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Finale questions

Started by Nana1Popo2, August 15, 2009, 10:14:58 AM

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k, so im putting music from a score into finale, and need some help with decifering it and how to enter it in.

k, for one, this is all for Marching Band....

1. k, so, one problem is on the Bass Line, there are slashes over the middle two spaces......does that just mean that those two drums are being played at the same time?

2. what does it mean when there are slashes through the notes on the Snare and Cymbal Line? and how can i get that into playback wise

3. on the snare line, on the first space ( the "E" spot) on the score it shows what looks like a little triangle.....not a perfect triangle, it kinda looks like a 30-60-90 triangle, if u know what i mean. what is it, and how can i enter it in and have it playback?

4. aaand, on the Cymbal line.... can someone tell me the difference between these different cymbals? k, so on the score on the "B" line, it will sometimes show an "x" and a regular note......same goes for the "A" space......thank you. :)

thank for anyone that can help, this would be greatly appreciated....

EDIT: or maybe just in general, how to use the Marching Percussion Template/ Mapping stuff....
Kappa Kappa Psi, National Honorary Band Fraternity; ASU Alumnus '16; DCP '16


1. Yes.  Assuming you mean the bass drum line, that means all drums play there in unison.  To put that into your arrangement, highlight the section or notes you want to change with the Staff Tool then press R on your keyboard.

2.  Usually, in drum music each slash through a note means you cut the value of the note in half and play twice as many notes.  For example, one slash over an eighth-note would be played as two 16ths, and two slashes over an eighth-note would be played as four 32nds.  Unfortunately, Finale does not play this back correctly.

3.  I've never seen this one.

4.  I'm not entirely confident on this one either.  One thing I know for sure, is that when we made arrangements for our band (my friend, head of the drumline, took care of the percussion) he made sure to write out what type of "crash" they were supposed to do over a note.

The best advice i could give you, is to contact someone in the drumline that knows what they're doing and ask them.  Also, Finale isn't the best with drums, so concentrate on how it looks over how it sounds.


ok...thanks! a, :)

1. ok

2. ok thank you (i knew about the articulation one like 1-2-3 slashes.... but i just wondered if it was on the note itself if it had the same effect )

3. ya, its ok, i just put in a random click :)

4. ok..i made it what i think it should sound :P cuz they already have their music, im jsut putting the score into Finale to make a better recording, because the one we have now of this song is only a MIDI one.....

and i saw that Finale 2010 made it easier for percussion it shows the name of the equipment as u put the cursor over the line/space...or somethin like that.... :P
Kappa Kappa Psi, National Honorary Band Fraternity; ASU Alumnus '16; DCP '16


Oh awesome.  I'll have to look at 2010.  And I'm glad to have helped.