The Post Your Thoughts of the Moment Thread 2

Started by Harvest, February 22, 2008, 12:40:22 PM

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Quote from: noxus21 on July 12, 2008, 01:03:46 AM
Quote from: PseudoMario16 on July 11, 2008, 10:37:52 PM
Quote from: HugoMeister on July 10, 2008, 03:38:22 PMI guess I'm luckier than most people with cars. My grandma can't drive hers anymore, so she's giving it to me I think. Its already payed off, and its in really good condition, so all i have to pay is insurance and gas.
wait, ur GRANDMA is giving u a car? ??? what car would ur grandma give you??? i mean, i suppose it would be better than not getting a car at all, but, i mean, what car could ur grandma give you

maybe its a bugatti veyron :P
ohnoes hes starting abou the the veyron again,
mythought: i'm gonna marry someone in second life ^.^
please delete this account


Quote from: PseudoMario16 on July 11, 2008, 10:37:52 PM
Quote from: HugoMeister on July 10, 2008, 03:38:22 PMI guess I'm luckier than most people with cars. My grandma can't drive hers anymore, so she's giving it to me I think. Its already payed off, and its in really good condition, so all i have to pay is insurance and gas.
wait, ur GRANDMA is giving u a car? ??? what car would ur grandma give you??? i mean, i suppose it would be better than not getting a car at all, but, i mean, what car could ur grandma give you

A newly refurbished Grand AM SE. :P

I hate the color though...bright red.

Quote from: sipan1234bow to the longest child ever


dammit... my laptop is broken, now im resigned to my horrible desktop -_- pentium 3 + 256 mb ram = fail...
It's on a need-to-know basis that you don't need to know.


Quote from: HugoMeister on July 12, 2008, 09:06:21 AMA newly refurbished Grand AM SE. :P

I hate the color though...bright red.
that's lucky... i would expect something like, a Lincoln Towncar or a Buick lol! That's what my grandparents have. (and a whole bunch of other old people who seriously shouldn't be driving >_>)

EDIT: Hooray i'm going shopping today!! ^_^

Please follow me and my art on Instagram :D

Concerto No.20 in D minor

I HATE going clothes shopping.  Its like......COME ON ALREADY!  You know?!


Quote from: Concerto No.20 in D minor on July 12, 2008, 06:39:47 PMI HATE going clothes shopping.  Its like......COME ON ALREADY!  You know?!
SEROISLY!!!! You try having 2 sisters >__> (One whos a twin and one whos already married but still lives with you now that's old school) but if My mom goes somewhere...we all have to go somewhere and if it's on a school bread or summer >__> it's usually the mall we go to and I'm the only boy in the family(Excluding my bro-in-law and dad cause there at work) so Here's the low down. 1 Boy (Me) and 5 Girls (My Mom, Twin Sis, Older Sis, 8Yr old Neice and cute little 8 month old baby niece X3 She's so cute) but yeah that's how my life is in the morning till my dad gets back from work >__> but aside that MAN there was a BIG thunder storm last night (As of July 11) hope there wont be one tonight (As of July 12) -_-;


My thoughts of the moment:

I'm playing laser tag all next week.

Quote from: Gamer4250 on July 11, 2008, 10:28:00 AMThe 360 drops $50 on Sunday.  I expect you fools that still are obsessed with Brawl to go and get some real games.
I betcha he's talking about me.


Quote from: MetroidHunter26 on July 12, 2008, 09:14:48 PM
Quote from: Concerto No.20 in D minor on July 12, 2008, 06:39:47 PMI HATE going clothes shopping.  Its like......COME ON ALREADY!  You know?!
SEROISLY!!!! You try having 2 sisters >__> (One whos a twin and one whos already married but still lives with you now that's old school) but if My mom goes somewhere...we all have to go somewhere and if it's on a school bread or summer >__> it's usually the mall we go to and I'm the only boy in the family(Excluding my bro-in-law and dad cause there at work) so Here's the low down. 1 Boy (Me) and 5 Girls (My Mom, Twin Sis, Older Sis, 8Yr old Neice and cute little 8 month old baby niece X3 She's so cute) but yeah that's how my life is in the morning till my dad gets back from work >__> but aside that MAN there was a BIG thunder storm last night (As of July 11) hope there wont be one tonight (As of July 12) -_-;

