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The Deku Trombonist's Arrangements

Started by The Deku Trombonist, August 28, 2009, 11:34:09 PM

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The Deku Trombonist

Another one. If I'm lucky, I may squeeze one more in today, if not, meh.

[SNES] Donkey Kong Country
  • Fear Factory - Mus | Midi - (Replacement)


Awesome! Donkey Kong Country music is fantastic, but it is difficult to transcribe because it's very atmospheric. They're really good, but I do have a couple of suggestions. In Aquatic Ambience, could you put in the tinkly instrument part or whatever that is in the last two measures to fill out the treble part? And in Fear Factory, I think measures 13 and 14 need to repeat another time.

I'm also glad you finished up the Animal Crossing sheets too. I didn't realize how great those sounded on piano until a couple weeks ago. So would it be too much to ask to have you do the Title Screen music from AC: Wild World? It's just that that section seems a bit lonely compared to the Gamecube one.

Either way, thanks for making all these quality sheets and getting this place cleaned up.
Guitar and video games.


The Deku Trombonist

Brassman: I'll add a midi then

Aquatic Ambience: I atually added those bits in yesterday but I neither uploaded what I did or saved it so I guess I have to do it again.
Fear Factory: Just went back for a listen and thanks for finding that one. Turns out I also missed out an entire section as well so now you get a whole extra page of music!
Title Screen: Maybe in between replacements if I get bored but I'm focusing on replacements for now. Don't count on it being done within the next few months or anything.

I'll update the links in my previous post for Fear Factory in a sec.

EDIT: All the links for Fear Factory and Aquatic Ambience are now updated and are in the opening post.


A whole page sounds great to me! Thanks for those fixes. And don't worry about rushing off to do the Title Screen, replacements are just as good as new sheets for me. I'll just be patient until you get around to it. I'm sure plenty of other cool stuff will keep me occupied until then.

Almost forgot, you should probably take those Zelda sheets you've uploaded (Zelda II replacements and LTTP) off your opening post to save some space.
Guitar and video games.

The Deku Trombonist

Today's offering. Knocked it up in a couple of minutes from a crappy ensemble arrangement I did a while back seeing as I couldn't be bothered actually finishing what I was working on.

[WII] Super Mario Galaxy
  • Starbit Festival - Mus | Midi - (Replacement)

I cleared those things out from my opening post but it's still a pretty huge list.


Wonderful arrangement, how I love the music of Super Mario Galaxy! But I'd an optional ending, like dahans does it with his arrangements. ;)


Visit my site: VGM Sheet Music by Olimar12345 ~ Quality VGM sheet music available for free!

The Deku Trombonist

After spending some quality time at the piano attempting to do Nemesis King Koopa I realised that overlapping notes aren't always that bad. Obviously they should generally be avoided if possible but sometimes it makes sense to have them for the sake of continuity. Also, I couldn't think of any way to really avoid it in this one.

Optional ending? Well..uh..I don't really do those, I wouldn't really know what to put.


Quote from: DekuTrombonist on January 10, 2011, 01:47:19 PMI realised that overlapping notes aren't always that bad.

they're not, they just get annoying if there are too many of them.
Visit my site: VGM Sheet Music by Olimar12345 ~ Quality VGM sheet music available for free!


With an ending:

I also editted a few things in the main part. I don't know if this is the kind of ending you guys were looking for :o

The Deku Trombonist

Small playability issues in the ending that can be fixed by moving some notes into the left hand. But I'm the wrong person to ask for feedback seeing as I've never really bothered with endings.

However, I'd have to say I disagree with your edits in the main part.


Same, if you want an ending just create one; we aren't here to improvise, we are here to transcribe.
Quote from: Tobbeh99 on April 21, 2016, 02:56:11 PM
Fuck logic, that shit is boring, lame and does not always support my opinions.


Well, I'd suggest keeping your version anyway. No waste using another page for a few measures.

However, it'd be better if you were to make an ending, just so there won't have to be any improvisation forced on the player. :P