who cares

Started by Shadoninja, August 13, 2009, 10:34:38 PM

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Quote from: MaestroUGC on August 19, 2015, 12:22:27 PMBraixen is a wonderful [insert gender] with beautiful [corresponding gender trait] and is just the darlingest at [stereotypical activity typically associated with said gender] you ever saw.



Quote from: Tobbeh99 on January 21, 2016, 05:29:50 AMWIP-file?? Haven't heard of those, is that a new ZIP-format??  ;)
"And so my saga of quoting myself in everyone's signature continues" - dudeman


"And so my saga of quoting myself in everyone's signature continues" - dudeman


"And so my saga of quoting myself in everyone's signature continues" - dudeman


"And so my saga of quoting myself in everyone's signature continues" - dudeman


"And so my saga of quoting myself in everyone's signature continues" - dudeman


finally updated the OP with every song I have on tumblr. [lays down forever]

What a fucking waste of time
"And so my saga of quoting myself in everyone's signature continues" - dudeman


wall of text nobody wants to read not even me
im so proud of you son i really want to thank you for all that you've done it makes me sad that either you've been away or that i've been away or that we've both been away but you've done so much and i think a lot of us really appreciate what you have done and no other shado or ninja could really ever replace you, this might sound like a run on but really it's just a bunch of sentences typed together without periods, my head hurts and i just ran two miles and im failing multiple classes and i had an opportunity to make up for some of them but i didnt open up my email until today and over 12 quizzes that i didnt do before my teacher opened them up and said i had until last friday to do them, i might fail but you, you shadoninja are an inspiration, you do so much and i would thank you more often but unfortunately i am not infallible, and neither are many of us here on this site, so we did not properly thank you for the hard work you have done, but i do think i speak for many of us when i say we appreciate not only all that you have done for us but what you have done while you were away, this might sound mocking but i do mean it sincerely, my head still hurts for running two miles, but from now on there will be no more nonzero days, i have a vague idea of what that means but really i still havent finished reading that post, today i have a mentor meeting after my 9 oclock class and all students have to meet with their mentor in order to be able to sign up for classes next semester, but it's kind of stupid that i need to sign up for my classes before i even know what i am going to pass this semester, i think what im trying to say is i really like your arrangements and all of the hard work you've put into them, even if some of them are for the ocarina and i cant play the ocarina, mostly because im too lazy to learn, i hardly even play the piano anymore except i play lost woods over and over and over again, it's really stupid, but you're not stupid and if only we could all be not stupid then maybe we would have shown our appreciation more and you would have never left, i think i was already away from nsm when you left but i visit from time to time and i should have talked to you more often, i should have talked to everyone more often because there are so many people that i care about and i end up not talking to any of them, and then one day i decide im going to work super hard to stay friends with this one person and then i guess it became a date, and then that weekend was over and i knew there wasnt going to be any more dating but i was so determined to stay friends with them that i also became super scared that i wasnt going to be friends with them any more, i was afraid it was going to turn out like the last person i dated, where one day they just stopped talking to me, so i messaged them hey pls dont stop messaging me i might die, and then i added maybe i wont actually die but yeah, and then they said ok and then i didnt really get any more messages from them, so i messaged them every day and then