exactly how i feel.... i have 2 sisters and my dad is at work most of teh day i usually have to go where they go (sometimes i stay homealone...). now i wouldn't mind if they knew what they were gonna get but they NEVER DO! it takes them like 5 hours to run through a mall they've been to like 10 times and then they'll have bought nothing... and of course our mall doesn't have any video game stores or anything... -.- ... and were always moving so i can't really play my ds or anything... and then when my sister's friends come over all they play is rock band nowadays... so i'm left with teh safe haven of my ds.... -.-..
Conversation on Shoddy Battle:
<death09>my girlfriend broke up with me and sent me pix of her and her new boyfriend in bed
<death09>yeah. i sent them to her dad

Before you post you might want to make sure you have a couple of these: ..!!??,,,

Feel free to place them wherever.


heh, when were going shopping i'm like: okay you go onto that store and i'll be over there *walks into gaming store*
please delete this account


That Meowth sig Palagerini has still makes me laugh :D

me irl


QuoteA Fair Farewell

Most of the time, the end is considered to be as something negative. Being optimistic prevents becoming depressive or even melancholic, so see the end as something positive. Death, for example, is usually (which is pretty normal in my opinion) considered to be negative. In the Middle Ages, people lived for their life after their current one. The wonderful paintings from that time are all anonymous, as they created it for God. The more they did for God, the better the after-life would be. In the Renaissance, however, people started to focus more on their selves instead of God. Even though the Church is losing popularity these days, the Middle Ages view on death remains in other religions like Buddhism.

I'll be leaving, too. Of course I won't die, but I'll withdraw as administrator of NinSheetMusic. I got less and less time to spend time on the site and forums, and since life is getting busier each day, I decided to stop as an administrator - for real this time. My dear Finnish friend JaMaHa will look after the site as he's the one I trust most and has putted more work in this site than I did. Even though my holidays have begun since early June, I haven't got a bit of time to work on the site. Now, beside my work, with the E3, two holidays and the Leipzig Games Convention (where I'll be participating as a journalist) coming up, I can barely find time for NSM. In addition, early September university begins so from then on I'll have to put every single minute in revision as it appears to be a pretty tough study.

It's not jut time which is the reason for my leave, to be honest. Slowly, but certainly, I started to lose interest. Neither in NinSheetMusic nor gaming nor arranging, but in being an administrator. As I have no knowledge of PHP, MySQL or even HTML (well, just a bit), all I can do is command others to fix things how I'd like them. And I hate commanding others, seriously. Bossing around isn't something I should be doing, actually. I'd rather do things myself, but since I'm not able to achieve the imagined result, I had to command JaMaHa and Dekudude over and over again.

Like I said, I haven't lost interest in arranging. That's why I don't want to leave without giving something in return. All these years, ever since I started NinSheetMusic as a small website on Freewebs, I've been supported by people, who made it possible for NSM to grow. And it grew indeed, considering the fact it's one of the biggest (if not the biggest) video game sheet music archive online. I'd like to thank anyone who helped me, or I should be saying us as we're a real team, to expand NSM to its current state. I'll be submitting my final arrangements I've worked on the past few weeks, as a tribute to Yasunori Mitsuda's masterpiece soundtrack Chrono Trigger. In the case you didn't know, the Square-titel which was originally released for the SNES in 1995 will be rereleased for the Nintendo DS, which is naturally fantastic news! The songs I've released and added to the database as sheet music so far, are the ones listed below:

Read the update for today.

 :'( :'( :'(


didn't g-han leave once before and then later he came back? or i might not remember things correctly...

but a pity that he's leaving (to whatever extent), but like everyone else, it seems that many who say they're leaving still return...
It's on a need-to-know basis that you don't need to know.

Concerto No.20 in D minor

blah!  I order you to change your avatar, its old and annoying.  Please?

Composer #40

Your asking him to change it when I didn't change mine for 2 years!? (I think)

It seems I can do arrangements by ear. No good a chords though.  :(

It happens Every. Day!


I wish I had a keyboard with more instruments.

---The Werewolf Game, Try it out! It's free.