture it is common for hunters to shoot everything that moves, sometimes even themselves.

Quote from: Saria
I love you. <3
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I love you
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<3 u2 Gary


Quote from: GaryOak on July 27, 2013, 03:40:30 AMIs this odd? I have never watched it either and I really don't know anyone who has.
I haven't watched it either. Sci-fi about space doesn't interest me at all.


I think I've only met one person in my entire life who has watched Star Trek
Birdo for Smash


I only watched Star Trek during class after the AP testing day. I wasn't that much interested in it. I love astronomy, just not sci-fi.


I've never seen it, but I have a bunch of friends who have.
"Today's goal strongly involves not dying. Because nobody likes to wake up dead."

My Arrangements
Finale Version(s): Finale Notepad 2012, Finale 2012, Finale v26


how did that become the discussion topic.. ???
Birdo for Smash


I don't know but I don't care. I think talking about Star Trek is way better than arguing about a pile of books. :P
"Today's goal strongly involves not dying. Because nobody likes to wake up dead."

My Arrangements
Finale Version(s): Finale Notepad 2012, Finale 2012, Finale v26


Quote from: Dudeman on January 23, 2017, 05:35:59 PM
straight from the department of redundancy department


Quote from: Tobbeh99 on April 21, 2016, 02:56:11 PM
Fuck logic, that shit is boring, lame and does not always support my opinions.