every few days and then i gave them two weeks of space but it wasnt working, it wasnt working, and im so sorry, i dont know what i did, i am so sorry that i couldnt be a better friend to at least that one person, and now im doing so bad in school and i had a chance to make up for it and then i fucking blew it, i dont even know what the hell happened monday through thursday when i was supposed to be catching up, maybe it was part fire emblem, part hanging out with my brother who came home from the other side of the world after two years, maybe i can talk to my teacher and they'll let me make up for the work i missed but i have more than one teacher, i have at least four teachers and that's over two months of quizzes and homework to catch up on for four different classes, i dont have any fucking idea how i got so behind, but i know im filled with regrets and i can still be emotionally okay because i am the embodiment of out of sight, out of mind, except when it comes to that failed friendship, where i thought of them literally every single day, and i wondered every day what might have went wrong, what did i do, what /can/ i do to fix it, and i thought that, i felt that i HAD to not give up no matter what, so i haven't given up on them, and i'm waiting for their response even now, and since they won't respond to me i tried a mutual acquaintance who is another friend that i havent talked to recently, and shadoninja is another friend i havent talked to recently, but they are definitely worth my time and a lot of people's times and i once learned an arrangement of shadoninja (swapnote) and i practiced it over and over again but i never recorded it ever and one day i found a second page to that arrangement lying around which means i only learned half the song, then one day i opened tinychat just to see what was going on and shadoninja was there and i asked which arrangement of theirs i should play and it was a cool song but my head still hurts a little and i dont really remember it at the moment, i once heard that hang overs after drinking are just due to dehydration, anyway i learned that song shadoninja sent to me but my performance was super mediocre and i just looked it up the name of it was shopping in wakeport, im sorry that i didnt put more dynamics/effort into it but i felt if i didnt upload something then it would never ever get uploaded just like all my previous projects that i talked about with you (let's not even mention rhythm heaven,) anyway now i have a stomach ache but im sure ill feel better before i have to wake up someone for school; ive been going to college for a couple years now, still only have my permit, which means i can drive but only when there is somebody in the passenger seat, i carpool with my other brother (the one not visiting from the other side of the world,) because we go to the same college now but he's not even home, he was helping his girlfriend move apartments, im probably just going to wake my mom up, im going to fail and im concerned right now but later when im feeling especially stressed ill use that super power of mine where i can just ignore stress and not think about my problems, which will then lead to me not dealing with my problems, which is probably how i ended up in this mess in the first place. sorry, i think i got off on a tangent here, but it's 6:50 am now, and i think i really appreciate all the hard work you've done. i probably already said that. i think you could make a portfolio of all the work you've done and probably just use it as a resumé of some sort. i mean, i guess you have your website and that's literally the portfolio. im glad you put all of your work onto this forum, too, even though you didn't have to. im sorry you felt the the need to remove some of your hard work from this web site, and im sorry i mixed in my praise of you with my own problems, that's probably rude of me but at this point it would be weird for this post to be in the rant thread rather than your arrangement topic. my avatar rn does not accurately express my feelings atm, tl;dr shadoninja rocks
It's dangerous to go alone, take me with you! [JUB has joined the party.]


