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Update 3 (Bonus Update: WiiMan96), Tuesday 11th of August 2009

Started by Nintendude73, August 11, 2009, 06:51:11 PM

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The third and final update today showcases the work of another of our fine arrangers, WiiMan96.  He brings us a variety of songs from a huge variety of games, including many songs that are the first of the game on the site.  Yet again, let me know if there are any problems.  I hope you enjoy all of today's additions and revisions!  Good night. :)

[NDS] Advance Wars: Days of Ruin "We Will Prevail" - WiiMan96
[GCN] Animal Crossing "Crazy Redd's Tent" - WiiMan96
[GCN] Animal Crossing "K.K. Aria" - WiiMan96
[PS1] Final Fantasy IX "Boss Battle" - WiiMan96
[PS1] Final Fantasy IX "Prelude" - WiiMan96
[PS2] Final Fantasy X "Song of Prayer" - WiiMan96
[N64] Harvest Moon 64 "Mountain" - WiiMan96
[GB] Kirby's Dreamland 2 "King Dedede Battle" - WiiMan96
[SNES] Lufia & the Fortress of Doom "Boss Battle" - WiiMan96
[SNES] Lufia & the Fortress of Doom "Ending (Duet)" - WiiMan96
[SNES] Lufia & the Fortress of Doom "Final Battle" - WiiMan96
[SNES] Lufia & the Fortress of Doom "The Fortress of Doom" - WiiMan96
[SNES] Lufia & the Fortress of Doom "The Sinistrals" - WiiMan96
[N64] Mario Party "Bowser's Magma Mountain" - WiiMan96
[N64] Mario Party "Mushroom Shop" - WiiMan96
[GBA] Mario Golf: Advance Tour "Title" - WiiMan96
[Wii] Mega Man 9 "Title" - WiiMan96
[NDS] New Super Mario Bros. "Underworld" - WiiMan96
[NES] Punch-Out!! "Fight Theme" - WiiMan96
[NES] Rad Racer "Music One" - WiiMan96
[GCN] Super Mario Sunshine "Ricco Harbor" - WiiMan96
[Wii] Super Smash Bros. Brawl "Gallery" - WiiMan96
[NES] StarTropics "Overworld" - WiiMan96
[SNES] Super Mario Kart "Victory" - WiiMan96
[ARC] Tekken 2 "Character Select" - WiiMan96
[PC] The Sims "Autoplay" - WiiMan96
[ARC] Wonder Boy "Overworld" - WiiMan96
[Wii] World of Goo "Tumbler" - WiiMan96

Edit August 12: A few more songs that were left out of the initial update for some minor adjustments:

[GBA] Bomberman Tournament "Town" - WiiMan96
[GCN] Donkey Kong Jungle Beat "Battle for Storm Hill" - WiiMan96
[PS2] Final Fantasy X "Brave Advancement" - WiiMan96

To be added at a later date when an issue with the uploader is fixed:

[PS2] Final Fantasy X "Attack (Duet)" - WiiMan96


Thank you so much! ;D I look forward to serving NSM even more in the future. :D


This brings us to 1234 sheets exactly.

Well done, Nintendude, well done.


lol yeah, I saw we had 1231 sheets, and I was thinking we should add three more sheets just to make it 1234, and sure enough, there was an edit with three extra sheets :)


Haha, I didn't even notice that until now.  Nice catch, guys. XD

And there's an image to remember it by.