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The Post Your Thoughts of the Moment Thread 2

Started by Harvest, February 22, 2008, 12:40:22 PM

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You should ask wolf, he's the one who posted it.
I'm just spreading the good word.
Arrangement Project? It's a maybe.


I attempted to play Professor Layton's theme on my violin, and somehow it turned into the sad violin song from Spongebob XD I didnt know I knew either


SFK I found your look-alike at this GLIAC swim meet. I seriously had to do a double-take. Twas uncanny.
Submissions Page
Currently using Finale 2012


Was probably me

Wait, no I work at the Tim Horton's near MM.
Quote from: Tobbeh99 on April 21, 2016, 02:56:11 PM
Fuck logic, that shit is boring, lame and does not always support my opinions.


I swear, I stop looking like random people.
and I'm going to take a picture of that guy at Tim Hortons, EVEN IF IT REQUIRES ASKING HIM TO STAY STILL FOR A PICTURE.
Arrangement Project? It's a maybe.


M'kay. So I'm writing a persuasive essay about gun laws (my point of view is that there should be restrictions on guns, but not complete banning).
The first paragraph talks violence as part of human nature, and how the government (state governments and other local authorities especially) should offer help for extreme violent behaviors, in order to reduce drastic outbursts.
The second paragraph talks about how people spew blame on other sources of media, yet fail to take into account poor parenting and other factors (abusive parents, already existing violence, etc.).

I'm doing research about the effects of video games on violent behavior, and pretty much all the articles I've found are extremely slanted and incredibly biased, stating something to the effect of "there is no doubt that violent video games make everyone more aggressive, etc. etc."
So, on one of the articles, I scroll down the the comments, and see that lots of people are pointing out the author's bias as well. -_- How am I supposed to do research properly!?!?
And the moral of the story: Quit while you're a head.

Fakemon Dex
NSM Sprite Thread
Story Thread
The Dread Somber


And here.
For both sides of the issue.

Is there a correlation between violent video games causing people to become aggressive?  Yes, of course, there's no doubt.  Is there evidence that it leads to causation of violence and people shooting others?  Most certainly not.  However, to claim that games have absolutely no affect on people is frivolous.  If your articles were saying that violent games cause aggression and a proper experiment (or experiments) is carried out, that's a strong theory, not a bias.  However, if such things claim that they cause (rather than correlate) people to become more violent (keyword; in psychology, the words aggression and violence can mean different things.  Studies have shown increases aggression, but not necessarily violence), then yes, you're correct in calling them biased.


Quote from: Mashi on February 10, 2013, 12:48:43 PMHere.
And here.
For both sides of the issue.

However, to claim that games have absolutely no affect on people is frivolous.  If your articles were saying that violent games cause aggression and a proper experiment (or experiments) is carried out, that's a strong theory, not a bias.  However, if such things claim that they cause (rather than correlate) people to become more violent (keyword; in psychology, the words aggression and violence can mean different things.  Studies have shown increases aggression, but not necessarily violence), then yes, you're correct in calling them biased.
Thank you for the links. :)

It's obvious that they have some effect, but there are usually many other factors combined, which I have not seen studied as well. Some of the authors do not address counterarguements, or, in one case, that is where the trouble arises (such as confirmation bias).

On a completely different note (no pun intended), I'm considering eventually upgrading to Finale SongWriter; it has most of the features I'm looking for, isn't really expensive like Finale (although Finale has a lot more features, I'm not sure if it would be affordable or even worth it for me at the current moment), and isn't really stuck at the "inbetween-phase" like PrintMusic seems to be... and it's certainly a lot better than Notepad.
In the words of Bespinben:
Quote from: Bespinben on July 07, 2012, 03:44:44 PMNotepad is - no joke - designed to frustrate you, that way you'll be compelled to purchase a higher model.
I suppose Notepad has finally cracked me. :P
And the moral of the story: Quit while you're a head.

Fakemon Dex
NSM Sprite Thread
Story Thread
The Dread Somber


So I was thinking of adding some of you NSM people in my Skype.


I'll add you back when I get a new computer.
I like food.



Do we have a skype topic?? Should we make one, or is that just as bad as the cell phone one??

I don't have a skype yet, but once I get one, I plan on adding all youze guyz.
Party Hard!


Try to do everything; you're bound to succeed with at least one.


I was on a cruise with our student group and there was a epic moment when girls were watching porn in their cabin and at the same time we were watching Pokemon in our cabin.
In Finnish hunting culture it is common for hunters to shoot everything that moves, sometimes even themselves.

Quote from: Saria
I love you. <3
Quote from: Bubbles
I love you
Quote from: Waddle Bro
<3 u2 Gary


Quote from: Kman96 on February 10, 2013, 07:37:35 PMDo we have a skype topic?? Should we make one, or is that just as bad as the cell phone one??

I don't have a skype yet, but once I get one, I plan on adding all youze guyz.
We do have a Skype topic. No one has posted in it for some time, though.
Bulbear! Blueflower999