The Deku Trombonist's Arrangements

Started by The Deku Trombonist, August 28, 2009, 11:34:09 PM

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So, DekuTrombonist. May I tell you that your Route 47 arrangement is pure amazingness?

Don't you just LOVE that song? <3
Quote from: Tobbeh99 on April 21, 2016, 02:56:11 PM
Fuck logic, that shit is boring, lame and does not always support my opinions.

The Deku Trombonist

Route 47?...hmmm...What the hell does that one sound like? *runs to overcrowded Mus Folder*

Woah! I just opened it in Finale 2010 and the anacrusis went all screwy on me. I may or may not fix that later.

Also, I don't get it, why does everybody seem to love that one? Personally, my favourite ones are the ones I've done from Secret of Mana that nobody seems to care about :P As for my other stuff, well I took 10 minutes to print off and learn Space Armada from Star Fox but as for everything else of mine, I think "meh" sums it up quite well.

But I digress, I guess its kinda cool that someone likes something I've done ;)


Well, I really only play music from games I've played. :P

Anyway, we're most likely praising it because of the song, and because you transcribed it accurately.
Quote from: Tobbeh99 on April 21, 2016, 02:56:11 PM
Fuck logic, that shit is boring, lame and does not always support my opinions.


Viewing the posts about how you discarded crap arrangements and dumb people raged...

Excellent.  They did make a good decision.

me irl


DekuTrombonist, are you still doing the SMG2 ending theme? I know it's very long, so even if you only did a little bit I'd appreciate to have it

Yes I'm really desperate for all SMG2 songs :o

The Deku Trombonist

Not really. I'm not really doing much at the moment. I guess I probably should get back to doing it. In the mean time, a posted what I got of like the first minute or so somewhere a few pages back so I guess you could dig that up.

The Deku Trombonist

[N64] The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask
  • Title Screen - Mus

2 things I'm a little unsure of:
1) Is the left hand ok between Measures 25 & 40?
2) I'm a little uncertain about Measure 71 to the end, particularly the chord on beat 4 of Measure 76.

Any feedback & corrections would be appreciated ;)


Hey, Deku!
I was just wandering if you could do the overture of Banjo Tooie - make a set with the original overture?


Nice job on the title theme, I've been playing Clocktown for a few years now, I wanted to ask, when the left hand breaks at about measure 30 (im not completely sure) Is it the same left hand a clocktown on day 2?

It seemed like it was with a few changes, so I'm not completely sure if I'd be right if i told you the left hand was different XD. But otherwise, i love it, I enjoy Majora's mask music a lot :P

The Deku Trombonist

O-shiii....... You're right, it is the same as Clocktown Day 2. Nice pickup there! I should probably go back and transcribe it from that recording instead seeing as it's alot easier to hear. The strings in the Title screen are really faint so I just did the best I could.

Banjo Tooie Overture? I dunno, I'm not really arranging much of my own stuff at the moment. If you can wait about 6 months, sure, I'll give it a go.


On Majora's Mask Title Screen: why did you change to 4/4 at the end? 6/8 still works for all the measures, and for me it would be easier to read without having to worry about a different way to count it. I guess it works no matter which way it's written, but it still kinda bothers me. Ultimately though, it's your call.
Guitar and video games.

The Deku Trombonist

I can't think of how else to put this, but to me, it just didn't feel very 6/8-y (it makes sense if you read it out loud :P). Also, I didn't think it was a different way to count it. 6/8 has 2 beats to the measure and 4/4 has 4 beats, still the same number of beats per minute so there's no speed change. Although, I guess it feels a little different going between the two. I dunno. But I don't really think there's too much wrong with it the way it is.


It really could've gone either way. I guess it's just easier for me to read with a consistent time, but if the song's intention is to be in 4/4 then it should transcribed that way too. Also I think someone on a YouTube comment mentioned that the end is based on another song in the game which may actually be in 4/4. So, it's fine, I can just get used to the change.
Guitar and video games.

The Deku Trombonist

I finally got the motivation to arrange something for myself.

[SNES] Secret of Mana

This'd have to be my favourite VG song for the moment. I don't know why, I just think it's beautiful.

And here's a YouTube link if you happen to feel so inclined.