can I make a request?  Minish Cap songs pls! :D D:



Quote from: Jub3r7 on March 14, 2016, 03:56:58 AM
wall of text nobody wants to read not even me
im so proud of you son i really want to thank you for all that you've done it makes me sad that either you've been away or that i've been away or that we've both been away but you've done so much and i think a lot of us really appreciate what you have done and no other shado or ninja could really ever replace you, this might sound like a run on but really it's just a bunch of sentences typed together without periods, my head hurts and i just ran two miles and im failing multiple classes and i had an opportunity to make up for some of them but i didnt open up my email until today and over 12 quizzes that i didnt do before my teacher opened them up and said i had until last friday to do them, i might fail but you, you shadoninja are an inspiration, you do so much and i would thank you more often but unfortunately i am not infallible, and neither are many of us here on this site, so we did not properly thank you for the hard work you have done, but i do think i speak for many of us when i say we appreciate not only all that you have done for us but what you have done while you were away, this might sound mocking but i do mean it sincerely, my head still hurts for running two miles, but from now on there will be no more nonzero days, i have a vague idea of what that means but really i still havent finished reading that post, today i have a mentor meeting after my 9 oclock class and all students have to meet with their mentor in order to be able to sign up for classes next semester, but it's kind of stupid that i need to sign up for my classes before i even know what i am going to pass this semester, i think what im trying to say is i really like your arrangements and all of the hard work you've put into them, even if some of them are for the ocarina and i cant play the ocarina, mostly because im too lazy to learn, i hardly even play the piano anymore except i play lost woods over and over and over again, it's really stupid, but you're not stupid and if only we could all be not stupid then maybe we would have shown our appreciation more and you would have never left, i think i was already away from nsm when you left but i visit from time to time and i should have talked to you more often, i should have talked to everyone more often because there are so many people that i care about and i end up not talking to any of them, and then one day i decide im going to work super hard to stay friends with this one person and then i guess it became a date, and then that weekend was over and i knew there wasnt going to be any more dating but i was so determined to stay friends with them that i also became super scared that i wasnt going to be friends with them any more, i was afraid it was going to turn out like the last person i dated, where one day they just stopped talking to me, so i messaged them hey pls dont stop messaging me i might die, and then i added maybe i wont actually die but yeah, and then they said ok and then i didnt really get any more messages from them, so i messaged them every day and then every few days and then i gave them two weeks of space but it wasnt working, it wasnt working, and im so sorry, i dont know what i did, i am so sorry that i couldnt be a better friend to at least that one person, and now im doing so bad in school and i had a chance to make up for it and then i fucking blew it, i dont even know what the hell happened monday through thursday when i was supposed to be catching up, maybe it was part fire emblem, part hanging out with my brother who came home from the other side of the world after two years, maybe i can talk to my teacher and they'll let me make up for the work i missed but i have more than one teacher, i have at least four teachers and that's over two months of quizzes and homework to catch up on for four different classes, i dont have any fucking idea how i got so behind, but i know im filled with regrets and i can still be emotionally okay because i am the embodiment of out of sight, out of mind, except when it comes to that failed friendship, where i thought of them literally every single day, and i wondered every day what might have went wrong, what did i do, what /can/ i do to fix it, and i thought that, i felt that i HAD to not give up no matter what, so i haven't given up on them, and i'm waiting for their response even now, and since they won't respond to me i tried a mutual acquaintance who is another friend that i havent talked to recently, and shadoninja is another friend i havent talked to recently, but they are definitely worth my time and a lot of people's times and i once learned an arrangement of shadoninja (swapnote) and i practiced it over and over again but i never recorded it ever and one day i found a second page to that arrangement lying around which means i only learned half the song, then one day i opened tinychat just to see what was going on and shadoninja was there and i asked which arrangement of theirs i should play and it was a cool song but my head still hurts a little and i dont really remember it at the moment, i once heard that hang overs after drinking are just due to dehydration, anyway i learned that song shadoninja sent to me but my performance was super mediocre and i just looked it up the name of it was shopping in wakeport, im sorry that i didnt put more dynamics/effort into it but i felt if i didnt upload something then it would never ever get uploaded just like all my previous projects that i talked about with you (let's not even mention rhythm heaven,) anyway now i have a stomach ache but im sure ill feel better before i have to wake up someone for school; ive been going to college for a couple years now, still only have my permit, which means i can drive but only when there is somebody in the passenger seat, i carpool with my other brother (the one not visiting from the other side of the world,) because we go to the same college now but he's not even home, he was helping his girlfriend move apartments, im probably just going to wake my mom up, im going to fail and im concerned right now but later when im feeling especially stressed ill use that super power of mine where i can just ignore stress and not think about my problems, which will then lead to me not dealing with my problems, which is probably how i ended up in this mess in the first place. sorry, i think i got off on a tangent here, but it's 6:50 am now, and i think i really appreciate all the hard work you've done. i probably already said that. i think you could make a portfolio of all the work you've done and probably just use it as a resumé of some sort. i mean, i guess you have your website and that's literally the portfolio. im glad you put all of your work onto this forum, too, even though you didn't have to. im sorry you felt the the need to remove some of your hard work from this web site, and im sorry i mixed in my praise of you with my own problems, that's probably rude of me but at this point it would be weird for this post to be in the rant thread rather than your arrangement topic. my avatar rn does not accurately express my feelings atm, tl;dr shadoninja rocks
Completely unrelated to the topic but this was my reaction when I clicked on it

And the moral of the story: Quit while you're a head.

