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The Deku Trombonist's Arrangements

Started by The Deku Trombonist, August 28, 2009, 11:34:09 PM

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Or he could not waste time on an ending when it's not there/not necessary and leave it up to the individuals to do so themselves. Then he'd have plenty more time to make moar donkey kong country replacements! =D


The Deku Trombonist

Quote from: universe-X on January 11, 2011, 02:14:45 PMHowever, it'd be better if you were to make an ending, just so there won't have to be any improvisation forced on the player. :P
What's wrong with improvising? It's an awesome skill to have, so why not practise it?

Nakah: Contrary to what may be popular belief, I actually don't really want to spend all my time here doing replacements. But someone's got to do it.

Having said that, here's another one. It's pretty crap and I'm not really sure about the key signatures, but at least it's something. Hopefully someone can tell me what to do with it, besides throw it in the bin :P

[SNES] Donkey Kong Country


Actually, I can't find any obvious mistakes. It's certainly better than the one already on the site anyway.
The only fixes I can find are that the tempo is a bit too slow (it should be about 100, not 92). And maybe in measures 13-16 and 27-30 you should have the last set of sixteenth-eighth be kind of swung instead of the straight feel. I went ahead and changed it for an example, so you can choose which rhythm you think is closer to the original.
Thanks again for more DKC!
Guitar and video games.


It's actually great. For one of the trickier songs in the game that has a lot of sounds in one, you fit it together nicely.

QuoteNakah: Contrary to what may be popular belief, I actually don't really want to spend all my time here doing replacements. But someone's got to do it.

But Deku, every DKC replacement you do revives a bit more of my childhood within me. What could be better than bringing life back into others?

I'm not sure which other songs from DKC are on your priority list, but if you do decide to take a break from them please find the time to do the DKC 2: World Map Theme if you can. That's my all time favorite and is one that needs replacement pretty badly. No rush, though. You're doing superb.

The Deku Trombonist

Sekter77: You're right about those two things. I've fixed them up but I can't be bothered uploading them.

Nakah: Bring life back? I think I'll leave that one to Jesus :P (no I'm not religious before anyone gets the wrong idea).

I figured I better do something for today so I quickly knocked this one up in about half an hour.

[SNES] Donkey Kong Country 2: Diddy's Kong Quest
  • Island Map - Mus | Midi - (Replacement)

Can you spot the hidden pun?


Wow. I can't believe I never noticed that pun before. That's pretty clever!

The arrangement has kind of an empty bass part, especially in measures 3-5. I figured it would have more of the violin/string part in it. (measures 12 and 14 have a cool background string part too) But since you put this one up so quickly I guess you just didn't have enough time to get it worked out.

And even though you may not like doing all these arrangements, it is really appreciated. I've spent my free time learning these DKC replacements on guitar. They're great practice and lots of fun.
Guitar and video games.

The Deku Trombonist

Quote from: Sekter77 on January 13, 2011, 07:33:02 AMBut since you put this one up so quickly I guess you just didn't have enough time to get it worked out.
Nope, I had a choice of either the bass or the strings and I just picked the bass. Combining the two doesn't work, it's just unplayable.

So here's version 2 of the Map theme. Which one do you like better? I've left the links up for the version 1.

Donkey Kong Country 2 - Island Map  - Mus | Midi


Hmmm. It's actually a pretty close race. I'm going to go with the second version with the string part though. Other than the A held at the beginning and the half notes in 12 and 14 (which aren't huge losses), everything's there. It just feels a little more complete in the second version.
I think I'll save both though, just in case. ;)

Can't wait to see what's next!
Guitar and video games.


I personally like version 2 better. It sounds more whole and doesn't leave the listener imagining what the bass sounds like in the actual song. It's not an easy song to arrange, that's for sure, but this version sounds more close to the real song in my opinion.

The Deku Trombonist

Alrighty, option 2 it is then.

I figured I'd post this today seeing as I probably won't get the chance to arrange anything. I've been sitting on this one for about 3 weeks now. It's probably the best thing I've ever done, well it's my personal favourite anyway.

[GCN] Kirby Air Ride
  • Nebula Belt (Two Pianos) - Mus | Midi


Holy crap this is so awesome! I love the Kirby Air Ride soundtrack and this just made my night. This can easily go up there with Brassman's excellent duets.
A few suggestions though: in Measures 46 and 56, there's a quick high-pitched synth thing that could go in Piano 1's right hand.
*In Measure 26, I think the left-hand part in Piano 1 has an eighth-note triplet on beat 2.
*Measures 21-22, shouldn't Piano 2's left hand also be played on the "and" of beat 3 instead of the quarter rest?
*At the beginning, maybe Piano 1's right hand could also cut out at beat 2 instead of continuing to play that sixteenth-note run. I think it works a little better anyway.
*And finally, is the key signature supposed to be all naturals?
(The section could also use some cleaning up as there's a redundant sheet there and some other things, but that's for a different post.)

These are all just nitpicky things though, this is seriously great.
And thanks for a duet, they are the only way to really express a Kirby Air Ride song. They're too complex for just one player.
(Maybe you could do a duet to replace the City Theme too? *crosses fingers*)
Guitar and video games.


Really like DKC map! Of course, I feel the need to be nitpicky and suggest maybe using the soundtrack title of the piece, "Simian Segue"? I noticed you used Aquatic Ambience as the title for the water piece and figured a neat trend would be nice. :D Excellent work!


I hate to correct again, but it would actually be "DK Island Swing." Simian Segue is the title screen music.
And the map for DKC2 would be "Welcome to Crocodile Isle."
Aquatic Ambience and Fear Factory are both totally accurate names.
Guitar and video games.

The Deku Trombonist

Measure 46 & 56: I can hardly make out the notes at 46 but I'll put something there. 56 is a little easier.
Measure 26: Nope, that's just the snare drum
Measure 21-22: I initially thought that too, but eventually realised that the only thing on the and of 3 is the "bass trombone" pumping out low G's.
Beginning: Fixed.
Key signature: Done.

Links will be updated in a minute.

Quote from: Sekter77 on January 14, 2011, 08:30:52 PM(Maybe you could do a duet to replace the City Theme too? *crosses fingers*)
City theme? Umm...that's a toughie. Like a real toughie. On another note, argh not another request! I've got a huge piling list of those to do...

Quote from: Sekter77 on January 14, 2011, 08:30:52 PM(The section could also use some cleaning up as there's a redundant sheet there and some other things, but that's for a different post.)
Feel free to post replacement requests in here seeing as that's about all I end up doing these days aside from the occasional burst of inspiration & motivation.

Omg...what is this...2 new replies while typing!?!

I'd seen two conflicting names for the map theme of DKC so I left it as map theme. As for DKC2 map theme, I just figured "Island Map" may seem more obvious to more people as opposed to "Welcome to Crocodile Isle" but if it matters that much, I guess it's not too much effort to change it.