The Post Your Thoughts of the Moment Thread 2

Started by Harvest, February 22, 2008, 12:40:22 PM

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Coming on NSM at the end of a long day and seeing one user's name on all the most recent posts. On like, ALL the boards.
Quote from: K-NiGhT on April 11, 2024, 11:54:48 AMwow, 20 years

*crumbles into dust and blows away in the wind*


CobraRoll, I don't think Calculus would be the best route for teaching in this case, given the level of Maths expertise he has so far. :P


Who Knight?

Also is this definetley right?

QuoteSA= 2πR² + 2πRH

Would it not be 2πR^2 + 2πR^2H ?

I'm probably wrong (I am the dumb guy after all)

Also what I don't get is why we use 'π' to work it out? I just though 'π' was an never ending number, why does a never ending number help find out a cirlces are/volume/surface area

And yeh, Scotlands education isn't good guys! This is the country where you get people drinking at 11 (very common, not just the dodgy people) and you see people getting pregnant when they're still at high school. I'm doing my last 3 years of school now, I'm in top class and stuck with a 60yr old teacher who talks in riddles! :(


If you're given a cylinder with circle bases, to find the surface area, you'll add the areas of the two circles and the rectangle that forms afterwards.  Imagine removing the two circles and then cutting whatever you have left so that it's not connected like so:

So the SA = Area of Circle + Area of Circle + Area of Rectangle = πr^2+πr^2+bh
But we know that the base of the rectangle is equal to the circumference of a circle (use the image above to visualise how), which is 2πr, so the above formula, after simplification, becomes: SA = 2πr^2+2πrh

EDIT: Fixed a typo because they won't do!!!


Wow, thanks so much guys!! This really helps so much and I think I could get around 70% now!

Sir Dino

Achieve for perfection is the key towards accomplishment~


As for why we use pi (which is irrational), we have to approximate, you can never really get an exact number. That doesn't make a difference though for all practical purposes. Nobody can tell the difference between a board of length pi and of length 3.1415927. :P


omg u guise r duin maths ii h8 u go awai u ruind this thread nd im nevr cumming back.

Party Hard!


Why would you say that Kman?!? This stuff is the best!

And I'm sorry I missed the conversation, but Boy, any more questions, pm me too.  I'd love to help!


Quote from: dahans on March 07, 2013, 12:32:44 PMOh my... it feels like ages ago since I have last posted here.... I AM SORRY :S

I'd like a big chocolate apology cake and a 10 minute long hug/hysterical sobbing...

I seem to be missing a piece of my ear.


Guys just done the test super easy but we can finish it on Monday, stuck on a few questions.

Percentage growth and decay, how 2 to do it?


Someone play showdown with me.

I don't know how to play.


I would recommend editing your team out of that post.

I'll battle you.

EDIT: Idk what's your name in Showdown :(