Fakemon Dex
NSM Sprite Thread
Story Thread
The Dread Somber


Quote from: Jub3r7 on March 14, 2016, 03:56:58 AM
wall of text nobody wants to read not even me
im so proud of you son i really want to thank you for all that you've done it makes me sad that either you've been away or that i've been away or that we've both been away but you've done so much and i think a lot of us really appreciate what you have done and no other shado or ninja could really ever replace you, this might sound like a run on but really it's just a bunch of sentences typed together without periods, my head hurts and i just ran two miles and im failing multiple classes and i had an opportunity to make up for some of them but i didnt open up my email until today and over 12 quizzes that i didnt do before my teacher opened them up and said i had until last friday to do them, i might fail but you, you shadoninja are an inspiration, you do so much and i would thank you more often but unfortunately i am not infallible, and neither are many of us here on this site, so we did not properly thank you for the hard work you have done, but i do think i speak for many of us when i say we appreciate not only all that you have done for us but what you have done while you were away, this might sound mocking but i do mean it sincerely, my head still hurts for running two miles, but from now on there will be no more nonzero days, i have a vague idea of what that means but really i still havent finished reading that post, today i have a mentor meeting after my 9 oclock class and all students have to meet with their mentor in order to be able to sign up for classes next semester, but it's kind of stupid that i need to sign up for my classes before i even know what i am going to pass this semester, i think what im trying to say is i really like your arrangements and all of the hard work you've put into them, even if some of them are for the ocarina and i cant play the ocarina, mostly because im too lazy to learn, i hardly even play the piano anymore except i play lost woods over and over and over again, it's really stupid, but you're not stupid and if only we could all be not stupid then maybe we would have shown our appreciation more and you would have never left, i think i was already away from nsm when you left but i visit from time to time and i should have talked to you more often, i should have talked to everyone more often because there are so many people that i care about and i end up not talking to any of them, and then one day i decide im going to work super hard to stay friends with this one person and then i guess it became a date, and then that weekend was over and i knew there wasnt going to be any more dating but i was so determined to stay friends with them that i also became super scared that i wasnt going to be friends with them any more, i was afraid it was going to turn out like the last person i dated, where one day they just stopped talking to me, so i messaged them hey pls dont stop messaging me i might die, and then i added maybe i wont actually die but yeah, and then they said ok and then i didnt really get any more messages from them, so i messaged them every day and then every few days and then i gave them two weeks of space but it wasnt working, it wasnt working, and im so sorry, i dont know what i did, i am so sorry that i couldnt be a better friend to at least that one person, and now im doing so bad in school and i had a chance to make up for it and then i fucking blew it, i dont even know what the hell happened monday through thursday when i was supposed to be catching up, maybe it was part fire emblem, part hanging out with my brother who came home from the other side of the world after two years, maybe i can talk to my teacher and they'll let me make up for the work i missed but i have more than one teacher, i have at least four teachers and that's over two months of quizzes and homework to catch up on for four different classes, i dont have any fucking idea how i got so behind, but i know im filled with regrets and i can still be emotionally okay because i am the embodiment of out of sight, out of mind, except when it comes to that failed friendship, where i thought of them literally every single day, and i wondered every day what might have went wrong, what did i do, what /can/ i do to fix it, and i thought that, i felt that i HAD to not give up no matter what, so i haven't given up on them, and i'm waiting for their response even now, and since they won't respond to me i tried a mutual acquaintance who is another friend that i havent talked to recently, and shadoninja is another friend i havent talked to recently, but they are definitely worth my time and a lot of people's times and i once learned an arrangement of shadoninja (swapnote) and i practiced it over and over again but i never recorded it ever and one day i found a second page to that arrangement lying around which means i only learned half the song, then one day i opened tinychat just to see what was going on and shadoninja was there and i asked which arrangement of theirs i should play and it was a cool song but my head still hurts a little and i dont really remember it at the moment, i once heard that hang overs after drinking are just due to dehydration, anyway i learned that song shadoninja sent to me but my performance was super mediocre and i just looked it up the name of it was shopping in wakeport, im sorry that i didnt put more dynamics/effort into it but i felt if i didnt upload something then it would never ever get uploaded just like all my previous projects that i talked about with you (let's not even mention rhythm heaven,) anyway now i have a stomach ache but im sure ill feel better before i have to wake up someone for school; ive been going to college for a couple years now, still only have my permit, which means i can drive but only when there is somebody in the passenger seat, i carpool with my other brother (the one not visiting from the other side of the world,) because we go to the same college now but he's not even home, he was helping his girlfriend move apartments, im probably just going to wake my mom up, im going to fail and im concerned right now but later when im feeling especially stressed ill use that super power of mine where i can just ignore stress and not think about my problems, which will then lead to me not dealing with my problems, which is probably how i ended up in this mess in the first place. sorry, i think i got off on a tangent here, but it's 6:50 am now, and i think i really appreciate all the hard work you've done. i probably already said that. i think you could make a portfolio of all the work you've done and probably just use it as a resumé of some sort. i mean, i guess you have your website and that's literally the portfolio. im glad you put all of your work onto this forum, too, even though you didn't have to. im sorry you felt the the need to remove some of your hard work from this web site, and im sorry i mixed in my praise of you with my own problems, that's probably rude of me but at this point it would be weird for this post to be in the rant thread rather than your arrangement topic. my avatar rn does not accurately express my feelings atm, tl;dr shadoninja rocks
[hugs] remember that just because you are failing school does not make you a failure.

Quote from: NocturneOfShadow on March 14, 2016, 12:18:34 PMcan I make a request?  Minish Cap songs pls! :D D:
maybe I'll do more minish cap songs one day eventually probably maybe
"And so my saga of quoting myself in everyone's signature continues" - dudeman


"And so my saga of quoting myself in everyone's signature continues" - dudeman


"And so my saga of quoting myself in everyone's signature continues" - dudeman


Oh hey you finished it
That was pretty fast or am I just slow lol